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Mod Question

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11 years ago
Jul 3, 2013, 3:29:44 AM

I was wondering if there was a way to increase the maximum number of opponents from 7 (8 with my own empire) to a higher number. I'd like to play a game with my custom faction vs all of the stock ones. I have Disharmony installed, if it matters.

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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 8:13:56 PM
Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but I'm fairly sure there's no way to increase that number further. I could be wrong, but it looks to be hard coded into the game setup screen's GUI.

Speaking from my own opinion now, it's for the best really. I'd rather have a few really strong opponents with massive empires rather than just steam rolling a few of the little sick ones who can't stand up to me at all. There is a mod that makes the galactic maps larger, which might make the massive 8 player team deathmatch more practical, but with the current stock maps, 3 enemy empires and your custom one should be enough to give you a really good fight.
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