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Affecting a specific module cost per race basis.

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11 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 2:18:29 PM
I have been trying (without success) to fix the Sophon's issue where the race's support module bonus also make colony ships extremely cheap. So far, i could not affect the cost of a specific subclass of support modules, the game just don't do anything to it (but i can change other values, just not cost). Been trying a lot of tricks like creating a new colony module just for the Sophon, but that can't work because colony module effects are hardcoded. I just ran out of ideas smiley: frown.
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11 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 4:18:15 PM
I'm rather sure they're not hardcore (just guessing) but I know Davea made a colony module for Hariato that reduced weight by 50%
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11 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 4:24:06 PM
iblise wrote:
I'm rather sure they're not hardcore (just guessing) but I know Davea made a colony module for Hariato that reduced weight by 50%

Hum... Haven't seen it anywhere in the code though... Will check that.
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