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Secret Layer of diplomatic-behaviour?

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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 11:34:46 PM
Ail wrote:
This term is not limited to the player. It's global for everyone, regardless if player or AI.

I was aware of that when I made my post, I just specifically related it back to a player.

What I'm suggesting is that, despite whatever alterations you have made, the AI's approval of each other is significantly more important in terms of determining their reactions to each other. If you want to really discover the specifics of this then asking a question, without much in the way of specific numbers from every involved faction, isn't going to go anywhere.

You'd need to extract the approval values for every faction to every faction, or at the very least load up a save and see what they think of each other through the basic indication in the diplomacy screen.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 10:36:42 PM
Yes and no.

This term is not limited to the player. It's global for everyone, regardless if player or AI.

It basically means: Everyone can declare war on everyone else, regardless of relationship. The only limitation is that he has to have a stronger Military.

But they don't. The Teal Hissho, who is a close 2nd in score behind the evil Amobae and very likely far ahead of myself, when it comes to military, only has 1 war against one of the 5 other factions I met and is at peace with all the others. I think he has a war with the one faction I've not met yet, though.

I've also noticed that without this term, that some empires, even if they are filled with hatred for you, still won't declare war, if something else prevents them. And that "something else" is exactly what I'd like to learn about.

One theory was, that is for all empires. But in this case the Cravers should not have declared war on me because they already had a war the Hissho before.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 10:25:17 PM
If I'm interpreting that code correctly what you are essentially allowing is that the AI can/will declare war on you, regardless of your relationship with them. Whereas the current rule system restricts the AI to only declaring war below a certain Approval level?

On the assumption that I'm correct here, what defines the AI's Approval of each other? Perhaps the AI declared war on you because you were still considered "a common foe" to essentially farm approval with each other. Leading to the later alliance between the two.
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