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Custom Support Modules

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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 5:11:17 PM
Has anyone ever had any luck with implementing their own support modules?

I was able to get one defined; I got it working to where in game you can select and add the module to a ship design, and the benefits of that module apply to the ship. I thought I had it completely working until I went to add module weight bonuses in the shipdescriptor.xml file (that file seems to give me a lot of trouble for some reason). For some reason, no matter what path I add, the weight bonuses never apply. I'm assuming I don't have the paths right? Or is there somewhere in the hardcode that the paths are tied in with?

Normally I would just go on to find another way to implement the weight bonuses, but I've noticed the ship designs rely on the same paths.

Here's by definitions:





















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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 7:49:21 PM
The reason it does not work is because "Frigate" is not defined "SupportCategory" in the game's hard code. There is no corresponding "SupportModuleFrigatePackageWeightBonus" in the hard code even if you add it into the xml. Since this variable does not exist you cannot operate on it.

I don't know of a way to create new module categories, my guess is this is something that can only be added in hard code. So if you want a weight bonus to apply to this new support module it has to belong to an existing category, which of course means that everything that affects that category will affect this new module.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 3:12:08 AM
Well crud. I wonder how easily it could be added if we did a feature request to the devs to add custom module categories, such as "custom1," "custom2," etc? And if people would be behind it?
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 2:35:40 PM
well, I think most modders will want more modding capabilities so you'll at least have our vote on this
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