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Anyone speaking german could translate me these?

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12 years ago
Apr 9, 2013, 8:10:55 PM
I don't speak or read any german and i don't trust online translation programs to do a good job at it. So here a few lines i wish could be translated for my next version of FairFight:


• Negate Laser criticals from enemy

• -15% accuracy for enemy Lasers (block: - 10%)


• -30% damage from enemy kinetics (block: -15%)

• Negate kinetic criticals from enemy


• -10% weapon accuracy

• -40% critical damage from enemy

• Block: -25% enemy weapon damage


• +50% Critical hit chance with missiles (block: +10%)

• +20% missiles accuracy

• -25% missiles evasion (Block: +10%)


• +15% accuracy for enemy weapons (block: +10%)[/CODE]

Of course, only need the text translated, not the code that make it appear in-game smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />.

Oh and there a few i did myself and i was wondering if i did it right :


• +100% Raketen Projektile (Blockung: +25%)

• +20% Präzision der Raketen

• -40% Raketenschaden

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
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12 years ago
Apr 9, 2013, 8:27:06 PM
Every entry gets a new line: so here they are smiley: biggrin

Polarisierte Hülle

Negiert kritische Lasertreffer von Feinden

-15% Genauigkeit für feindliche Laser (Block: -10%)

Reaktive Panzerung

-30% Schaden durch feindliche Kinetikwaffen (Block: -15%)

Negiert kritische Kinetiktreffer von Feinden

-10% Waffengenauigkeit


-40% kritischer Schaden durch Feinde

Block: -25% feindlicher Waffenschaden

A.S. Gefechtskopf

+50% kritische Trefferchance mit Raketen

+25% Raketengenauigkeit

-25% Raketenausweichchance (Block: +10%)


+15% Genauigkeit für feindliche Waffen (Block:+10%)

Your translation seems to be ok. But I don't know if I would call it "Blockung". I would leave it as "Block"

Btw what is meant by +100% rocket projectiles?
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 1:01:01 AM
nToxic wrote:
Every entry gets a new line: so here they are smiley: biggrin

Polarisierte Hülle

Negiert kritische Lasertreffer von Feinden

-15% Genauigkeit für feindliche Laser (Block: -10%)

Reaktive Panzerung

-30% Schaden durch feindliche Kinetikwaffen (Block: -15%)

Negiert kritische Kinetiktreffer von Feinden

-10% Waffengenauigkeit


-40% kritischer Schaden durch Feinde

Block: -25% feindlicher Waffenschaden

A.S. Gefechtskopf

+50% kritische Trefferchance mit Raketen

+25% Raketengenauigkeit

-25% Raketenausweichchance (Block: +10%)


+15% Genauigkeit für feindliche Waffen (Block:+10%)

Thanks for the Translations. Btw, the A.S. was meant as ANTI-SHIP, i'm sure there is some german acronym or suitable word for that. It's sad, but we can't write much on those combat cards.

Your translation seems to be ok. But I don't know if I would call it "Blockung". I would leave it as "Block"

The devs use "Blockung" in their translation so i used the same.

Btw what is meant by +100% rocket projectiles?

I know, it's not clear. I have been struggling on that one for a while; how to make it brief but meaningful. What it mean is 2x more missiles than normal (ie a barrage of missiles smiley: stickouttongue). I short, double DAKA lol.
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12 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 8:27:02 AM
Foraven wrote:
Thanks for the Translations. Btw, the A.S. was meant as ANTI-SHIP, i'm sure there is some german acronym or suitable word for that. It's sad, but we can't write much on those combat cards.

You are wellcome smiley: smile. What is called Anti Aircraft Gun is a 'FLAK' in German, meaning 'Flugzeug Abwehr Kanone'. So an Anti Ship Warhead could be: "Raumschiff Abwehr Gefechtskopf" or shortened "RAG" ^^. But also anglicisms are very common in German. So sometimes it is easier using anglicisms than finding a suitible german word for it ^^, but never the less its great to see someone doing some translations or at least care for the German speaking faction smiley: redface.

The devs use "Blockung" in their translation so i used the same.

Ok than you are right and I never noticed it so far ^^.

I know, it's not clear. I have been struggling on that one for a while; how to make it brief but meaningful. What it mean is 2x more missiles than normal (ie a barrage of missiles smiley: stickouttongue). I short, double DAKA lol.

Ok, that was my first idea, but I was not sure.

When you need further help translating something into German, you can also contact me by pm smiley: wink
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