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[Windows] Mod Manager

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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 10:33:17 PM

After many people had Problems with installing my Sandbox Mod,

i decided to create a Mod Manager, that does the "Installing" for you.

Written in Visual Basic - Virus Free (Checked by ModDB Moderators)

Download and Manual can be found here:

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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 7:46:24 PM
I also think about turning the whole Interface in a darker theme.

I know it doesn't mean anything for such a small program, but how would you like this:

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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 6:57:28 PM
Azhrey wrote:
I would like the darker theme... And thank you for the thingy. smiley: wink

I have to adapt the code for the new Design, as the new rendering engine also uses other commands, also there are bugs now everywhere.

This could take some Time :\
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