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Idea thread - EVE online empires mod.

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11 years ago
Apr 24, 2013, 7:21:14 PM
Long time listener, first time caller. Didn't find anything relevant with search, so I'm going to throw this out here.

I'm curious as to wether or not anyone would be interested in making an EVE online mod, placing the major empires and their ships into the game. I'm not going to lie, I have no real prior modding experience save for the basic Candy Kingdom mod tutorial, which is why I'm merely throwing this idea out there.

Just a few pointers to get started:

smiley: dust Obviously, we cannot include every ship in the game. This is okay - EVE's most common ships are also the same as ES's mix (transport > frigate > destroyer > cruiser > battlecruiser > battleship). It would make sense, therefore, to simply chose one ship from each class per race (for example, for the Gallente it could be Iteron > Tristan > Catalyst > Thorax > Myrmidon > Megathron).

smiley: dust New faction abilities, whilst nice, could in theory be covered by existing ones. For example, the Minmatar's affinity for kinetic weapons is well represented by Snipers 3, as anyone who's played against the Hissho unprepared can testify. But if you want to make new ones or suggest some, be my guest.

smiley: dust It might be worth putting this off until the expansion is released and we get fighters and bombers to play with, thus giving us fighters and bombers. We could use this to either make drones or use the normal EVE fighters (preference towards the latter).

smiley: dust CCP does have have a history of working with third party modders, which means potential for access to original models. I am referring to the (sadly dead) Homeworld 2 EVE RTS mod. Of course, things may have changed, but there's always hope.

I now open this thread to your grounded cynicism, because gods know I'm too stupid for my own good.
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11 years ago
Apr 24, 2013, 11:09:34 PM
Eyrok wrote:
Long time listener, first time caller. Didn't find anything relevant with search, so I'm going to throw this out here.

I'm curious as to wether or not anyone would be interested in making an EVE online mod, placing the major empires and their ships into the game. I'm not going to lie, I have no real prior modding experience save for the basic Candy Kingdom mod tutorial, which is why I'm merely throwing this idea out there.

Just a few pointers to get started:

smiley: dust Obviously, we cannot include every ship in the game. This is okay - EVE's most common ships are also the same as ES's mix (transport > frigate > destroyer > cruiser > battlecruiser > battleship). It would make sense, therefore, to simply chose one ship from each class per race (for example, for the Gallente it could be Iteron > Tristan > Catalyst > Thorax > Myrmidon > Megathron).

smiley: dust New faction abilities, whilst nice, could in theory be covered by existing ones. For example, the Minmatar's affinity for kinetic weapons is well represented by Snipers 3, as anyone who's played against the Hissho unprepared can testify. But if you want to make new ones or suggest some, be my guest.

smiley: dust It might be worth putting this off until the expansion is released and we get fighters and bombers to play with, thus giving us fighters and bombers. We could use this to either make drones or use the normal EVE fighters (preference towards the latter).

smiley: dust CCP does have have a history of working with third party modders, which means potential for access to original models. I am referring to the (sadly dead) Homeworld 2 EVE RTS mod. Of course, things may have changed, but there's always hope.

I now open this thread to your grounded cynicism, because gods know I'm too stupid for my own good.

You can try ;P but a lot of the bigger mods with new races usually get abandoned after a while smiley: frown sad fact
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