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Brainstorming for new battle cards.

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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 10:14:33 PM
Why not use the graphic from the gravity well card?
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 10:49:05 AM
Black Hole - All ships on both sides get destroyed, game goes on like the battle never happened.

Is it even possible to make such a card? I'm not good at modding ES or modding in general. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 11:01:15 AM
Igncom1 wrote:




See that icon part?

From the modding tutorial.

Just make a picture in here, and put in in the GUI file, then in the code there use "GUI/THENAMEOFTHEPIC" to select it.

I have done this before with a mod I worked on for ES (Was cancelled unfortunately).

thank you , but whatbi mean is i don't knowbhow to draw a pic look similar to the original .
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 11:03:19 AM
Tredecim wrote:
Black Hole - All ships on both sides get destroyed, game goes on like the battle never happened.

Is it even possible to make such a card? I'm not good at modding ES or modding in general. smiley: biggrin
i think it's easy just reduce heal 100% on both side, but you don't get black hole graphic animation.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 4:19:57 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
thank you , but whatbi mean is i don't knowbhow to draw a pic look similar to the original .

I could but the problem is that the current version of MS paint is really, really bad.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 4:39:23 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I could but the problem is that the current version of MS paint is really, really bad.
Really? when you have time, would you mimd put some card pics up here? i just want to make everything consistent. pretend everything is originalsmiley: money
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 5:50:19 PM
Well the problem is they way I used to do them is gone, because you can't paint individual pixels in ms paint any-more.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 8:05:01 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well the problem is they way I used to do them is gone, because you can't paint individual pixels in ms paint any-more.

Try Paint.net (http://www.getpaint.net/), you can still edit pictures pixels by pixels with it (i too have some troubles with the modern way of making pictures, too old school for that :P).
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 9:53:02 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
i think it's easy just reduce heal 100% on both side, but you don't get black hole graphic animation.

Hmm, I was thinking of setting the HP on both sides 0 / they instantly die.

But yeah, animation is another thingy...
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 9:59:13 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Hmm, I was thinking of setting the HP on both sides 0 / they instantly die.

But yeah, animation is another thingy...
I mean health, not heal. so same thing
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 10:06:03 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
I mean health, not heal. so same thing

I was already wondering smiley: biggrin

Good, so we had similar thoughts.
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12 years ago
Feb 22, 2013, 3:44:36 AM
Nice Igncom1. We may not be able to alter the default art, but knowing we can custom make our own is good to know.
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12 years ago
Feb 23, 2013, 10:09:18 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Black Hole - All ships on both sides get destroyed, game goes on like the battle never happened.

This seems to me to be unbalanced. If this card existed in the game, I would only make scouts. Each scout would be its own fleet, and I'd go into combat and use this card in the first phase.

EDIT: On second thought, I wouldn't even make scouts; I would simply use the corvette hull and make ships with it with absolutely no modules.
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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 12:44:06 AM
burlsifu wrote:
This seems to me to be unbalanced. If this card existed in the game, I would only make scouts. Each scout would be its own fleet, and I'd go into combat and use this card in the first phase.

EDIT: On second thought, I wouldn't even make scouts; I would simply use the corvette hull and make ships with it with absolutely no modules.

I don't think you can make ship with no mod though, anyway I get what you mean. I have 2 way to solve this problem:

1, Make this card blocked by all cards. So this card will only be useful if the player is too lazy to choose card for the battle (it happens when your enemy is too weak)? So it will have no use to AI~

2, Make it a Hero card, only avaliable to something like 20 level, so each time your hero injured, you will pay a hell of dust~

Which do you prefer?
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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 2:16:20 AM
It seems rather far fetched to begin with, especially with nerf number 1.

How about instead of killing every one, it simply disables everyone's defences.

Then you will get the effect you seek :P
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12 years ago
Feb 24, 2013, 3:47:53 AM
Alright, i had the time to make my list, here they are (didn't mean to not post about them).

Controlled burst (Attack)

+20 accuracy to kinetics

-10% projectiles.

+10% accuracy on block

Metal Storm (Attack) (replace current overclock)

+40% Kinetic Projectiles

-10% accuracy

+10% critical chance on block

Target Locked (repurposed card, attck)

+20% missile Accuracy

+ 10% enemy missile accuracy (they lock back on you)

+10% critical chance on block

Plasma Overload (old Target Locked, Attack)

+ 30% Laser Damage

-10% to Shields

+10% critical chance on block

Missile Barrage (Attack)

+40% Missiles launched

-10% evasion

+20% evasion on block

Defensive Approach (tactics)

-15% Enemy Accuracy

-10% Shots fired

+15% Defense on Block

Sensor Jam (Sabotage)

-25% Enemy Missile Accuracy

-10% Missile Accuracy

-10% enemy Critical chance on Block

Weapon Overclock (repurposed card, attack)

+20% shots for all weapons

-5% accuracy

+5% shots on block

Feel free to comment, i'm sure they could be balanced better.
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 9:04:42 AM
If I was to place insight into what cards I would make it’s not all about the Defensive and Damage of the round itself but more to the random events that you or your opponent will take to steal victory from the other.

The below have not been 100% balanced and may need some more, however my beliefs on combat is not to be balanced but to find anyway to outdo and overcome your opponent in ways they would not think of.

Focus Fire: All Ships will target the lesser half of the ships within your opponent’s fleet.

(Attacking only 50% of your enemies’ fleet as a way to pick them off their lesser ships within the fleet if you’re out numbered or out of date so your next fleet will have an easier time)

Phase Jump: 30%-40% of the way into this battle phase your ships will jump to the other side of your opponent’s Fleet, removing their missiles from play for this round of combat, Due to this jump your ships still have weaker shielding by -20% as this will be due to the high energy needs to the act this small jump. (Used only once in side of that battle and maybe in the last phase as a way to prevent your low HP ships from being destroyed)

Time Loop: Should your fleet drop below 50% within this phase as total HP, and if your rival is still over 80%, you’re on bored Scientists, with use some alien tech that was picked up on a random mission, to change the movement of time to the end of the last phase of battle saving the reaming ships from being damaged within this battle. (The scientist will also be a blond named Sam Carter)

More to change the events of combat, from be just buffs/debuffs, What do you think?

I understand modding the 3D look of the combat will be the hardest part.
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 9:25:15 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
It seems rather far fetched to begin with, especially with nerf number 1.

How about instead of killing every one, it simply disables everyone's defences.

Then you will get the effect you seek :P

Yeah, probably less frustrating too lol
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 11:42:02 AM
although i know i should put this in the design page, but i don't think they will take it, so here it is: i think there should be one time cards, and make them a series of events, so agree with Mitchell, but a bit different, i will give one example,

first event card is random: alien to the rescure, so when if you lost a battle with your hero, there is a small chance you get this card, and your hero will return safely, and this is the beginning of one serie,

the second of this serie is: return the favor, when the same hero in a battle against stronger enemy, you have a small chance to get this card, and if you don't play it, this series of cards is ended, but if you play it, your hero will have no effects this turn and the strongest ship will leave the battle until the end of this battle.

the third card of this serie is friendship, and this card is not random you get it after you played second card, anytime this hero against a enemy, you can play this card, you will get an alien fleet to help you, but only once.

end of serie event: farewell. after the third card, this event starts. and you get a boost card called: XXX tactic trick, this card is permenent, you can play it all the time, it will giv you some boost on something (doesn't matter).

so series ended, but in future events you faction have a chance of this event: if you like happy ending, a uncolonised star system which only connect to your faction will join you. or if you like sad endings, you find a debry of a minor faction, it has been completely wiped out, and you find a strongest pirate fleet on that system.

and you can make like 10- 20 these series of these events, so heroes will not have new cards unless the have been through these events?
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 4:03:59 PM
I prefer cards that aren't too complicated. I don't want a card-battle system like MTG or the likes of it, not that I have anything against it (it's quite fun) but it doesn't belong in a 4X space game. Cards should be kept relatively simple, and suited to "auto" I like the ones suggested by Foraven in post #36. Any really "unique" abilities should be kept on heroes, even then the effect shouldn't be too hard to follow.
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