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Using ships from multiple original factions in a custom faction

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11 years ago
Jun 4, 2013, 6:55:28 AM
I've been trying to put together a custom faction, using a few ships from the Pirate faction, one custom ship and filling in the rest with Empire ships. I've built it from scratch, with it's own affinity, tech, etc.

Everything works as it should, icons, tech, etc except the 3D models from the original factions, they are defaulted back to the Craver models.

Could someone show me how to use ships from the original factions without taking their whole shipline to the custom faction?
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11 years ago
Jun 30, 2013, 10:02:06 PM
I am trying to do the exact same thing, at least until I can try and make some new models, so I've got the same question.

Couldn't one just create new ship templates and point them to the existing models? All those assets are in the .assets file, but someone could at least figure out the appropriate paths without having to extract the actual files.
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