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xml differences between releases

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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 2:23:23 AM
Alright thank you I couldn't find a localization file in the index so I had no idea how it would work.

On a side note I had to go back to |Standalone="true"| on my index.xml because after the patch it was loading my files and all the normal files, this was easy to see since most of my Traits are categorized different in my mod. After the patch I had all my new categories and the old ones, with duplicate Traits in different categories.

This happen to anyone else?
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:58:07 AM
File localization_locales contains many lines like this:




If you want to change this text, create your own file like this (you just need the header and footer lines):




And then save it as a file with any name, such as nycidians-cool-mod.xml, in directory Modding\(your mod)\localization\english. That is all you need; the game will read its default localization file first, and then read any files in the localization directory of your mod. Your file can add new strings, or override strings in the default file.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 1:21:25 AM
Thanks for the work.

davea wrote:

1. Localization_Locales.xml:

You shouldn't be modding this file in the first place; add a separate xml file for your added/changed localization strings.

How exactly do I do that? I would love to add files instead of changing but I'm very worried that trying to mess with file structure will cause me a hell of a headache.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:43:13 AM
Yeah, I will wait for instructions before trying it out. But if you have nerve/patience, please go ahead and let us know any findings. The first step will be figuring out how to rip binary graphics files out of their compiled asset files. I am assuming that they will give us standalone versions to start with at some point, or else we will never get the offsets and transparencies right.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:31:00 AM
davea wrote:
1. Localization policy: don't change the main file. Add your own file in localization/english. I don't plan to translate mine, but it is nice to put the same english file into the other language directories. An occasional english string is still better than %SomeRandomTitle.

2. For me, as soon as I opened steam a couple of hours ago, it downloaded. I don't know how you can force it. I am in California, so your time zone should not matter.

3. No idea. It is very mean of them to release this feature on a Friday night without telling us how to use it.

Thank you very much!

It may be as simple as them moving the icons from assets to /public - we already know how assigning an icon to a module/tech works. Let's just hope they're .png's and not some bizarre .xgq files that can only be unpacked by certain 1998-vintage Microsoft Access macros.
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12 years ago
Aug 25, 2012, 12:15:55 AM
1. Localization policy: don't change the main file. Add your own file in localization/english. I don't plan to translate mine, but it is nice to put the same english file into the other language directories. An occasional english string is still better than %SomeRandomTitle.

2. For me, as soon as I opened steam a couple of hours ago, it downloaded. I don't know how you can force it. I am in California, so your time zone should not matter.

3. No idea. It is very mean of them to release this feature on a Friday night without telling us how to use it.
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 11:59:00 PM
Thanks a lot for the summary, davea.

1) I remember you mentioning a suggested localization policy - mind linking me to the thread? Could definitely improve our development process.

2) Verifying the game cache integrity in Steam hasn't gotten me to 1.0.16 - any ideas, or do I wait?

3) Any news on the dimensions of the various icons they've opened up for us to mod?
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