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[WIP] PANCZASU's Faction Pack

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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 1:45:34 PM
Hello! smiley: biggrin

I'm currently in the process of creating my very first mod. I decided to do it since I have loads of ideas for fun/new/unique factions that I'd love to play as. ES does have an amazing and easy-to-use faction creation tool but it's not quite what I'm look for. I want my factions to have their own affinities, technologies, heroes and even anomalies. This obviously requires a ton of work and (because then next few months will be very busy for me) it will take a long time to actually release my mod. I also fully expect my inexperience to get in my way and cause a whole lot of problems. But hey, I'll do my best to get this mod working asap. And that's all that matters, right? ^_^


There is a twin thread in the temple of flourishing mind (I am a link to it, click me!). I will use it to discuss the design of my factions while the thread you're reading right now will be dedicated to tech stuff only.


My goals:
  • Creating 11+ playable factions for everyone to use and enjoy.
  • Adding new heroes and anomalies to compliment the addition of these factions and enrich the lore of ES.
  • Adding custom artwork and models (low priority as I'm not an artist. Atm my main focus is gameplay)

Planned factions (will post more details about each one at a later date):
  • Chantri
  • Sujeong
  • Illuminant
  • Templars
  • Judicators of Lyn (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • Ophio Corporation (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • Planarians (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • Ouroboros Consortium
  • Radiants
  • Radiants (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • Siafu
  • Pillagers (Link)
  • UKSPA (possibly, might not be implemented)

Will update the list with color codes representing the progress of each faction.


If you desperately want to learn more about my factions, feel free to watch my video below. I created it for the purpose of my youtube let's play series but if you watch it (and pause the video at the right times) you can see a short summary of each of my planned factions as well as their traits. Skip to 4:13 for the summary of my custom factions


MOD Status: In Development

This mod is currently missing all major features. I prepeared the base code and, from a technical standpoint, this mod is already playable. It just doesn't really have anything in it atm.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 2:49:13 PM
Good luck with your new mod smiley: smile. One comment i can say about the use of Save the Sowers mod is the devs are considering other methods to contain rampant expansion (VIP insight). The colony support mechanics, while a neat idea is hard to balance and the AI is ill suited to deal with it. For all intent and purpose my expansion disapproval tweak i'm using in Fair Fight works a lot better and the AI can cope with it much better as all it needs to do is build more Approval improvements to mitigate some of the effect. Imperfect solution, i admit, but a lot less broken. As for the AI, the devs are working on improving it's diplomatic decisions (currently the decision making is too much related with likes or not likes you and little to do with actual needs), though the details are up to them to reveal.

As a side note, i think my AI tweaks a bit better than the ones in Ail Aggressive AI mod. Mine still use the Attitude modifiers (in that regard Ail mod may be better) but my other seem better at making the AI more competitive. Still tweaking it as i'm not yet satisfied with it, but feedback i receive confirm it's way better than vanilla AI.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 3:06:40 PM
Good luck with the tech tree's, because they a a major pain in the ass.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 3:29:58 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Good luck with the tech tree's, because they a a major pain in the ass.

The major pain is it's frigging huge. Fixing/changing it is going to require a lot of patience and dedication...
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 3:36:32 PM
Indeed, I am not a fan of doing them.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2013, 7:15:04 PM
Yeah, they are kind of annoying ^_^ But atm I'm focusing more on new affinities which are tricky to make. But I do have a lot of dedication smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 6:30:36 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Indeed, I am not a fan of doing them.

Which is why I avoid tech trees like the plague. Not just in Endless Space, buy by principle in any game I touch.

And good luck on the mod. I am looking forward to the release of this mod.
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