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Endless Homestuck: A Fan Mod

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11 years ago
Dec 9, 2013, 7:38:47 AM

Endless Homestuck is a fan mod that adds Homestuck characters, lands, and (someday) factions to Endless Space. This is my first attempt at modding ES (actually my first attempt at modding any game period!), and it is very much still a work in progress, but I since I ended up spending most of my vacation time working on it, I thought I'd go ahead and post the results here both so that others can check it out and also as a motivation to myself to continue working on it. The mod is playable; there are a few problems that still need to be worked out with the current functionality (see below), but it shouldn't stop anyone from being able to play it.


74 Homestuck Characters as Heroes

23 Planet Types (including 2 Special types reserved for Unique Planets)

7 Unique Planets (Each with a Wonder and Moon)

Restructured Exploration Tree (to accommodate new colonization/terraforming techs and a new empire improvement)

Work To Do:

Original Planet Textures for the new Planet Types (currently using default prefabs). This one might take a bit as I'm not particularly great at graphics. Also, PL_Asteroids_A causes errors and doesn't load properly on my game:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at ViewMapper+c__IteratorC6.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0

UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(String, Object)


The Veil is supposed to be an asteroid belt, but for the time I'm using the Gas Methane prefab until I get the error resolved. If I can't get it resolved then I may not be able to do a custom texture for The Veil, but I have to get the other ones done first anyway.

There's definitely some game balancing to be done; a couple of the planet types are meant to be less common than others (Cubes and Tea and Tents and Mirth come to mind), but I need to make sure I haven't reduced their usefulness too much. Oh no, I'll have to play the game several times how terrible smiley: wink

I'm also trying to decide if I want to keep the Land names the way they are: Currently they're all a little too long to fit properly on the screen without being abbreviated (see pic above), but I don't like shortening it to things like LOHAC and LOWAS as that think that looks even stranger. I'll figure it out though, no worries.

Also, Prospit and Derse's Temple effects don't seem to be kicking off. I'll have to figure out what's up with that, hopefully it's not too tough to fix.

Finally, I'm sure there's still a lot of localization text that I've missed (currently only available in English, sorry!) and typos to clean up, so I'll have to be going back and doing that too in future updates.

Future plans:

Factions (Humans, Trolls, Cherubs, Prospitians, Dersites, Exiles, Felt?, Denizens?, Consorts?)

Custom Hero Classes (Not sure about this one yet: On one hand it would be cool to incorporate Class/Aspects as Hero Classes so that we could have the Heir of Breath, Seer of Light, etc. but on the other hand, that's 26 Hero Classes and it wouldn't cover half of the non-player Heroes anyway, so I'd have to either try to fake-assign them titles or use some generic ones for them or something else)

Homestuck-themed Random Events / Anomalies


Anyways, like I said, first time doing a mod so feedback is definitely appreciated. It'll probably be a couple of weeks before I have time off again to work on this, but I will most certainly be continuing work on it. Hope you enjoy it.

Edit: Update to v.1.0.1

Endless Homestuck 1.0.1

Disclaimer: All Homestuck characters and images belong to Andrew Hussie at MSPaintAdventures.com, not me.
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11 years ago
Jan 4, 2014, 5:01:31 AM
Update! Version 1.0.1., basically a small fix to Prospit and Derse's moons, and then I added some minor bonuses to player heroes (i.e. John gets a slight bonus when managing systems with Land of Wind and Shade planets since that was his land in the comic) and one or two other minor fixes. The link above now points to the newest version. Up next: Probably Vaulters compatibility. I tried my hand at textures and it didn't look so hot so that's probably on the backburner for a while. Also I still don't know what's up with the Asteroid Prefab, and for some reason the Narrative graphic at the start of the game doesn't load right. I've tried playing around with different sizes because I thought maybe that was the problem but no dice. I'll keep working on it though!
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