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Conversion of Heroes [Micro Mod]

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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 3:26:38 AM
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I think among my 5000 posts, this advice accounts for 500 of them.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 10:01:30 AM
UPDATE: (in first post full description)

Version: 0.05

ES Version: 1.0.65

Fast Download: ConversionOfHeroes_0.05.rar

old release: [ATTACH=CONFIG]5428[/ATTACH]


In Game most players use 2 types of HEROES:


This mod change any useless types of heroes on playable types.

How to Install:

1. Download and unpack mod to folder: C:\Users\{YOURS PROFILE NAME}\Documents\Endless Space\Modding

important! : Check than you do not have a directory in the directory!

2. Run game with parameter (in steam) +mod ConversionOfHeroes or run mod via game interface.

How to Merge with Other mods?

Its verry Easy:

1. You must copy only Simulation folder to any other mod.

2. You must add in index.xml file of destination mod in tag:




- update heroes to ES Version: 1.0.65.

- set new stats and class to 4 new HEROES

-- [Administrator;Pilot] : Labor=4;Wit=0;Melee=2;Offense=2;Defense=2

- Re-class one hero from [Administrator;Corporate] on [Administrator;Pilot] with new stats

- Randomize Statats for exist [Administrator;Corporate] heroes Sum (40):

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (20): Labor=4;Wit=4;Melee=2;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (10): Labor=2;Wit=4;Melee=4;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (10): Labor=4;Wit=2;Melee=4;Offense=0;Defense=0

- Reduces Endless Hero to 2 from 4 (orginal setting)

- Incrase EXP on level [LVL_EXP=LVL*10+(LVL_EXP-1)] like in table:


0 : 00 -> 00

1 : 10 -> 10

2 : 20 -> 30

3 : 40 -> 60

4 : 80 -> 100

5 : 120 -> 150

6 : 160 -> 210

7 : 400 -> 280

8 : 250 -> 360

9 : 300 -> 450

10: 360 -> 550

11: 420 -> 660

12: 500 -> 780

13: 600 -> 910

14: 700 -> 1050

15: 800 -> 1200

16: 900 -> 1360

17: 1000 -> 1530

18: 1100 -> 1710

19: 1200 -> 1900

20: 1400 -> 2100
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:33:29 AM
Pilot is strongest hero. I have no problems with a administrator/pilot. He cans start off with some administrator work then still be useful later in the game.
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 7:39:49 PM
i never saw a problem with having a hero have system/combat classes. You hired the hero for one of those in particular, and there are plenty of skills worth spending points on. However, the main problem is the disparity in class strength, i.e. admin is much more valuable than corporate, and pilot is much better than adventurer.

Anyway, this mod looks like a nice fix for that until there is a more official change!
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 7:15:35 PM
Ail wrote:
As far as I know their current focus has to do with the heros.

I hope they redo them; it's quite useless to have dual purpose heroes right now, we either want them in a fleet or a system but we hardly ever use them for both (as it is a waste to split their skills between both type). It's sad though that we reduce the diversity in heroes a lot if we prevent some combination though.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 10:30:02 PM


- fix: number of class for [Pilot;Commander] (now is 14) in 0.03 was 0.

- fix: number of class for [Pilot;Adventurer] (now is 14) in 0.03 was 28.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 7:55:51 PM
Ail wrote:
As far as I know their current focus has to do with the heros.
That's good, very good.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 5:41:20 PM
Hister wrote:
Were devs notified about hero's issues in the game?

As far as I know their current focus has to do with the heros.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 10:02:55 AM


- change version show style number from 1.0.01 on 0.01 (now v0.03)

- changes all 69 heroes stats and class

-- remove [Administrator;Pilot] , [Administrator;Adventurer] , [Administrator;Commander] and [Pilot;Corporate] classes

-- replace removed classes on [Administrator;Corporate] (now 41 heroes) , [Pilot;Commander](now 14 heroes) and [Pilot;Adventurer](now 14 heroese)

- set new stats to all hero class

-- [Administrator;Corporate] : Labor=4;Wit=4;Melee=2;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Pilot;Commander] : Labor=0;Wit=0;Melee=2;Offense=4;Defense=4

-- [Pilot;Adventurer] : Labor=0;Wit=0;Melee=4;Offense=4;Defense=2

- Any class have one Endless Hero [Administrator;Corporate] (now 1 hero) , [Pilot;Commander](now 1 hero) and [Pilot;Adventurer](now 1 hero) (included to global numers of heroes)
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 10:03:14 PM
Conversion of Heroes [MicroMod]

Technical info:

Version: 0.05

ES Version: 1.0.65

Fast Download: ConversionOfHeroes_0.05.rar


In Game most players use 2 types of HEROES:


This mod change any useless types of heroes on playable types.

How to Install:

1. Download and unpack mod to folder: C:\Users\{YOURS PROFILE NAME}\Documents\Endless Space\Modding

important! : Check than you do not have a directory in the directory!

2. Run game with parameter (in steam) +mod ConversionOfHeroes or run mod via game interface.

How to Merge with Other mods?

Its verry Easy:

1. You must copy only Simulation folder to any other mod.

2. You must add in index.xml file of destination mod in tag:




- update heroes to ES Version: 1.0.65.

- set new stats and class to 4 new HEROES

-- [Administrator;Pilot] : Labor=4;Wit=0;Melee=2;Offense=2;Defense=2

- Re-class one hero from [Administrator;Corporate] on [Administrator;Pilot] with new stats

- Randomize Statats for exist [Administrator;Corporate] heroes Sum (40):

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (20): Labor=4;Wit=4;Melee=2;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (10): Labor=2;Wit=4;Melee=4;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Administrator;Corporate] (10): Labor=4;Wit=2;Melee=4;Offense=0;Defense=0

- Reduces Endless Hero to 2 from 4 (orginal setting)

- Incrase EXP on level [LVL_EXP=LVL*10+(LVL_EXP-1)] like in table:


0 : 00 -> 00

1 : 10 -> 10

2 : 20 -> 30

3 : 40 -> 60

4 : 80 -> 100

5 : 120 -> 150

6 : 160 -> 210

7 : 400 -> 280

8 : 250 -> 360

9 : 300 -> 450

10: 360 -> 550

11: 420 -> 660

12: 500 -> 780

13: 600 -> 910

14: 700 -> 1050

15: 800 -> 1200

16: 900 -> 1360

17: 1000 -> 1530

18: 1100 -> 1710

19: 1200 -> 1900

20: 1400 -> 2100


- fix: number of class for [Pilot;Commander] (now is 14) in 0.03 was 0.

- fix: number of class for [Pilot;Adventurer] (now is 14) in 0.03 was 28.


- change version show style number from 1.0.01 on 0.01 (now v0.03)

- changes all 69 heroes stats and class

-- remove [Administrator;Pilot] , [Administrator;Adventurer] , [Administrator;Commander] and [Pilot;Corporate] classes

-- replace removed classes on [Administrator;Corporate] (now 41 heroes) , [Pilot;Commander](now 14 heroes) and [Pilot;Adventurer](now 14 heroese)

- set new stats to all hero class

-- [Administrator;Corporate] : Labor=4;Wit=4;Melee=2;Offense=0;Defense=0

-- [Pilot;Commander] : Labor=0;Wit=0;Melee=2;Offense=4;Defense=4

-- [Pilot;Adventurer] : Labor=0;Wit=0;Melee=4;Offense=4;Defense=2

- Any class have one Endless Hero [Administrator;Corporate] (now 1 hero) , [Pilot;Commander](now 1 hero) and [Pilot;Adventurer](now 1 hero) (included to global numers of heroes)


- changes 20 heroes stats and class

- change [Corporate;Adventurer] -> [Administrator;Corporate]

- change [Corporate;Commander] -> [Administrator;Corporate]

- change [Commander;Adventurer] -> [Pilot;Adventurer] and [Pilot;Commander]
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12 years ago
Jan 14, 2013, 10:58:38 PM
Every time I try to download this mod it says i need to login and keep in mind I am already logged in when I try but I go ahead and re-enter my info and it says thanks for logging in and then brings me to the same screen saying I need to login to download.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 3:37:28 PM
The assignement to fleet or system is not really random. Their is a ratio at which the AI assignes those and it is different during Peace, war and cold-war.

So you can basically force it to use all heros on fleet or all heros on systems all the time and you can also force it to use only fleet or system-skills.

That's what I've done in my mod.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 3:27:52 PM
What you are pointing out here is that "hybrid" heroes are not much use. There are two kinds of heroes: fleet and system. It is not very useful to have a hero who is part fleet and part system. So, for stats, the best heroes are those which have either (1) labor and wit; but melee, offense, defense are zero; or (2) labor and wit are zero, but melee, offense, defense are nonzero. As you point out, heroes with some of each are less effective.

The game AI makes this worse, because it randomly splits the level abilities between fleet and system, and randomly assigns heroes to fleets or systems. So the AI heroes are very unfocused.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 12:09:52 PM
And else possibility:

Any hero take only Basic HERO Atributes:


and rest of point from EXP leveling upgreade like in Master Of Orion 2 smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 11:56:08 AM
i czeck all HEROES and se totaly disbalanse in attributes look for this:

8 original Administrator-corporate:

01: Labor=6;Wit=6;Melee=3;Offense=0;Defense=0

02: Labor=5;Wit=9;Melee=1;Offense=0;Defense=0

03: Labor=7;Wit=3;Melee=5;Offense=0;Defense=0

31: Labor=6;Wit=6;Melee=3;Offense=0;Defense=0

32: Labor=5;Wit=9;Melee=1;Offense=0;Defense=0

33: Labor=7;Wit=3;Melee=5;Offense=0;Defense=0

67: Labor=6;Wit=6;Melee=3;Offense=0;Defense=0

69: Labor=8;Wit=7;Melee=0;Offense=0;Defense=0

look if one player random receive : 69, 32 and 02

hi had the best HERO in GAME. My system give all players this same type of basic values of attributes chosen heroes.

of course in academy still spawn random classes but all have similar stats, and any can be used in beging to any function. Like Fast hero to defend claiming star system.

Of course balancing to my idea is necessary, byt still is better than original random HERO system.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 11:04:29 AM
I like it, but it occurs to me that a lot of problems with hero balance originate less in the base stats, which are generally fairly balanced, and more in the specific skills. Taking the various primary skills, Labour or Offence for example, should be about unlocking abilities.

For instance instead of 3-3-4 points for what you're looking at, 1-1-3.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 10:25:49 AM
We test it yesterday, and do we have an idea to balance HEROES.

Now any heroes have random 15 points on start attributes: from 10 to 0.

Any point of atribute give:

Labor: 2% bonus to [food+industry]

Wit: 2% bonus to [science+dust]

Melee: 5 and 5% bonus to [Defensesystem] and 10% bonus to [Invasion]

Offence: 4% bonus to [fleetattack]

Defence: 4% bonus to [fleetdefense]

Now any who have luck on start game take can Administrator with 10 LABOR, who give on start 20% bonus to production!

Any else take Adminsitrator with 0 labor and don't have any bonus.

Better solution is give any HERO this same basics stats, and with EXPerience player give new points to chosen attributes.

And we suggest give any CLASS hero archetype start atributes like:

Basic HERO Atributes:


Basic Class Atributes:

Administrator: Labor+2;Wit+1;Melee+1;Offense+0;Defense+0

Corporate: Labor+1;Wit+2;Melee+0;Offense+1;Defense+0

Adventurer: Labor+1;Wit+0;Melee+1;Offense+1;Defense+1

Commander: Labor+0;Wit+1;Melee+1;Offense+0;Defense+2

Pilot: Labor+0;Wit+0;Melee+1;Offense+2;Defense+1

HERO Start Atributes:

[Administrator;Corporate] Labor=4;Wit=4;Melee=2;Offense=2;Defense=1

[Administrator;Adventurer] Labor=4;Wit=2;Melee=3;Offense=2;Defense=2

[Administrator;Commander] Labor=3;Wit=3;Melee=3;Offense=1;Defense=3

[Administrator;Pilot] Labor=3;Wit=2;Melee=3;Offense=3;Defense=2

[Pilot;Adventurer] Labor=2;Wit=1;Melee=3;Offense=3;Defense=2

[Pilot;Commander] Labor=1;Wit=2;Melee=3;Offense=3;Defense=4

[Pilot;Corporate] Labor=2;Wit=3;Melee=2;Offense=4;Defense=2

This should be more balanced than its now.

What do you think about this ?
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 10:14:28 AM
Doesn't sound bad against the AI but acquiring, and then making the most out of, terrible heroes is all a part of MP.
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