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Is PlanetColonizationStatusLocust harcoded?

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11 years ago
Sep 3, 2013, 10:43:48 AM
While I can find in the PlanetDescriptor.xml file the Locust descriptors I can't find what xml gives and takes away PlanetColonizationStatusLocust as in this line:



Anyone see it while they were wondering around the code?
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11 years ago
Sep 4, 2013, 12:33:19 AM
I thought I posted this before, but guess not...

ClassPlanet has two properties related to locust (in the PlanetDescriptor.xml file)

1) LocustPoints

2) LocustPointsUpdatePerTurn

You can either put in a new ClassPlanet and modify just the update value or write a new descriptor that targets the update value and path it to the planet of choice.
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11 years ago
Sep 4, 2013, 12:48:38 AM
Sorry but what I am trying to mod is what Faction causes the Locust points.

I am trying to see if their is any XML files that notice when the Cravers colonize or settle but worry it maybe hard coded.

My intention is for the Cravers to lose this and the Sowers to pick it up (changing both races base affinity).

I can't find where "PlanetColonizationStatusLocust" gets turned on and off as it is when the Cravers lose a planet or gain a planet or colonize a planet.
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11 years ago
Sep 4, 2013, 10:12:19 AM
I believe triggers and checks like that are unfortunately hard coded. I've been looking through the xml files for a week or two now to prepare for my own modding attempts, and I could not find any reference to such triggers, neither for the Craver affinity nor even for the construction of the Colonial Base after colonization.

However, if you only want to swap the affinities of Cravers and Sowers, you should be able to do so. The file Faction.xml contains entries for all the factions, each of which in turn contain the tags and . The latter defines the visuals to be used for the ships of the faction, the former its actual affinity. Swapping the affinities of Cravers and Sowers in that file should have the desired gameplay effect.

This would also swap their Tech Trees, though. If you want each faction to retain its tech tree, you would need to also swap in the TechnologyDiplomacy.xml, TechnologyExpansion.xml, TechnologySciences.xml and TechnologyWarfare.xml.

There may even be further references to the affinities that I haven't noticed yet or that I'm forgetting, and I haven't yet tried any of this myself, so I can not guarantee this will work.

In any case, I would appreciate if anyone with actual modding experience could confirm if triggers such as colonization are indeed hard-coded.
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11 years ago
Sep 4, 2013, 1:59:21 PM
I think you are right Cat...

I have been trying to do just that but can't simply Substitute by replacing names as Cravers go by Swarm, Craver, Cravers, Swa in code and each one in different places. There are 28 xml files to make the switch in and I am frustrated as end result is a crash as you may have put "Craver" in a spot the hardcoding wants "Cravers" or "Swarm"

Fun times
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