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Jail break utility (super quick and simple)

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12 years ago
Sep 11, 2012, 1:43:52 AM
Here's a utility to *very* quickly and easily jailbreak one or more saves. It's a stripped down version of my save editor. You can drag saves onto the exe (or a shortcut), or just run the exe. It works with compressed and uncompressed saves, and leaves them in the format they were found.

Download it here! Remember to get the Microsoft .NET 4.0 client first.

*UPDATE*: here's a utility to unpack your saves to XML. It's far quicker than 7-zip and also formats the XML nicely.

To help searchers: savegame save game jailbreak jail break
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12 years ago
Sep 12, 2012, 1:08:49 AM
What is 'jailbreaking' in this context? I guess the rest of the community is already familiar with the term but I just got the game yesterday, so I have no idea what it means outside of the context of either breaking people out of jails or making phones/other devices capable of doing more stuff.
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12 years ago
Sep 12, 2012, 3:29:16 AM
silvermistshadow wrote:
What is 'jailbreaking' in this context? I guess the rest of the community is already familiar with the term but I just got the game yesterday, so I have no idea what it means outside of the context of either breaking people out of jails or making phones/other devices capable of doing more stuff.

When you save a game in Endless Space, the app records which empire you were playing. When you load a game, it doesn't ask which empire you'd like to play. People have been manually unpacking their saves with 7-zip, editing a certain portion, and zipping it back up so that they could see what other empires were up to. Modders were especially interested in peeking. The jailbreak app does that with almost no clicking at all.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 8:14:54 PM
I have no problem creating the .xml file using jailbreak (it didn't expire like the save game editor did) but when I convert the edited file to a .zip file using 7-zip and renamed it to a .bin file, EndlessSpace doesn't recognize it. I've also tried several xml2bin tools I found but none of them actually run. How do you convert the .xml to a .bin?

Before the save editor I found unpacking, editing and re-packing with 7-zip didn't work. Instead I opened and edited it all from within 7-zip.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 8:39:06 PM
The game should read either a plain xml file, or the 7zipped version written by the game. I am not sure if running 7zip yourself on an xml file does exactly the same thing that the game does when it saves. So, just try loading the unmodified xml file.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 9:38:14 PM
Thanks. It loaded the .xml file though it was confusing as it listed it with the original filename despite my having renamed it.
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