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[BUG] Inability to import custom ship models into Disharmony

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11 years ago
Nov 6, 2013, 11:39:43 PM

So this is a question posed to anyone who might be able to help, devs included.

Vicarious and I have been working quite intensively on Panczasu's factions, and we have encountered a bug with Disharmony: The game hangs on the loading screen on start up when custom models are given to the xmls to load.

We tried with my ships, the ships from the Sheredyn Ships mod, and even the ship form CustomPlanetsandShips mod. All of which got this result. No error messages, no freezing, just the game hanging on the loading screen. (I believe Antera and some other modders have encountered this problem with Disharmony)

So is this fixable? Or do the devs have a plan to fix it in the near future?

Any response is appreciated.

What we know (or at least we think we know):

A) Not localized to either me or Vicarious' PCs. (other modders have had the issue)

B) Not localized to the models (the Anna model had the same issue)

C) Not localized to the mod, since other mods have the same issue
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11 years ago
Nov 9, 2013, 5:10:50 PM
Hahahaha, that's exactly why I had asked you previously if you found a way to get custom ship in via modding. I've spoke to devs about this on two occasions and they promised to look into it on both occasion. I've also asked on the forum several times about this issue previously. Everything turned up negative. No idea why this happens or how to fix it.
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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 2:48:19 PM
Yep. Based on your post on the other thread, we figured we should try loading the first ship before I did them all lol so thx for the heads up
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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 11:26:24 PM
I think we would all benefit from more people lobbying the devs to look into this. Not having custom ships really kills the modding experience.
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11 years ago
Nov 12, 2013, 11:34:36 PM
Antera wrote:
I think we would all benefit from more people lobbying the devs to look into this. Not having custom ships really kills the modding experience.

Never fear. Hef contacted us and now Vicarious is getting him the mod files so that Amp can have an in depth look at the problem.

So, yeah. The devs are on it smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Dec 4, 2013, 5:56:20 PM
I've just successfully loaded one of Stealth_Hawk's custom models into Disharmony. Thanks, Amplitude!
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