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Suggestion: research option

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11 years ago
Nov 15, 2013, 1:30:48 AM
This may not be a popular request but I rather liked the research system from Alpha Centauri where you simply guided the direction that research went rather than picking specific technologies. It added a bit of fidelity to the simulation in that governments do not run out and tell someone "go invent a car". Rather they make policies that encourage a direction of research that may end up with someone inventing a car.
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11 years ago
Nov 18, 2013, 12:30:28 AM
BDelacroix wrote:
This may not be a popular request but I rather liked the research system from Alpha Centauri where you simply guided the direction that research went rather than picking specific technologies. It added a bit of fidelity to the simulation in that governments do not run out and tell someone "go invent a car". Rather they make policies that encourage a direction of research that may end up with someone inventing a car.

I would like a more robust research system as well, hard to say if the devs will implement it or not. I had requested the ability to put techs in the game that are infinite refinement techs so you can keep researching after one has exhausted all of the other techs in the game. No word on what the devs think of it though. This thread is going to have to be moved into the suggestions sections.
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