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Brainstorming for new battle cards.

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12 years ago
Feb 26, 2013, 12:09:36 AM
Dementophobic wrote:
I prefer cards that aren't too complicated. I don't want a card-battle system like MTG or the likes of it, not that I have anything against it (it's quite fun) but it doesn't belong in a 4X space game. Cards should be kept relatively simple, and suited to "auto" I like the ones suggested by Foraven in post #36. Any really "unique" abilities should be kept on heroes, even then the effect shouldn't be too hard to follow.

Yeah, that's what i had in mind. Simple effects, things that can give you a edge or remove the edge the other side have, but nothing too fancy or esoteric. I don't want to have cards that give a huge bonus that becomes crippling if they are not countered.

Edit: The ones i posted on #36 are all easy to implement using what is already in the game.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 1:32:17 AM
Wait what. stuff created by TV shows we often confuse with reality. What. Who confuses that with reality
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 11:19:11 PM
My weird cards: since these ideas are not realistic, I will just update this post then~~

Blood link card: enemy HP will link to our ship, they will suffer same (or smaller) damage as our ship did? Evil! isn't it?

Explosion Lover: Each destroyed ships (both sides) in this phase, will boost MaxDamage 50% next phase.

Bribery Retreat: Retreat after peaceful 2 rounds (no weapon both sides), but cost 200 dust. Can be blocked by Tactic.

Alienation: Enemy hero will have no effects in this phase. If blocked, own hero have no effects.

Aged Armor: Enemy defence reduced by (5*ShipLevel)%.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 12:23:59 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
Blood link card: enemy HP will link to our ship, they will suffer same (or smaller) damage as our ship did? Evil! isn't it?

You have played too much Magic the Gathering...
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 12:33:53 AM
Missile Massacre (Attack): +300% salvo(+100% block), -75% missile damage(+25% Block).

Defensive Fire: (Tactics): +100% Deflection(+50% Block), +100% Absorption(+50% Block), +100% Interception(+50% Block), -75% damage(+25% Block)

Like that?
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 12:41:34 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Missile Massacre (Attack): +300% salvo(+100% block), -75% missile damage(+25% Block).

Defensive Fire: (Tactics): +100% Deflection(+50% Block), +100% Absorption(+50% Block), +100% Interception(+50% Block), -75% damage(+25% Block)

Like that?

I think "Missile Barrage" would be a more politically correct name, but the idea seem nice smiley: smile. The defensive fire card seem good too smiley: approval.

There are many variation that could be done with missiles like boosting missile evasion, increasing accuracy (when not in long range phase), making them take one less turn to reach target... Many ways to make missiles more evil 3smiley: smile.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 12:43:36 AM
Foraven wrote:
I think "Missile Barrage" would be a more politically correct name, but the idea seem nice smiley: smile. The defensive fire card seem good too smiley: approval.

It was a reference to macross missile massacure. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MacrossMissileMassacre

There are many variation that could be done with missiles like boosting missile evasion, increasing accuracy (when not in long range phase), making them take one less turn to reach target... Many ways to make missiles more evil 3smiley: smile.

smiley: twisted
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 1:02:26 AM
Because DIE!

That's why smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 1:27:32 AM
stasik28 wrote:

I don't get it, what is that site used for?

To expose all the TV tropes, ie stuff created by TV shows we often confuse with reality (or stupidly think should be that way). Read that site, a lot of funny and interesting stuff.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 10:48:05 PM
I have been fiddling around the battle cards lately and think i understand how they work, now it's time to make new ones. I do have some ideas but i like to read about what other players have come up with or what they would like to see. Maybe if they are good enough the DEVs may add them in, who knows?

I think what we lack the most is tactics and Attack cards currently. Tactics because as far as i know there is only one, and attack ones as there is no general purpose attack card and missiles don't have any. Still, any other type of cards would be nice smiley: smile.

I planned on posting my current ideas but i'm pressed by time right now, i'll post some later.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 1:55:01 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Wait what. stuff created by TV shows we often confuse with reality. What. Who confuses that with reality

To quote the site : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite." In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

Well, you would be surpised how many tropes are believed to be true by viewers. Sometimes it's almost impossible for TV shows to depict something in a realistic manner because viewers are too used to tropes.

Anyway, we are going off topic. Any idea for potential new cards?
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 1:56:46 AM
What types?

And how many? smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 2:08:07 AM
Sacrificial defense:

Causes enemy ships to target your strongest ships (in terms of # of defense modules, then hp) as to prevent the destruction of more heavily damaged ships.

Countered by sabotage.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 2:32:06 AM
WhiteWeasel wrote:
Sacrificial defense:

Causes enemy ships to target your strongest ships (in terms of # of defense modules, then hp) as to prevent the destruction of more heavily damaged ships.

Countered by sabotage.

well I still don't know where I can change the targeting weight~
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 2:56:02 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
Making new card is easy, but where do we get the card pics?

For now, just use current card pics.

And I don`t know what a trope is foraven, so you're talking to a wall (me being the wall). I added the brackets because other people could read and understand
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 3:00:14 AM
WhiteWeasel wrote:
Sacrificial defense:

Causes enemy ships to target your strongest ships (in terms of # of defense modules, then hp) as to prevent the destruction of more heavily damaged ships.

Countered by sabotage.

I'm not sure if there is a way to alter target priorities, or if ships actually pick targets in any particular way. We would need devs to know that for sure. Also, ship formations seem to affect who can shoot who, they can't shoot through anyone who is in the way (as far as i can tell).
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 3:07:32 AM
stasik28 wrote:
For now, just use current card pics.

Yup, we can reuse any of them, just have to change the labels.

And I don`t know what a trope is foraven, so you're talking to a wall (me being the wall). I added the brackets because other people could read and understand

Why, the definition i posted wasn't enough? If you want example, cars that explode when hit, people flying back when shot, high power lasers that cuterise wounds, sound in space, CSI that solve cases in mere days are all common tropes (ie things we (general we) came to expect in shows and often confuse with being facts of life).
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