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[WIP] Rebalance Mod

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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 8:39:37 AM
i wrote:


Changed +5 max +10 Science.

Changed +5 max +10 Science.

should be:


Changed +5 max +10 Science.

Changed +5 max +10 Dust.

Example early op:

1. I take Heratio specification faction with cloning hero.

and more dust on start trait (20 or 42)

and take legendary hero trait

first hero cost: 20 dust

second hero cost: 80 dust

third hero cost: 140 dust

Look on game turns (normal speed):

1. buy hero for 20 dust and take DUST +15

6-7 (dust form turns 15+15+15+15+15+15=90) i clone first hero (dust summary from heroes +30 on turn)

9-10 both heroes level up i take +15 to science to both (+30 to science in 10 turn)

15 (dust from turns 30+30+30+30+30=150) i clone first hero (dust sumary from heroes: +45 on turn, science summary from heroes: +45 on turn)

It's Very OP. someone who don't receive any good hero in early game have disadvantage.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 2:28:57 PM
MacDante wrote:
i wrote:

should be:


Changed +5 max +10 Science.

Changed +5 max +10 Dust.

Example early op:

1. I take Heratio specification faction with cloning hero.

and more dust on start trait (20 or 42)

and take legendary hero trait

first hero cost: 20 dust

second hero cost: 80 dust

third hero cost: 140 dust

Look on game turns (normal speed):

1. buy hero for 20 dust and take DUST +15

6-7 (dust form turns 15+15+15+15+15+15=90) i clone first hero (dust summary from heroes +30 on turn)

9-10 both heroes level up i take +15 to science to both (+30 to science in 10 turn)

15 (dust from turns 30+30+30+30+30=150) i clone first hero (dust sumary from heroes: +45 on turn, science summary from heroes: +45 on turn)

It's Very OP. someone who don't receive any good hero in early game have disadvantage.

I think it's just legendary heroes that is too powerful. But also you can do that right now with the corporate hero and get early +30 dust/science, the extra 15 dust/turn isn't huge for spending dust on 3 heroes. Having 3 admin heroes at the moment would be better by a bit still too. Dust miser is a terrible skill right now, only taken because trade routes are even worse early on.

Change Legendary Heroes such that it grants the Legendary Hero status of +XP (and the other bonuses) to a hero once every 30 turns (can only affect a single hero once) starting from when the first hero is hired. The trait is just too powerful.

It's Very OP. someone who don't receive any good hero in early game have disadvantage.

I agree with this though, that's why I made this post


so that it restricts the starting hero combinations somewhat.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 2:34:16 PM
Imho heros are not that powerfull. I used to have -10 instead of legendary and I am always ahead in any game vs the opponent. Perhaps for horatio the heroes are powerfull. And I think they should be for horatio too. That is the strenght of the faction. The +15 industry or +20 food or 20% food is nothing compared with +30% food for every planet. Sure you can crank out a colony ship 1 turn faster or a pop 1-2 turns faster - but once every planet you have can have a pop 1-2 turns faster that is way better.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 2:41:58 PM
Eysteinh wrote:
Imho heros are not that powerfull. I used to have -10 instead of legendary and I am always ahead in any game vs the opponent. Perhaps for horatio the heroes are powerfull. And I think they should be for horatio too. That is the strenght of the faction. The +15 industry or +20 food or 20% food is nothing compared with +30% food for every planet. Sure you can crank out a colony ship 1 turn faster or a pop 1-2 turns faster - but once every planet you have can have a pop 1-2 turns faster that is way better.

Perhaps you're right, I was thinking about situations with Horatio and 3 favourable heroes. Still, having it apply after 10 turns from when you hire that hero would be appropriate IMO.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 4:00:08 PM
Eysteinh wrote:
Imho heros are not that powerfull. I used to have -10 instead of legendary and I am always ahead in any game vs the opponent. Perhaps for horatio the heroes are powerfull. And I think they should be for horatio too. That is the strenght of the faction. The +15 industry or +20 food or 20% food is nothing compared with +30% food for every planet. Sure you can crank out a colony ship 1 turn faster or a pop 1-2 turns faster - but once every planet you have can have a pop 1-2 turns faster that is way better.

Well I don't think many would disagree that +30% food is better, thats why the trait costs 40 points compared to 24 for legendary heroes. Administrators are a huge boon for expanding....they make systems that would otherwise be worthless suddenly have 4 pop and all the basic upgrades.

When you say heros are not that powerful, I do hope you are not referring to pilots on fleets. Have you ever fought a 23CP craver fleet with a lvl 20+ pilot on it? pretty tough to beat.
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