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Affect enemy star system with fleets? Poisoning Atmosphere, Altering Planets or sth.?

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11 years ago
Mar 31, 2013, 7:03:57 PM
Hi guys,

does anybody have an idea if it is possible to affect planets of an enemy star system as a result of an invasion within a mod?

The following scenarios are imaginable:

  • Destroying star system improvements
  • Destroying planets (turning into asteroid fields)
  • Altering planets anomalies
  • Reducing population

These ideas are not new, thinking of Star Trek Birth of the Federation. All these things are possible with planets and systems you already own. Using these effects to affect enemy planets would be great. This could give galactic warfare a new dimension, depth and more possibilities than only invading systems without casualties.

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11 years ago
Mar 31, 2013, 9:30:36 PM
nToxic wrote:
Hi guys,

does anybody have an idea if it is possible to affect planets of an enemy star system as a result of an invasion?

The following scenarios are imaginable:

  • Destroying star system improvements
  • Destroying planets (turning into asteroid fields)
  • Altering planets anomalies
  • Reducing population

These ideas are not new, thinking of Star Trek Birth of the Federation. All these things are possible with planets and systems you already own. Using these effects to affect enemy planets would be great. This could give galactic warfare a new dimension, depth and more possibilities than only invading systems without casualties.


Asking if it's possible gives a reader the interpretation of "is this currently in the game". Are these possibilities for the game? Possibly, it's still growing. You'll have to wait for the expansion for more info on it though, they're adding a lot of stuff (possibly some stuff that didn't win G2G votes)
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11 years ago
Apr 1, 2013, 6:28:54 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Asking if it's possible gives a reader the interpretation of "is this currently in the game". Are these possibilities for the game? Possibly, it's still growing. You'll have to wait for the expansion for more info on it though, they're adding a lot of stuff (possibly some stuff that didn't win G2G votes)

Oh smiley: confused ok, I thought because it is obviously a thread in the modding forum, it should be clear, that it is about modding, not about things currently implemented in the game.

So let me be more precise: Is there the possibility to influence enemy star systems the way I mentioned above with the actual potential of modding?
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11 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 6:00:35 PM
So nobody modded something similar, or has a idea how to affect enemy systems with some xml commands the player could use ingame?
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11 years ago
Apr 3, 2013, 6:19:27 PM
nToxic wrote:
So nobody modded something similar, or has a idea how to affect enemy systems with some xml commands the player could use ingame?

Well, i believe all of this is possible to implement with some work. It's all things that can be altered from the xml files. However, pretty much all this is planned in the expansion so it's only a matter of time before we see that in game.
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11 years ago
Apr 4, 2013, 7:10:54 AM
So you would recommend to put no effort in modding these things mentioned?
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