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Mods and Disharmony

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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 11:12:47 PM
Has anyone been able to get disharmony to even recognize a mod yet? Nothing I do will make it even aware that ANY mods exist, let alone let me try to use/debug one.

Are there modding patch notes anywhere?
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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 11:18:01 PM
disharmony has a different set of folders in the my documents within the endless space folder

so "Documents\Endless Space\Disharmony\Modding"
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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 11:22:20 PM
I think changenotes would not make that much sense as there's almost more that has changed than has not.

I would say we have to start all over again with modding or put in a lot of effort in order to port a mod.

That's also why I completely stopped modding for the last couple of months since I pretty much knew that the expansion will change so much.
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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 11:35:30 PM
Well i understood that as well, but i'm saying i can't even get Disharmony to recognize ANY mods exist at all, and i mean even one that does virtually nothing (adds a single entry to localization for example). I can, literally, not get Disharmony to be aware of anything in the mods directory. It's as if it doesn't even scan the directory.

We have to have some kind of notes, some kind of awareness of how things have changed, or we all might as well hang up our mods and go home. smiley: stickouttongue

Right now though, i'd settle for the game recognizing that there are such a thing as mods at all. smiley: frown
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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 11:58:19 PM
Blackwind's response works. You also have to go into your Endless Space folder, and use the Public_xp1 folder to design (or redesign) the mod.

Make the folders necessary in your documents/Endless Space directory (aka, create a Disharmony folder, and then inside that one, a Modding folder.)

Unfortunately, it seems that older mods cannot be imported into the DLC unit, so you have to use the Public_xp1 folder to design your mods for that expansion.
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 12:12:46 AM
For some reason i didn't see Blackwind's response first go around. I'll try the new directory. As for the xp1 folder, i figured this might be the case. Do the files in xp1 contain the data from the original, or is it just the XP, and hooked in to the original?

Also, where did you find out about the dir change? I didn't see it in any patch notes.
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 12:15:13 AM
the expansion is a mod might be part of the problem. i think this is the case based on its index.xml file. ****If only you could load more than one mod by having a load order***

as for the dir i saved a game earlier and noticed it created a new folder disharmony with a save folder in their. as conformation i had a mod appear in there but when i loaded up the mod it loaded to classic not expansion.
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 1:38:31 AM
Look at the index file for your mod. Should be in the endless space/Disharmony/modding/modname/ directory, under the name of index.xml

If you open it up, using notepad++ or another text editor, does it have the line "Disharmony" inside it, just beneath the MinimumRequiredGameVersion line?

If it doesn't, its built for the classic version of Endless Space.
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 12:37:17 PM
Just updated the modding release note following Disharmony arrival.

Hope it will enlighten you on the subject smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jun 27, 2013, 11:15:56 PM
Pikou wrote:
Nothing has changed in the process to create a mod for the classic version.

Please refer to the sticky thread: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16353-tutorials-for-modding-es

It should help you with all the details and everything smiley: smile

Pikou, now that Disharmony is out, any chance i can persuade you all to take a few minutes to look into this long-lived modding bug that is preventing me from releasing my mod?

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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2013, 12:56:49 AM
2 things i have noticed if a mod dose not appear it is not compatible, also that the game now remember the last mod and expansion played and will load it with out the need to +mod it which saves you a good few minutes that you could be gaming with smiley: smile
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