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Can empire improvements affect heroes?

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11 years ago
Nov 23, 2013, 4:56:58 PM
Long time lurker and first time posting so I'd first like to thank all the modders here for all their hard work. I'm trying to create a empire improvement that will add an overall bonus when a new hero is recruited. I was hoping something simple like this would work,



but it doesn't, even though the tool tip displays correctly. I also tried adding that code to an empire trait but no luck. I then tried adding the hero upkeep code to an empire improvement but that doesn't work either. So is it even possible to add these bonuses to heroes? Any help would be appreciated.
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11 years ago
Nov 23, 2013, 7:24:01 PM
Is that empire improvement supposed to provide +5 approval on system for each hired hero? If so, you need to do something like this:




















I copied and pasted this newly created empire improvement in my mod, started a new game and hired 3 heroes:

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11 years ago
Nov 23, 2013, 9:44:13 PM
Awesome.smiley: biggrin Thank you! I wasn't aware I could create custom property descriptors and I need to understand binary multiplication better but thanks to you I'm on my way.
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