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Planet Technology Problem

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11 years ago
Jul 30, 2013, 10:17:38 PM
So, a new day, a new problem. I'm trying to develop a new Terran-type planet. Like the Terran, Ocean and Jungle planets, this new planet must be colonizable right from the start. But whatever I do, the planet remains "Uncolonizable", even without having a research prerequisite. In planet view, when in the position for colonizing, I get an error (no instance blah blah) and it states in the planet details that the following tech is missing to colonize: "$tech" - wut? When I do include the planet in a technology, no problem. But that's not the point. I do not want to have a research prerequisite for colonizing this planet.

What to do?
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11 years ago
Jul 30, 2013, 11:12:34 PM
You should be able to follow the same pattern as terran, ocean, and jungle. Just grant the tech to all factions initially.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 12:27:53 AM
Have it unlock in the tech files like everything else you start with.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 12:51:59 PM
I can relate to that problem. I tested the CustomShipsAndPlanets mod from Amplitude itself while using Disharmony and even there you'll get a Nullreference Exception and weird erratic behavior when trying to colonize a custom planet in a system via planet view and not via colony ship. Thus the problem will inherit to any mod using that way of implementing custom planets in Disharmony. I haven't tested yet if the error persists in Vanilla Endless Space.

But to return on your problem on making techs available right from start without adding it in any techtree you might want to do the following:

Open the Technology.xml

and find this


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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 8:17:58 PM
Cosmocrat, thanks a billion. Worked like a (censored) charm. Is your problem possible solved by including this bit in the PlanetColonization.xml:



That was something that was a major difference between the vanilla mod and disharmony. If you didn't include it would cause "Null reference" errors in planet view.
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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 1:53:20 PM
Glad that I was able to help ^^. Anyways thank you for your tip with the Colonize Base it fixed my problem! Eventhough i had the exact same entry in a different file already it appears that it was not properly read (I've ported my custom planet to a custom file but had the ColonizeBase entry in a file copied from the Disharmony folder).

Thanks alot sir!

But now it still leaves the question why Disharmony refuses to load custom ship meshes but instead freezing in the loading screen :/
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11 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 10:44:23 PM
Cosmocrat wrote:
But now it still leaves the question why Disharmony refuses to load custom ship meshes but instead freezing in the loading screen :/

Yea, what's with that. They must have changed something in the way ship models are loaded when they went from Classic to Disharmony. I guess we can't figure this out until devs get back...
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