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Faction Limited to Specific Heroes

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11 years ago
Jun 30, 2013, 5:42:47 AM
I want to add a faction but only let them use the heroes I add to the game. Anyone out there know how it can be done?
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11 years ago
Jul 1, 2013, 9:19:09 PM
It would be nice to have a mod like this for the base factions as well. Getting heroes that work for your faction is a crap shoot.
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11 years ago
Jul 3, 2013, 12:58:29 PM
+1 to this thread. My custom faction has me using Skuoi Kiyryi as a kind of personal knight.....when I can get him to spawn. Also, there's the fact that, if you're at war with a race, should heroes from that race REALLY be working for you without question?

Me: so...umm...Galdos. We kinda declared war on the Amoeba yesterday..

G: So?

Me: Doesn't this bug you? we're kinda killing all your friends and family... probably going to kill and/or enslave your entire civilization while we're at it...

G: Eh...
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11 years ago
Jul 3, 2013, 3:55:47 PM
Pondera wrote:
+1 to this thread. My custom faction has me using Skuoi Kiyryi as a kind of personal knight.....when I can get him to spawn. Also, there's the fact that, if you're at war with a race, should heroes from that race REALLY be working for you without question?

Me: so...umm...Galdos. We kinda declared war on the Amoeba yesterday..

G: So?

Me: Doesn't this bug you? we're kinda killing all your friends and family... probably going to kill and/or enslave your entire civilization while we're at it...

G: Eh...

Lol that would be awesome. Seems like it would require a lot more than a mod. I imagine developers would have to add an attribute for faction and then have a modifier tied to diplomatic relations for boost or penalty.
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11 years ago
Jul 4, 2013, 12:30:33 AM
Don't know of any way to limit heros to a specific faction. But maybe, just maybe there is a way to make a faction preferentially recruit certain heroes. I haven't tried this trick (just thought it up) so it may not work but here's how it goes, it involves editing several files:

1) Add a new hero class, let's call it HeroClassSlime for example

2) Add a new faction trait, use the "TraitHeroForceAdventurer" as a template and change "Adventurer" to "Slime"

Change "TraitHeroForceClass_HeroClassAdventurer" to "TraitHeroForceClass_HeroClassSlime"

3) In empire descriptor file, add an entry using the "TraitHeroForceClass_HeroClassAdventurer" descriptor as a template, change all instance of "Adventurer" to "Slime"

4) In the hero ability file, add the heroclass "Slime"; and add to each hero of choice the descriptor "Slime"

5) Take the faction trait, start a game, and hope it works

As you can see, there's a lot steps and a lot of ways to fail. But I figure I mention it in case someone want to try it out.
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