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ShipDescriptor.xml properties

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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 5:37:51 PM
Lately I've been picking around some of the files seeing what I can mod, what I can't mod, and what will blow up if I touch it. And of course I can across a quick question. I notice in the ShipDescriptor.xml file what appears to be the definition for the "ClassShip" object. Is it possible to add my own properties, lets say "HasEngineModule" for kicks and giggles that I can use in other areas such as further down the ShipDescriptor file? Also, does the engine specifically look for certain properties such as Health from this file, or is the tie-in between the engine and configuration files somewhere else?
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 10:35:23 PM
The list of properties under ClassShip are properties also defined in hardcode. It is possible that a particular property may exist in hardcode but is not currently defined in an xml file. But your best bet is to confirm with the Dev that such a property actually exist. Otherwise, adding it to the xml does nothing.
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11 years ago
Aug 6, 2013, 2:52:54 AM
Antera wrote:
The list of properties under ClassShip are properties also defined in hardcode. It is possible that a particular property may exist in hardcode but is not currently defined in an xml file. But your best bet is to confirm with the Dev that such a property actually exist. Otherwise, adding it to the xml does nothing.

Well that certainly throws a monkey wrench into what I'm wanting to do. Let me ask this. Could I use "${./ClassShip/SupportModule/ModuleSupportEngine1/EffectiveCount}" to achieve the same thing as a "HasEngineModule" property?

On an off topic note, I noticed that the devs will sometimes use $(EffectiveCount) and ${EffectiveCount}. Is there a difference in the bracket choice or is it arbitrary (Most notably around line 836 in the ShipDescriptor.xml file)?
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11 years ago
Aug 6, 2013, 2:55:03 AM
Raven. wrote:
Lately I've been picking around some of the files seeing what I can mod, what I can't mod, and what will blow up if I touch it. And of course I can across a quick question. I notice in the ShipDescriptor.xml file what appears to be the definition for the "ClassShip" object. Is it possible to add my own properties, lets say "HasEngineModule" for kicks and giggles that I can use in other areas such as further down the ShipDescriptor file? Also, does the engine specifically look for certain properties such as Health from this file, or is the tie-in between the engine and configuration files somewhere else?

There is a lot you can do, and you should not fear to try things out. Even the veteran here haven't found everything that can be modded. Some things works, some don't and some requires some workaround and tweaking. You can check what i did in my Fair Fight mod, i did a lot of stuff with my ShipDescriptor.xml...

As for the ClassShip, or any other "Class", i believe it's hardcoded. You have lots of freedom to define stuff in them though.
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11 years ago
Aug 6, 2013, 10:10:46 PM
Raven. wrote:
Well that certainly throws a monkey wrench into what I'm wanting to do. Let me ask this. Could I use "${./ClassShip/SupportModule/ModuleSupportEngine1/EffectiveCount}" to achieve the same thing as a "HasEngineModule" property?

Where do you want to use this path? The exact path you need to use varies with what type of object/descriptor you're attaching to.

I'm not entirely sure but it looks like you're trying to get a count of how many lv 1 engine is on the ship?

I have not seen the code use that way in the stock game xmls before. I guess try it and see what happens?

Raven. wrote:
On an off topic note, I noticed that the devs will sometimes use $(EffectiveCount) and ${EffectiveCount}. Is there a difference in the bracket choice or is it arbitrary (Most notably around line 836 in the ShipDescriptor.xml file)?

What's the name of the descriptor where you found the {}, I couldn't locate it by line numbers. I have only used () in the past so I'm not sure where you would use {}.
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11 years ago
Aug 12, 2013, 10:47:55 PM
The {} and () differences seemed to be noticed the most in the shipdescriptor.xml file for Disharmony, particular where the Automaton dreadnought is defined.
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11 years ago
Aug 12, 2013, 11:07:35 PM
Raven. wrote:
The {} and () differences seemed to be noticed the most in the shipdescriptor.xml file for Disharmony, particular where the Automaton dreadnought is defined.

Now that you mention it, i had never noticed they used both. In vanilla they use {} for ${Count}, i could not find it anywhere else (in my modded files at least). No idea if there is a practical difference between the two backets though.
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11 years ago
Aug 13, 2013, 5:17:28 AM
Yea, I recently noticed, support module file is full of EffectiveCount in {}
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