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Dev Question: Is modding terraforming supported?

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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 4:16:20 PM
Superb Florian! Thank you so much for diving straight into this and finding a solution.

Using a new one is fine for my purposes right now, in fact in many ways I prefer it. When I get home tonight I'll go through it using your previous methodology and barring any unforeseen circumstances it should then work fine. I'll let you know either way.

Thanks again, the feedback and effort is extremely appreciated. If all developers showed this level of care for modders and their community, the gaming scene would be a much better place. smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 9:59:07 PM
Flo: Custom icons are working for both Improvements and Weapon Modules. I made a tiny typo in the file path and after reading an old post somewhere by another dev that this wasn't implemented yet I came to conclusions much quicker than I should have smiley: embarassement
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 3:39:03 PM
ThorTillas wrote:
Which icons are you trying to change and does not work? I don't know why, but in my head all icons should be modable since 1 or 2 months ago... Did I miss something?

I have not work on this part so maybe I expect something wrong... but... still... Have you try to use the "techno icon modding" process with building or module?

I will try to summons somebody who has work on that to add a more precise comment.

Errr, let me try again when I get home tonight - I admit my attempt at replacing the icons was extremely late at night, so it's not unlikely I could have made a mistake in the path to the new icon or its file name. I almost expected it not to work as the System Improvement Icons didn't work yet a while back. I'll confirm tonight so you're not send on a blind errand whilst it actually works fine. I'll try the Improvements while I'm at it, as if that works I can finish that part of my mod as well. (That would be awesome as using existing icons leads to duplication)

ThorTillas wrote:

I keep you updated with the module check!



[P.S] Ok, I just finished testing and I seams to load correctly when I override a defense module (the first deflector in my case ^^). So I can confirm that my fix works also for the module. (Youpi! ^^)

Awesome smiley: smile

I've got it all sorted for my mod by creating new modules - which long term is a more compatible method with other mods anyway.
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12 years ago
Nov 12, 2012, 8:42:21 AM

I will definitely look at this and confirm the correction for the module as well.

Which icons are you trying to change and does not work? I don't know why, but in my head all icons should be modable since 1 or 2 months ago... Did I miss something?

I have not work on this part so maybe I expect something wrong... but... still... Have you try to use the "techno icon modding" process with building or module?

I will try to summons somebody who has work on that to add a more precise comment.

I keep you updated with the module check!



[P.S] Ok, I just finished testing and I seams to load correctly when I override a defense module (the first deflector in my case ^^). So I can confirm that my fix works also for the module. (Youpi! ^^)
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12 years ago
Nov 11, 2012, 12:20:58 AM
No problem at all - you were coming at it from a helpful angle, which is appreciated regardless. smiley: smile

It was quite frustrating going through test after test to come to the conclusion that it wasn't working as the devs intended. The work-around isn't too difficult but it's better to work in the comfort that the intended methods work too as that would have saved a lot of time. So far they've been very helpful though, so I am sure these little bugs are ironed out soon enough.

That and being able to use custom icons for improvements/modules. *(not so) subtle hint to Florian*
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 11:46:03 PM
Sorry, just asking the easier questions which could have been overlooked.
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 8:27:02 PM
@davea - ThorThillas / Florian will know exactly what I mean, he's already found and acknowledged the issue.

No offense intended, but you can come across a little condescending. It's probably not meant that way, but it's how it comes across at my end. Assuming this isn't intended as I prefer going on the side of caution I'll elaborate as much as I can:

=> Everything is done correctly.

=> No errors in output_log.txt

=> Both original game file name and new filename methods lead to the same result.

=> index.xml is done correctly as well, both "GUI" and "Module" references are made for the repositories to load correctly.

=> The problem only happens when 'overriding' an existing object.

Note, this problem exists only for specific files, the vast majority of the game can be modded fine. The odd thing is that shields load fine, the other modules don't.

Note also that this problem does not occur when editing objects directly in the game folder - only when done as a mod. There seems to be an issue loading some things in and overriding original objects smiley: smile

Creating 'new' modules works absolutely fine, so for now I go down that route and replace the unlocks in the Tech tree - but it's not ideal for modders when small changes are made.

Hope that helps - let me know if you have additional questions. If you read through the topic from the start you will see we had the same problem with Terraformations, ultimately I just created a new one, but editing existing ones definitely doesn't work. Florian said this would be corrected in an upcoming build.
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 3:24:25 PM
Can you explain a little better exactly what files you are changing, when you see the problem of editing existing objects? Are you copying the original game file to your mod directory and then editing that file? Or, are you adding a new filename and duplicating the object? Either way, are you sure that in your index.xml, you are referring to the file everywhere that it is needed? For example, some files are referred 3-5 different places in the game's original xml. You have to keep all those; or if you are adding a new file, you have to add the new filename in all those places.

I have never tried to "override" an existing object with a new file, but I have never had any trouble editing my copy of an existing file to change values.

Please also confirm that you have looked in output_log.txt to make sure no error messages are showing.
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 12:41:44 PM
ThorTillas wrote:
I think I have found it...

In fact, adding a new "Improvement" (whenever it is related to the planet or not) seams to work well. But when you try to "modify" an existing one, that's won't work for now... or only partially...

I'll try to fix it this afternoon and commit it for the next VIP build. I don't know when we will release a new "Public" version but I hope this will be fixed.

Experiencing the exact same problem with WeaponModule.xml and DefenseModule.xml - though with the odd single exception of 'Shield' Modules. For those any changes seem to work fine. No changes seem to load when editing existing Weapons, Flak or Deflectors by means of the modding folder though.

Edit; As per before, adding a 'new' one works fine - so we're talking exactly the same problem smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 8, 2012, 8:32:51 AM
I am glad to read that you manage to make it work!

Once again, thanks for the time you give to us and keep making our game better! ^^
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 7:50:34 PM
Update: I've got it working now using your methodology as a new file with a new improvement. That does perfectly for my current needs smiley: smile Fully testing and all good - superb stuff.

I'm glad we managed to locate and squash a bug in the process. Progress!
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12 years ago
Nov 6, 2012, 10:20:54 PM
I have created everything necessary to enable terraforming from Asteroids to Barren - but this situation could also apply to people who try adding custom planets and want the ability to add them to the terraforming options. Therefore I figured I'd ask in public so we can all learn.

I've gone with two different methods to compare results and ensure I got things right:

1. Modifying the existing Planet Improvement "TerraformationToBarren".

2. Creating a new Planet Improvement.

In both cases, getting the changes in the tech tree was extremely easy, as are the AI rules. The problem is having the terraformation show up on the right planets.

I've modified:




Now my problem is that everything works fine, except that the Terraformation to Barren wont show up on Asteroids.

It keeps showing up on Desert, Arctic and Lava planets even when those are removed from . I can tell it did have some effect as in this case you wont be able to actually queue the Terraform to Barren improvement, double clicking it simply does nothing. All other terraforming keeps working as normal. This suggest that there is something else that needs changing, or the hooks for modding this do not exist or don't respect the modded files - perhaps hard coded to show up on certain planets?

Obviously I'd prefer to just add my custom Terraformation to just Asteroids and job done, as I'd like to keep the old one in - so how do I go about this? The 'final step' is missing.

For reference here is some of the code:


Custom Terraformation




$(PlanetTypeAsteroids) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)


Turning an Asteroid Field into a Barren planet is no small feat and a huge step towards complete domination over stellar matter. Generally devoid of air, water and anything else that makes it habitable, a barren planet might sound unpleasant, but asteroids are worse places to live and it is the first step towards further terraforming.


I've also tried the 'cheaty quick' method by adjusting the existing Terraformation - to no avail;




($(PlanetTypeDesert) or $(PlanetTypeArctic) or $(PlanetTypeLava) or $(PlanetTypeAsteroids)) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)




I am obviously missing something, please point me in the right direction / files. I've pretty much searched everywhere and used tools to search all Endless Space files for the right strings - to no avail.
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 2:35:22 PM
I think I have found it...

In fact, adding a new "Improvement" (whenever it is related to the planet or not) seams to work well. But when you try to "modify" an existing one, that's won't work for now... or only partially...

I'll try to fix it this afternoon and commit it for the next VIP build. I don't know when we will release a new "Public" version but I hope this will be fixed.
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 1:23:19 PM
I have had the time to test the "override" of the "PlanetInfrastructure.xml" for now. I hope to find some time this afternoon or tomorrow.

But don't forget to include in your "Index.xml" the several files you want to load!

No, I don't think that change the file name will change anything... but I cannot promise it ^^ I will check that on my side... I don't remember how we implement this... ^^

P.S You are right about the "I assume that anything defined as "TerraFormation" is meant to be loaded by the game into the terraform section", that's why I jump on my sit when I saw your report... It should work. point.
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 11:16:43 AM
Hrm perhaps rather than using the existing file names, your method of using new file names might resolve matters. Perhaps it doesn't like loading PathsPrerequisites from both the original and modded PlanetImprovement.xml. (Even though all other data is loaded fine.)

I will try this as soon as I get home tonight. It would make things easier all-round anyway.

I cannot express enough how much I appreciate your insights. If this fixes things, I am ever grateful.
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 11:08:34 AM
@ThorTillas - wow thank you so much for your help/input. I'm at work right now, without access to the files but I will follow this closely and test when I get home + post any files I have.

The basic jist of the custom one was this though:




$(PlanetTypeAsteroids) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)


Turning an Asteroid Field into a Barren planet is no small feat and a huge step towards complete domination over stellar matter. Generally devoid of air, water and anything else that makes it habitable, a barren planet might sound unpleasant, but asteroids are worse places to live and it is the first step towards further terraforming.


And then added the appropriate unlock to the Expansion tech tree of course. That part worked fine smiley: smile

I assume that anything defined as "TerraFormation" is meant to be loaded by the game into the terraform section of planet improvements in-game, providing the pre-requisites are met? That would be the most elegant method and allow huge flexibility. It's what I was hoping, and was surprised to see it didn't show up.
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 9:50:58 AM
Ok, I put a first test in place and it seams that adding a new terraformation work for me. Could you please test this on your side?


-> Unzip it in your "endless space/modding" folder.

-> Launch Endless Space with "Toto" as a mod.

-> Start a new game with the automaton.

-> Go in your Home system and click on your home jungle.

-> Confirm that you can see the "Terraformation from Asteroid to Barren" (which is your terraformation but with a pathprerequisites that include the jungle)

Thanks in advance!

I will try to modify an existing one now...
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 9:30:08 AM
I checked again and infact it was not PlanetImprovement.xml that I had problems with getting loaded back then. (I never actually modified it.)

The one I meant was PlanetInfrastructure.xml (the one with the Exploits).
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 8:55:47 AM
wahou.... I am pretty amazed that "mod loading" still won't work...

I will try to find some time to fix this up asap and look at the terraformation. I see no reason why you could not add a new terraformation as it must be "generic" things...

I will keep you informed about any fix or information I can gathered around this.

Thanks for your time and your tests!



P.S. Could you post a version of your mod? I want to test also with your mod and not only with a mode that I create from zero...
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12 years ago
Nov 7, 2012, 1:22:37 AM
Yeah... the only reason why I could go over from making my mods in /Public to doing them as intended then probably was that they included my changes to PlanetImprovement.xml in a patch. Didn't know they never actually fixed the loading issue. :\
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