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A few questions

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11 years ago
Sep 2, 2013, 5:59:17 PM
I've already paddled through the fora and the xmls, but I can't seem to find an answer to the following problems:

1. A couple (literally 2) threads dealt with this problem in an early stage of the game, but nowhere can I find a way

to let computer use a custom load screen for a modified or custom faction. What I can change are the small, large

and the "description wide" screens, but that's it. That being said, as far as I can see there is no direct link between

the faction specific loadscreen and the xml-files. It could be that's connected with a already used link, like say

the factiondescriptionWide reference in Faction.xml, as those two (descriptionWide and faction loadingscreen) are

always the same, but it doesn't work for me.

To cut it short: has anyone managed to create a custom faction loading screen? And if so, how the hell did you

do it?

2. I can find any xml-references for the main menu screens, initial loading screen and the introductory faction cine-

matics: are these simply hard-coded or have I overlooked something?

Thanks in advance!
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11 years ago
Sep 2, 2013, 9:38:24 PM
1. When I loaded the Star Trek mod, it seems to have custom loading screens but that's a Classic mod. Certain things must have changed with Disharmony cause I can't load that mod into Disharmony. Still, the coding in that mod might be helpful.
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11 years ago
Sep 3, 2013, 2:48:28 AM
If I am doing a stand alone mod and most of the time get the default faction load screen of the Cravers.

If I spend time looking at faction descriptions I usually get my loading screen.
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11 years ago
Sep 4, 2013, 7:18:02 PM
I've solved the faction loadingscreen-problem, with a little help from Antera:

The faction loadingscreen is determined by the "descriptionWide" image as specified in Faction.xml & FactionTrait.xml, but the specified path

is crucial. Vanilla path is: "Gui/DynamicBitmaps/Factions", you must use another path, otherwise the new images will be overidden by

the original ones. I've used the same path as the Star Trek-mod: "Gui/CustomFactions" and voilà.
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