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Star Trek / Dune total conversion anyone?

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11 years ago
Nov 6, 2013, 9:17:50 PM
Hi. I'm working on a Dune conversion, mostly for myself, but would be quite happy to share what I've done so far for you to play around with. Be warned, though, I have taken a few liberties with the source material, so it's non-canon and currently only includes changes to the Factions and Heroes - I have yet to tackle the tricky stuff like editing traits and technologies, and it might be a while before I feel confident enough to attempt that side of things.

The mod's premise is that a number of Minor Houses of the Landsraad have been exiled/despatched to a newly discovered sector of space. This sector contains a new element, Dust, which may rival spice in its potential, so is of great interest to CHOAM, the Great Houses, the Spacing Guild, and the Bene Gesserit, all of whom have provided heroes that may be available for your faction. Basically, this has allowed me to replace the faction roster, use characters from the lore, but not mess about too much by including House Atreides, House Harkonnen etc. as playable houses - they are involved, but in the background, as are the Guild and the Bene Gesserit (basically, I was thinking I could use them as elements of the tech tree, possibly, as well as hero characters).

The Factions include a number of minor houses (e.g. House Moritani, House Khumali, House Isonzo), the Synchronised Worlds, and the Harmony. All houses use the Imperial ship set and affinity, but traits haven't been changed from vanilla - I'm yet to tackle that as I don't want to imbalance things or make the game too 'flat' by making the minor houses too similar to one another.

Heroes include Thufir Hawat, Piter De Vries, Helen Mohiam, Duncan Idaho etc. Again, I've not changed the vanilla hero stats, but I have tried to fit suitable Dune heroes to the existing hero definitions.

The artwork is all sourced from the long dead Dune CCG.

Faction Portraits (House Alman, House Ezharian, House Moritani):

Heroes (Navigator Oberon, Piter De Vries, Thufir Hawat):

I'll try to get a zip available online over the next couple of days. It's currently about 60MB in size.

Edit - Here's the mod description I have at the moment:

AG 11089. A secret report from within the Guild of Navigators. Our recent discovery of a hithero unknown galaxy on the edge of known space raises many opportunities. The substance we have named 'Dust' may prove to be highly valuable and is unique to these remote planets. It may prove to rival even Arrakis's spice melange in its potential. This area of space must be properly investigated. Given its unknown nature, we have suggested that the Emperor exile a number of houses involved in the War of Assassins to act as both punishment and opportunity. We shall observe, and profit.
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11 years ago
Nov 8, 2013, 4:26:15 PM
Finally have had a chance to upload the w-i-p version of the Exiled Houses of the Landsraad mod, which is outlined above. This mod is compatible with the latest version of Endless Space, and requires the Disharmony DLC. You can grab the mod as a zip file from the link below - follow instructions elsewhere on the forum about where to install the mod folder (it's pretty straightforward). If anyone does have a go at playing the mod I'd be grateful for any feedback you may have or to hear about any improvements you make to it. Thanks smiley: smile

Link to esmod_landsraad.zip (70MB)

Edit: I should point out that I have started to add flavour text to the tech trees - I haven't altered any effects of any technologies, but have renamed some of them to Dune-ify them, so have added in techs relating to Mentats, the Guild, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, Tleilaxu technology, Ixian technology, CHOAM, and the Landsraad Council. Much of this needs expanding on. In terms of propulsion technologies, I was planning on getting around the lack of 'Folding Space' by using the (slightly contrived) precept that the presence of 'Dust' in the new found sectors of space prevents the Guild Navigators from Folding Space, although working your way up the tech tree does introduce new possibilities for Guild Navigators to improve the speed of travel and so on. All very much work-in-progress.
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