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xml differences between releases

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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 12:45:24 AM
Hmmm I thinking yours might be corrupt or something, mine has none of those hex looking enteries.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 11:04:15 PM
Most of the changes were about allowing the Automatons to have different ship-models than the Cravers (with no actual models implemented, only the possibility to add them).

Registry.xml has some changes supposedly related to the bankrupcy/rebellion-problem.

I've also found a fix to AI-Terraforming and a change to avoid cycling with the Dust-exploit.

Other than that... Tooltip-fixes, new path for some icons and nothing really thrilling.

Unfortunately there are no new Variables to change the Diplomatic Behaviour. Infact DiplomaticBehaviour.xml wasn't even touched. I think we'll have to wait for the next patch to see that implemented.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 10:24:17 PM
How many new variables for AI behavior were added? (Thats all that really matters honestly) Ail?
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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 3:29:59 PM
I won't be posting the differences between 1.0.19 and the Automatons release 1.0.25, since there are too many to list.
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12 years ago
Sep 19, 2012, 5:34:35 AM
Pushing an old version into "production", happens all the time, usually punishable by CAKE!
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 7:15:19 AM
davea wrote:
Apparently picking up the proper version of each file is challenging.

Yep, in fact, it's the case.
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 5:13:55 AM
davea wrote:
Apparently picking up the proper version of each file is challenging.

Snarky today, are ya? Do you use source control to track differences, or some more manual method?
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 12:22:14 AM
Differences between 1.0.18 and 1.0.19: They put back the change from "malus" to "penalty" which was in 1.0.17 but missing from 1.0.18. On the other hand, in index.xml they picked up the 1.0.14 version, which is several steps back. Apparently picking up the proper version of each file is challenging. There are some additional differences in the English localization file which indicate that a balanced galaxy generator may be in our future:

> The potential for major differences exist between the starting situation in terms of bonuses and penalties for players.

> System balancing

> Permet d'équilibrer la répartition des systèmes stellaires au sein des constellations

> Perfect

> Chaque constellation aura le même nombre de systèmes.

> Average

> Les écarts de densité de systèmes par constellation seront un peu plus importants.

> Weak

> Les écarts de densité de systèmes par constellation seront nettement plus importants.

> No balance


Also, there are strings related to a trade summary screen and the Automatons faction, but we knew these were coming.
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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 8:15:10 PM
davea wrote:
Differences between 1.0.17 and 1.0.18: there is only one; let's see if they notice. It seems that 1.0.17 had some text improvements over 1.0.16, such as correcting the word choice "malus" to "penalty" and fixing typo's such as "mprojectile" to "projectile". This change has been undone. They released the old 1.0.16 file with 1.0.18, losing all the improvements made in 1.0.17.

Also, some players have observed that random events never occur, but there are no related changes in the xml. I guess they turned it off internally.

NOOOO, i liked the random events, they were a nice challenge. (especial the one that slowed down the fleet)
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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 8:00:17 PM
Differences between 1.0.17 and 1.0.18: there is only one; let's see if they notice. It seems that 1.0.17 had some text improvements over 1.0.16, such as correcting the word choice "malus" to "penalty" and fixing typo's such as "mprojectile" to "projectile". This change has been undone. They released the old 1.0.16 file with 1.0.18, losing all the improvements made in 1.0.17.

Also, some players have observed that random events never occur, but there are no related changes in the xml. I guess they turned it off internally.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 1:05:49 AM
Hmmm I thinking yours might be corrupt or something, mine has none of those hex looking enteries.
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12 years ago
Aug 29, 2012, 12:47:42 AM
iblise wrote:
Hmmm I thinking yours might be corrupt or something, mine has none of those hex looking enteries.

Context? I do not follow "hex looking entries".
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 11:32:06 PM
In order to make sure mods are compatible from one release to another, each modder must know whether the xml files he changed, are also changed by the new version. Otherwise, a change or bug fix contained in the release may be effectively "undone" by using an old mod. Here is a complete list of the differences between the xml in 1.0.14 and 1.0.16. If you modified any of these files, please merge and re-release your mod.

1. Localization_Locales.xml:

You shouldn't be modding this file in the first place; add a separate xml file for your added/changed localization strings. A button was added to control whether ships already in your build queue are affected by upgrading their schematic. A number of other changes were made in support of the new resource screen.


Auto Upgrade Ship Design in Queue

When this option is selected and each time you modify a ship design, all ships using this ship design and placed in a construction queue will be automatically upgraded.


2. EmpireDescriptor.xml:

Added priority=1; not clear what the effect is




3. FactionTrait.xml

Removed "accumulate" from two tags. Probably an undocumented change to the way hissho "revenge" works.







4. PlanetDescriptor.xml:

Remove IsBase=true from 8 lines; not clear what the effect is










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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 11:22:11 PM
Differences between 1.0.16 and 1.0.17: No xml files changed except the following:

* in localization files (english), global search and replace from "malus" to "penalty"

* in localization files, some other minor text improvements

* in galaxyconfiguration.xml, the following, which I do not understand:





















































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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:41:47 PM
Basically in this case it means that MoneyLeach is counted before anything else.

This might give wrong image of situation for people.

That MoneyLeach includes stuff like Upkeep and others, it doesn't include heroskill moneyleach necessarily.

So basically this should mean that game first takes upkeep and other negative (or moneyleach related things) out from system and then starts to add others.

Or to make it easier to understand:

If you assing something to Upkeep thanks to this priority=1 it's calculated before Money.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 6:07:13 AM
2. EmpireDescriptor.xml:

Added priority=1; not clear what the effect is

It just means that it's highest in priority list. If and when there is several things loaded in same time Priority is important.

Basically in this case it means that MoneyLeach is counted before anything else.

4. PlanetDescriptor.xml:

Remove IsBase=true from 8 lines; not clear what the effect is

For what I understand IsBase=true means that it changes planets Base value.

Removing it either means a) that IsBase=true is not needed since it's build in to that formula or b) that Swarm bonus only rises "temporarily" values of that planet.

So either it was fix to affinity bonus which caused interesting situations or it was removing something what wasn't needed in first place. My bet is in first.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 5:08:37 AM
IsBase=True might have been code to make sure the Cravers owned whatever planet was being depleted, I have no idea what the point of having it is.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 3:08:40 AM
Nycidian wrote:
This happen to anyone else?

No, I have tested and released community-mod serial 04 over 1.0.16 and it seems to be working fine. I am developing racial-diversity serial 02 over 1.0.16 and it also seems to be working fine. Both use standalone=false.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 2:23:23 AM
Alright thank you I couldn't find a localization file in the index so I had no idea how it would work.

On a side note I had to go back to |Standalone="true"| on my index.xml because after the patch it was loading my files and all the normal files, this was easy to see since most of my Traits are categorized different in my mod. After the patch I had all my new categories and the old ones, with duplicate Traits in different categories.

This happen to anyone else?
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:58:07 AM
File localization_locales contains many lines like this:




If you want to change this text, create your own file like this (you just need the header and footer lines):




And then save it as a file with any name, such as nycidians-cool-mod.xml, in directory Modding\(your mod)\localization\english. That is all you need; the game will read its default localization file first, and then read any files in the localization directory of your mod. Your file can add new strings, or override strings in the default file.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:21:25 AM
Thanks for the work.

davea wrote:

1. Localization_Locales.xml:

You shouldn't be modding this file in the first place; add a separate xml file for your added/changed localization strings.

How exactly do I do that? I would love to add files instead of changing but I'm very worried that trying to mess with file structure will cause me a hell of a headache.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:43:13 AM
Yeah, I will wait for instructions before trying it out. But if you have nerve/patience, please go ahead and let us know any findings. The first step will be figuring out how to rip binary graphics files out of their compiled asset files. I am assuming that they will give us standalone versions to start with at some point, or else we will never get the offsets and transparencies right.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:31:00 AM
davea wrote:
1. Localization policy: don't change the main file. Add your own file in localization/english. I don't plan to translate mine, but it is nice to put the same english file into the other language directories. An occasional english string is still better than %SomeRandomTitle.

2. For me, as soon as I opened steam a couple of hours ago, it downloaded. I don't know how you can force it. I am in California, so your time zone should not matter.

3. No idea. It is very mean of them to release this feature on a Friday night without telling us how to use it.

Thank you very much!

It may be as simple as them moving the icons from assets to /public - we already know how assigning an icon to a module/tech works. Let's just hope they're .png's and not some bizarre .xgq files that can only be unpacked by certain 1998-vintage Microsoft Access macros.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:15:55 AM
1. Localization policy: don't change the main file. Add your own file in localization/english. I don't plan to translate mine, but it is nice to put the same english file into the other language directories. An occasional english string is still better than %SomeRandomTitle.

2. For me, as soon as I opened steam a couple of hours ago, it downloaded. I don't know how you can force it. I am in California, so your time zone should not matter.

3. No idea. It is very mean of them to release this feature on a Friday night without telling us how to use it.
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 11:59:00 PM
Thanks a lot for the summary, davea.

1) I remember you mentioning a suggested localization policy - mind linking me to the thread? Could definitely improve our development process.

2) Verifying the game cache integrity in Steam hasn't gotten me to 1.0.16 - any ideas, or do I wait?

3) Any news on the dimensions of the various icons they've opened up for us to mod?
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