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YG MakeNoSense Mod (Mainly a Battle Mod, but with a lot of extra)

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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:40:07 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Well kinetics usually aren't absorbed, being a physical matter and all. They would smash into the shield, crumple up like cars that hit their fronts (or backs) in car crashes (this example because I don't know where to find a bullet hitting a wall :P). It's a bit hard to deflect these types of lasers, being plasma, but.... I guess it's doable?
im my opinion the bullets are neither absorbed or deflected, their kinetic energy is absorbed by the shield and spread onto the physical armor, and the bullet itself is slowed down, and floats in the space at the end.
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 3:16:09 PM
500 maybe too much, ai rarely keep that much of dust, maybe 200? and -20 each more?
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 3:12:58 PM
Another idea, how about make the first hero cost 500, and then each later hero will cost 50 less? so heroes will not be useful at the beginning? and if you don't get what you want in first turn, you can always wait for next batch?
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:07:03 PM
I posted too many posts these days, I think I will put further question on old posts then:

Mod help!!

has anyone noticed that the hero level modifiers on hero.xml will not control the number of levels, only controls XP. so even you delete a few levels, it will still upgrade to 20? is there a level cap value somewhere else?
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 6:43:57 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
The numbers for the weapon.......never mind. smiley: fat
oh! I remember now, i did before, it looks like sunshine~smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 5:52:16 PM
The numbers for the weapon.......never mind. smiley: fat
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 4:45:04 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
It does look cool when you do it.

DO what I did and switch over the stats for the lasers with the kinetics just to change the effect! smiley: stickouttongue
smiley: roll sorry but what stats?
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:50:19 PM
It does look cool when you do it.

DO what I did and switch over the stats for the lasers with the kinetics just to change the effect! smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:38:49 PM
FreedomFighterEx wrote:
uh.......i saw both of you argue about Kinetic Shell stop or deflect off right? mostly if shell not penetrate armor it will stop and deflect off due to higher resist force coming back.

Tank Shell do deflect off other tank if it not have enough power to penetrate into armor, same with gun bullet,

also it depend on material of armor and shell that use, sometime shell will dig into armor plate-

but not entirely penetrate whole plate and stop/stuck within in but most of time it will deflect out of armor plate.

accord to ES Kinetic Deflecting, shell not even hit the armor of ship, it's seem it create another type off shield that can kick shell out of course,

the kinetic shell will really ricochet off depend on armor plate angle,

at 30 to 45 degree more have high chance of ricochet, see modern armored vehicles now mostly build slope like armor.

as for Shield Absorb the beam, Beam is frequency wave like radio, Shield just neutralize it, render it useless or deflect the whole beam out of way,

slide/curve around shield itself.

for example of Kinetic Shell bounce off Armor, try learn about Tank Battle since both Tank and Shell itself are big it should be easy to observe it.

for example of Beam been neutralize or deflect/curve around Shield, try look into japan anime name "Gundam", they mostly use Beam weapon in it and it have thing call

"I-Field" that use to deflect beam out of way or reduce beam strength.

still, it doesn't matter, as long it prevent my lovely ship from been wreck to space hulk, i don't care how visual look it is >_>

see the Flak defensive system, it not even shoot anything out to intercept missile, missile just explode before it reach the ship :P

As you said, ES shells deflected by a shield, so, a shield consumes its kinetic energy is also believable, like the Matrix.

Lasers are radio waves, yes, so it is easier to deflect it rather than neutralise it. Laser reflection are more common aren't they?

anyway, it doesn't matter. only thing you should consider is that laser deflection looks much cooler than kinectic deflection in this game~smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 3:26:16 PM
uh.......i saw both of you argue about Kinetic Shell stop or deflect off right? mostly if shell not penetrate armor it will stop and deflect off due to higher resist force coming back.

Tank Shell do deflect off other tank if it not have enough power to penetrate into armor, same with gun bullet,

also it depend on material of armor and shell that use, sometime shell will dig into armor plate-

but not entirely penetrate whole plate and stop/stuck within in but most of time it will deflect out of armor plate.

accord to ES Kinetic Deflecting, shell not even hit the armor of ship, it's seem it create another type off shield that can kick shell out of course,

the kinetic shell will really ricochet off depend on armor plate angle,

at 30 to 45 degree more have high chance of ricochet, see modern armored vehicles now mostly build slope like armor.

as for Shield Absorb the beam, Beam is frequency wave like radio, Shield just neutralize it, render it useless or deflect the whole beam out of way,

slide/curve around shield itself.

for example of Kinetic Shell bounce off Armor, try learn about Tank Battle since both Tank and Shell itself are big it should be easy to observe it.

for example of Beam been neutralize or deflect/curve around Shield, try look into japan anime name "Gundam", they mostly use Beam weapon in it and it have thing call

"I-Field" that use to deflect beam out of way or reduce beam strength.

still, it doesn't matter, as long it prevent my lovely ship from been wreck to space hulk, i don't care how visual look it is >_>

see the Flak defensive system, it not even shoot anything out to intercept missile, missile just explode before it reach the ship :P
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:52:27 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
im my opinion the bullets are neither absorbed or deflected, their kinetic energy is absorbed by the shield and spread onto the physical armor, and the bullet itself is slowed down, and floats in the space at the end.

Well, I have no idea how you expect to absorb the kinetic energy... or what spreading it into the physical armor would do... but I doubt that it would stop the inertia in the bullet from hurtling into the ship, either getting jammed or cutting through the metal... And my idea sounds cooler than just bullets floating XD
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 3:54:20 PM
YG MakeNoSense Mod V0.1

22/02 V0.1 Update

Trait Genetic Determinism fixed, now work as described. Trait Acadamy will not show correct description due to 1.0.60 update, but works as tooltips.


This mod is only made to satisfy my own requirements. It will not be balanced (although I tried to make it balance, it's far from it.), some of the changes might not make much sense to you, some the changes does no good to the play, it only because I think it should be like that. English is not my first language, so there are a lot of spelling or words mistakes. This in not actually my original mod, I have to delete a lot of very personal changes to make it playable by others, so if see some changes are not stated below, don't be mad at me. But if you find any errors such as typos, wrong words or missing changes or extra changes has not been stated, or if you have any suggestion to make it more balanced, please tell me! I do want to know! Thank you in advance.

And this mod is not created by myself, a lot of thoughts are from Foraven, Ail, iblise and some others I might forgot their name. Even some codes are copied directly from their mods. Thanks to them.


Low tax rate will increase the food uptake, maximum 500%, high tax rate will decrease it down to 50%. Now in later game, when tax rate is lowered to provide high approval, the increased food uptake will make new colonies very hard to grow.



Missiles now will be fired TWICE in the long range phase, and they will hit in the same round as fired. but they will not be fired in other phases. Interception Evasion now changed to a smaller value range (10-15, and Interception Accuracy on flak is changed accordingly). Now if you want to know what the chance the missile will be intercepted, just compare the Interception Evasion value directly with Interception Accuracy value. Missile accuracy is reduced, tier 1 missiles reduced further.

Each Tier 1-3 module will have 1 salve, with the power, MP, weight and cost of 2 modules. (no of missiles is halved)

Each Tier 4-6 module will have 2 salve, with the power, MP, weight and cost of 2 modules.(no of missiles is the same)

Each Tier 7-9 module will have 3 salve, with the power, MP, weight and cost of 4 modules.( no of missiles is reduced slightly)

To summarise: missiles' No. are reduced, glass cannon is harder to build. Missiles is still (maybe even more) a very powerful weapon on long range, but not that accurate, and after long range, it's useless.


Will no longer fire on the long range phase.


Now have a Interception Evasion value 10 all tiers. Laser damage on long range is halved, the damge on short range is reduced slightly as well, but the accuracy is stable at 80-90%.


Deflector and shield's graphics are switched, the original defelctor now have the graphic to absorb hit, and changed to the name of Dispersal Shield, the original shield now will deflect hit, changed to the name of Deflector Shield. (This is only changed their looks and names, they still deal with their original target, why I changed it? I can't accept that bullets can be deflected! laser maybe, and it looks better this way!)

Kinetic Defence:

The weight of Kinetic defence is increased, which made kinetics defence cost more. Later tiers of kinetic defence have a small absorption value.

Laser Defence:

Later tiers of Laser Defence have a small chance to intercept laser shot.(completely deflect the hit)

Missile Defence:

Flak will have 5-10 Interception Accuracy compare to missile's 10-15, it will never have 100% interception chance now, but the chance is always higher than 50%.

tier 1-4: IA from 5 to 9.

tier 5-10: IA from 6-10.

So they don't have too much different on IA, but tier 1-4 is almost weighted twice as tier 5-10. tier 10 is the lightest of all, so in later game, 2 same level ships will easily have more flaks than missiles, and a lot more, but there is always a chance for each missile to evade.

To summarise: the Kinetic defence is weakened, and Laser Defence is strengthened. Make the kinetics a bit more useful (still the weakest weapon though). Flaks are lightened, easier to pile up.

Battle sequence:

the time spends on phase 1 (reaching phase) is reduced, so is the final phase (reporting phase). the short range phase have 6 rounds instead of 4, where the kinetic is the most effective weapon, also it's more likely to have a winner.

Battle Card:

Nano Repair and barrier are weakened.

Cards that only Missile related will not be played on medium and short range since missiles will not fire on these phases.

Faction traits:

Add a few, not many interesting, only one I haven't see else where is:

Genetic Determinism: Each pop will add 5% IDS to the planet, e.g. a planet with 10 pop will have a 50% IDS bonus on the planet, so larger population brings a larger bonus. very powerful almost cheating.

another one is:

Acadamy: unlock all tier 1 techs, but it will inhibit tier 2 tech traits.

Ship Design:

Ship upkeep increase by the no of levels. Now it does not multiply MaxCP anymore, but a small fleet upkeep is added. basically it's increased.

Ship healing in friendly space 20% each turn 10% in other space. Healing outside battle is now very effective, at least take similar time as building a new ship.

Ships costs are highly increased, Large ships's CP reduce to 3 and MaxWeight is reduced to 250. (Delete Hull.xml if you don't like, won't affect other changes)

Small ship 1 have Engine and Scout Weight bonus 50%, but no Repair weight bonus. Small ship 2 have a 40% increase on Max Dmg instead of weapon weight bonus and a small increase on health.

Medium ship 1 have no Armor Weigth bonus, but have power weight bonus increased to 50%. Horatio's Medium ship 2 graphic is switched with Medium ship 1. (trust me it looks better)

Large ship will have a 20% salvo increase on the fleet.

AI Ship Templates:

All the templates have an weight increase of defence module, nothing else.


I have changed texts according to the changes, also included some coloured text mod, this is copied from iblise's mod, originally from revent I think. There might be some name changes to traits and anomalies, I tried to changed them back, but apparently not all of them.

Download Here:[ATTACH]5790[/ATTACH]
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:36:17 AM
well it's a shield in nothing but name.

smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:32:36 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Well kinetics usually aren't absorbed, being a physical matter and all. They would smash into the shield, crumple up like cars that hit their fronts (or backs) in car crashes (this example because I don't know where to find a bullet hitting a wall :P). It's a bit hard to deflect these types of lasers, being plasma, but.... I guess it's doable?
I still remember some cartoon's from my childhood, that if a laser, beam, ray ish weapon fired, and good guy uses a mirror reflect it back, and bad guy burn to skeletons!smiley: sarcastic plus it written on the tooltips, i guess the shield was designed initially can deflect laser, but somehow changed?
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:29:57 AM
Well it's a deflection shield.

as opposed to a absorption shield, or a flak shield.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:24:29 AM
Well kinetics usually aren't absorbed, being a physical matter and all. They would smash into the shield, crumple up like cars that hit their fronts (or backs) in car crashes (this example because I don't know where to find a bullet hitting a wall :P). It's a bit hard to deflect these types of lasers, being plasma, but.... I guess it's doable?
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 3:06:33 AM
if you read into the tooltips of shields you can see they talk more about reflection, deflection than absorption. this dispersal shield i named, is a kind of shield will disperse the kinetic energy on to a wide area of the armor, which will not cause any damage to the armor.smiley: wink well this is all in my head, I can imaging whatever i want when I see the shieldsmiley: alder but make no sense to others~ that's one thing i love about modding!
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:43:40 AM
Actually around the middle of the tech tree, it's all a type of shield.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:43:22 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
ok, maybe i watched the matrix too much, i believe during a space battle, bullets should be stopped like how Neo did to them???smiley: cool or maybe just the shield in this game gave me that kind of thought???

Cool might be the word, but "should" isn't. There are plenty of real world means to deflect, soak, absorb, bounce projectiles before we go to more esoteric and fantastic means to defeat them (like shields). Besides, in the real world there is much more than mere AP rounds you can shoot at your foes...

Anyway, i'm more of a technical person so i like games that have deep mechanics under the hood. That's why i enjoy playing games like World of Tanks or Gratuitous Space Battles.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:35:18 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
�� i believe there must be a good rate of bullets deflected from armors, but i don't think it will look like what you see here, i think lasers should be more likely deflected at least more than bullets, don't you think so?

According to the description they are heavier armor, but in practice they act like shields that collapse after a number of hits. If they wanted to model armor, you would not defeat it by throwing more projectiles but use better projectiles that can pierce/burn through them. Also, something i learned while playing more realistic games is that you don't normally defeat armor with explosives (unless they are shaped charges or very high yield ones) because armor platings are really good at resisting them (unlike concrete and less sturdy material).

Personally i think deflecting is more suited for high speed projectiles than trying to stop them cold with thicker/more advanced armor in space environment. If they don't hit you they can't do damage, while if you are hit you have to pray your armor is tick enough...
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 11:19:41 PM
ok, maybe i watched the matrix too much, i believe during a space battle, bullets should be stopped like how Neo did to them???smiley: cool or maybe just the shield in this game gave me that kind of thought???
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 11:15:33 PM
Foraven wrote:
You never seen or don't believe it's even possible? You should come play World of Tanks, they have a rather good modeling of armor, penetration and ricocheting in that game.
�� i believe there must be a good rate of bullets deflected from armors, but i don't think it will look like what you see here, i think lasers should be more likely deflected at least more than bullets, don't you think so?
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 9:51:21 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
smiley: biggrin well, I never saw a bullet be deflected from a ship or tanks, they always nailed into the armor of ships?

You never seen or don't believe it's even possible? You should come play World of Tanks, they have a rather good modeling of armor, penetration and ricocheting in that game.
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 8:34:23 PM
Foraven wrote:
Why not? Projectiles can ricochet off armor, wind can deviate them, gravity can alter their course... I don't see any problem with having deflectors to deal with kinetic projectiles.

smiley: biggrin well, I never saw a bullet be deflected from a ship or tanks, they always nailed into the armor of ships?
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 7:10:58 PM
I can't accept that bullets can be deflected! laser maybe, and it looks better this way!

Why not? Projectiles can ricochet off armor, wind can deviate them, gravity can alter their course... I don't see any problem with having deflectors to deal with kinetic projectiles.
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