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Spawning natural wonders/endless wonders

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11 years ago
Sep 28, 2013, 7:35:31 AM
So I have ran through dozens of pages of posts, searched google and the forums and scanned through the xml as much as humanly possible and I can't seem to figure this out:

How are wonders spawned? Can you control their spawning? If so, how fine grained?

Optimally I'd like to spawn at least one natural and one endless wonder in each starting constellation. But if anyone knows the more general answers, I would much rather have them. I'm familiar with modding and XML, so if you just tell me where to look I should be good to go. Thanks!

just for reference, I've been trying this just to get one to spawn on the homeworld... not sure what's wrong here:






+25 approval on planet

+1 Industry

+5%Industry on star system


and then this in empiretraits


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11 years ago
Sep 28, 2013, 3:21:24 PM
Spawning wonders on homeworld is easy, its same code as spawning anomalies. I have example code in my mod: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16351-antera-faction-trait-mod

What I have set up require you to select the trait to spawn the corresponding wonder. If you want it to auto-spawn by affinity, you can simply transplant the command onto the associated affinity.

I'm not seeing anything wrong with those codes, but I don't see the rest of your codes and their relation to each other so I can't say for sure that it is right either.

Trying to control wonder spawn anywhere else besides the homeworld (like force-spawning) is, I believe, not possible at the moment.
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11 years ago
Sep 28, 2013, 9:27:08 PM
Antera wrote:
Spawning wonders on homeworld is easy, its same code as spawning anomalies. I have example code in my mod: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16351-antera-faction-trait-mod

What I have set up require you to select the trait to spawn the corresponding wonder. If you want it to auto-spawn by affinity, you can simply transplant the command onto the associated affinity.

I'm not seeing anything wrong with those codes, but I don't see the rest of your codes and their relation to each other so I can't say for sure that it is right either.

Trying to control wonder spawn anywhere else besides the homeworld (like force-spawning) is, I believe, not possible at the moment.

unfortunate that getting it to spawn outside of the homeworld isn't doable right now as that's more the goal, I got the code I posted working earlier, there was a syntax error that wasn't commenting out comments essentially a few lines above it plus something else I'm forgetting now, but yeah got it to spawn on the home world/appear in trait selection.

I think I'm going to look into the galaxy generator and see if there's any way to weight anomalies a little more precisely or at all..
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