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Adding Wonders

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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 6:07:47 PM
Giant Tree on gas giant makes much more sense than Giant Tree on Terran btw ;p
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12 years ago
May 9, 2013, 11:28:12 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
I don't suppose anyone has tried adding a wonder for kicks since i brought this up eh? To see if i'm massively wrong or something? :/

Since i'm checking anomalies out (to include further anomalies/anomalies reductions in my mod) i noticed wonders are not called PlanetAnomaly but PlanetNaturalWonder or PlanetEndlessWonder. Did you change that in your tests?
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12 years ago
May 8, 2013, 9:56:22 PM
I don't suppose anyone has tried adding a wonder for kicks since i brought this up eh? To see if i'm massively wrong or something? :/
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12 years ago
May 8, 2013, 5:28:09 PM
Though I have the ultimate fix: renaming all wonders into "giant" - something and everything is fine again smiley: yell
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12 years ago
May 8, 2013, 11:48:29 AM
Foraven wrote:
You think? How big that giant tree need to be to be visible on a gas giant? Earth could probably hang on one of the branch...
It is a "Giant" tree after all. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 8, 2013, 2:48:27 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Ok, so broken"ish". smiley: stickouttongue Still, the wonder I'm adding could be on any planet type, so it's ok. Still tho, any ideas on adding them properly? Or meaning an anomaly alone time only?

Hum, it's possible the unique wonders are hardcoded in some ways. Only a devs could really answer that one.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 8:36:32 PM
Ok, so broken"ish". smiley: stickouttongue Still, the wonder I'm adding could be on any planet type, so it's ok. Still tho, any ideas on adding them properly? Or meaning an anomaly alone time only?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 6:49:32 PM
Aureon wrote:
Giant Tree on gas giant makes much more sense than Giant Tree on Terran btw ;p

You think? How big that giant tree need to be to be visible on a gas giant? Earth could probably hang on one of the branch...
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12 years ago
May 5, 2013, 11:09:35 PM
Ok.. WUT?

So i decided to try adding a wonder to my mod, looked easy enough as they're basically anomolies; however, i'm having an issue. I can add in the wonder just fine, it applies it's bonus as intended, is "upgraded" as intendeted, etc. The problem is this, i can't make it an actual "one time only" wonder, i.e. i can't make it appear only once on a map. If i give it entries for each planet type in GalaxySettings.xml like you would for normal anomolies, it can (and does) pop up multiple times on different worlds. I thought that changing the flag Serializable="true" to Serializable="false" in PlanetDescriptor.xml would make it, you know, not serialized and thus only appear once, that was not the case. So i figured it must be that if it has entries under the planet anomaly probabilities in GalaxySettings.xml it's being treated as any ordinary anomaly would. However, when i remove those entries (unsurprisingly) the wonder doesn't appear at all on maps.

So what am i doing wrong here? How do i get an anomaly/wonder to appear only once on a map? Or, how do i get wonders to appear if i can't list them in GalaxySettings.xml somewhere? I'm thoroughly confused.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 2:38:48 PM
nToxic wrote:
That is something I would like to know too. Did not realize it up to now!

Alright, they do work, it's just that unlike normal anomalies, Wonders can spawn on any planets, including asteroids... That means you can get a giant tree on a Gas Giant or an Icecap on a Lava Planet (i'm sure there are much worst possibilities).
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 8:55:54 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Broken? How so?

That is something I would like to know too. Did not realize it up to now!
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 6:30:39 AM
Foraven wrote:
Never tried. Wonders are broken IMO so i believe you should stick to anomalies until the devs get around to fix them.

Broken? How so?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2013, 4:33:24 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Anyone tried to add wonders before successfully? Or did i royally mess something up?

Never tried. Wonders are broken IMO so i believe you should stick to anomalies until the devs get around to fix them.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2013, 3:43:55 AM
Here is an example:














$(PlanetEndlessWonderGEM13) and $(PlanetStatusColonized)













Endless Wonder Test description. Industry


Endless Wonder Test restoration description. [/CODE]
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12 years ago
May 6, 2013, 3:35:02 AM
Foraven wrote:
Set them as an Endless Wonder; there can be only one of each. The problem is you can't set what planets they can spawn on, they can show up on any planet type regardless if it make sense (like a giant tree on a Gas Giant or Ice on a Lava Planet).

Right, did that. As i said, they don't appear at all if they're not included with the other anomalies in GalaxySettings.xml. And if i do include them, they spawn multiple times. smiley: frown Unless i'm totally missing where to designate them as Endless Wonders (PlanetDescriptor.xml, Type="PlanetEndlessWonder")?
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12 years ago
May 6, 2013, 2:15:42 AM
LogicSequence wrote:
Ok.. WUT?

So i decided to try adding a wonder to my mod, looked easy enough as they're basically anomolies; however, i'm having an issue. I can add in the wonder just fine, it applies it's bonus as intended, is "upgraded" as intendeted, etc. The problem is this, i can't make it an actual "one time only" wonder, i.e. i can't make it appear only once on a map. If i give it entries for each planet type in GalaxySettings.xml like you would for normal anomolies, it can (and does) pop up multiple times on different worlds. I thought that changing the flag Serializable="true" to Serializable="false" in PlanetDescriptor.xml would make it, you know, not serialized and thus only appear once, that was not the case. So i figured it must be that if it has entries under the planet anomaly probabilities in GalaxySettings.xml it's being treated as any ordinary anomaly would. However, when i remove those entries (unsurprisingly) the wonder doesn't appear at all on maps.

So what am i doing wrong here? How do i get an anomaly/wonder to appear only once on a map? Or, how do i get wonders to appear if i can't list them in GalaxySettings.xml somewhere? I'm thoroughly confused.

Set them as an Endless Wonder; there can be only one of each. The problem is you can't set what planets they can spawn on, they can show up on any planet type regardless if it make sense (like a giant tree on a Gas Giant or Ice on a Lava Planet).
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