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does anyone notice the interceptionevasion on beam weapons? what for?

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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 11:08:33 AM
I have had the shied HP effect on the deflectors and flak before.

And I have also had flak use the deflection stat.

So I am not too sure about your assesment.
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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 1:30:54 AM
great! thanks for your test, now i don't have to wait missiles crawling to the target!
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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 12:56:16 AM
From my testing TurnBeforeReach=0 might as well be 1 and TurnBeforeReach=1 might as well be 2.

Think of it as AddtionalTurnBeforeReach=0 leaving the base as 1 round of combat, thus meaning that 1 flak can kill 1 missile a round so with AddtionalTurnBeforeReach=0 the base is 1, meaning the flak gets one shot.

As is why flak usualy shoots down 3 with the missiles with AddtionalTurnBeforeReach=3

as for a phase having 4 rounds, missiles clearly hit in round 4, meaning that they launch in round 2 of a phase.

Launch, 3 before hit: 2 before hit, 3 to reload : 1 Before hit, 2 to reload : missiles hit, 1 to reload. and then in the next phase the missile can fire at the begining of the next phase as the reload timer runs out.

noteing as well that a weapon cannot reload and fire in the same round.
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12 years ago
Feb 16, 2013, 10:41:43 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
O rounds to reach means tha the round the weapon is fired, is the round it can be intersepted.

I remember the calculation is like this: (0~IE)*(TurnsBeforeReach+1)
Am I wrong? Igncom1, are you sure? if you are right, then it will be a lot easier to mod the defense modules!
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12 years ago
Feb 16, 2013, 11:57:10 AM
O rounds to reach means tha the round the weapon is fired, is the round it can be intersepted.
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 5:40:28 PM
i just realise that as long as kinetics and beam reach target in the same turn they fired they should never be intercepted by defense module?
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 4:33:09 PM
And I still feel that damage should be calculated like this: Damage Taken=Raw Damage*(1-Defense/(Defense+100))
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 4:29:51 PM
I still feel like defencive modules should be weight less, but 1 to a ship.

That way players can focus on tech level and number of HP modules.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 4:24:22 PM
If I remember correctly those values were not ignored and thus caused major trouble.

Shield 1 and All Deflectors had an erronous Intercept-value of 1, while all Kinetic- and Beam-weapons had no intercep-evasion.

This lead to a problem where every single Deflector intercepted one Kinetics-module in addition to it's regular effect.

You can guess that this made Kinetic-weapons way worse than they should be.

Someone noticed, told the Devs and they fixed it. (and then had to buff deflectors by ~50% because the deflect-values were kinda balanced around the interception-bug)

And since the fix was purely an XML-fix I think you could still use deflectors to intercept... But it can only intercept Kinetics though. Which means you can have the same mechanic for all weapons but not have a defense-module that helps against all weapon-types at once.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 11:19:37 AM

Becuse I have actually done it, and the results are quite funny when no one can kill each other.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 11:16:21 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I have had the shied HP effect on the deflectors and flak before.

And I have also had flak use the deflection stat.

So I am not too sure about your assesment.
are you saying about mine or davea's?
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 5:13:42 PM
Does anyone know why they have interceptioneavsion? since no shield have interceptionaccuracy, beam wil always evade interceptions from shield, did dev team forget to delete them?
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 10:57:41 AM
davea wrote:
No, the point of my post is that although these parameters exist, they are ignored.
is it really? But i thought i've seen some effects, i was pretty sure the beam cause less damage when shield have IA?? davea are you sure about this?
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 5:10:53 AM
No, the point of my post is that although these parameters exist, they are ignored.
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 11:51:38 PM
davea wrote:
We'd have to look in threads from 6-8 months ago. But IIRC shields don't pay any attention to the kinetic or missile parameters; deflectors don't pay any atention to the beam or missile parameters; and flak doesn't pay any attention to the kinetic or beam parameters. It makes it impossible for modders to create "interesting" weapons. We can change the damage, color, visual speed, and that's about it.
although shield will not stop kinetics, but we can make shield have a small chance to intercept beams, and deflectors can absorb some penetrated kinetics. This makes the defense weapon more interesting. I know it will look no different, but still, variety is always fun!
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 11:13:05 PM
We'd have to look in threads from 6-8 months ago. But IIRC shields don't pay any attention to the kinetic or missile parameters; deflectors don't pay any atention to the beam or missile parameters; and flak doesn't pay any attention to the kinetic or beam parameters. It makes it impossible for modders to create "interesting" weapons. We can change the damage, color, visual speed, and that's about it.
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 11:12:37 PM
No idea but I think it's absence or the setting to 0 made it so that one module stopped one offensive module, do you remember any Davea?
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 10:38:26 PM
iblise wrote:
I vaguely seem to recall this value being needed to correct a bug or something along those lines
If I increased it, will it cause any problems?
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 7:50:29 PM
Could be, there are quite a few things as being noted as not being in the patch notes.
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 7:31:42 PM
I vaguely seem to recall this value being needed to correct a bug or something along those lines
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