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YG MakeNoSense Mod (Mainly a Battle Mod, but with a lot of extra)

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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:43:40 AM
Actually around the middle of the tech tree, it's all a type of shield.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:43:22 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
ok, maybe i watched the matrix too much, i believe during a space battle, bullets should be stopped like how Neo did to them???smiley: cool or maybe just the shield in this game gave me that kind of thought???

Cool might be the word, but "should" isn't. There are plenty of real world means to deflect, soak, absorb, bounce projectiles before we go to more esoteric and fantastic means to defeat them (like shields). Besides, in the real world there is much more than mere AP rounds you can shoot at your foes...

Anyway, i'm more of a technical person so i like games that have deep mechanics under the hood. That's why i enjoy playing games like World of Tanks or Gratuitous Space Battles.
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12 years ago
Feb 21, 2013, 2:35:18 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
�� i believe there must be a good rate of bullets deflected from armors, but i don't think it will look like what you see here, i think lasers should be more likely deflected at least more than bullets, don't you think so?

According to the description they are heavier armor, but in practice they act like shields that collapse after a number of hits. If they wanted to model armor, you would not defeat it by throwing more projectiles but use better projectiles that can pierce/burn through them. Also, something i learned while playing more realistic games is that you don't normally defeat armor with explosives (unless they are shaped charges or very high yield ones) because armor platings are really good at resisting them (unlike concrete and less sturdy material).

Personally i think deflecting is more suited for high speed projectiles than trying to stop them cold with thicker/more advanced armor in space environment. If they don't hit you they can't do damage, while if you are hit you have to pray your armor is tick enough...
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 11:19:41 PM
ok, maybe i watched the matrix too much, i believe during a space battle, bullets should be stopped like how Neo did to them???smiley: cool or maybe just the shield in this game gave me that kind of thought???
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 11:15:33 PM
Foraven wrote:
You never seen or don't believe it's even possible? You should come play World of Tanks, they have a rather good modeling of armor, penetration and ricocheting in that game.
�� i believe there must be a good rate of bullets deflected from armors, but i don't think it will look like what you see here, i think lasers should be more likely deflected at least more than bullets, don't you think so?
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 9:51:21 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
smiley: biggrin well, I never saw a bullet be deflected from a ship or tanks, they always nailed into the armor of ships?

You never seen or don't believe it's even possible? You should come play World of Tanks, they have a rather good modeling of armor, penetration and ricocheting in that game.
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 8:34:23 PM
Foraven wrote:
Why not? Projectiles can ricochet off armor, wind can deviate them, gravity can alter their course... I don't see any problem with having deflectors to deal with kinetic projectiles.

smiley: biggrin well, I never saw a bullet be deflected from a ship or tanks, they always nailed into the armor of ships?
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 7:10:58 PM
I can't accept that bullets can be deflected! laser maybe, and it looks better this way!

Why not? Projectiles can ricochet off armor, wind can deviate them, gravity can alter their course... I don't see any problem with having deflectors to deal with kinetic projectiles.
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