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Endless Space Codes (Anomaly, Research, Hero, etc)

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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 8:41:19 PM
Found the -20% trait for Pilgrims. It's "TraitFleet05Alt2". ES race traits usually have "alt" for negative and "Norm" for beneficial traits. I've compiled a list, can't add a new tab on the google doc, though. Would be nice if someone could add it. Didn't get the effects for all unlocks, maybe not all of them are listed in the empire effects tab.

Happy Spacing.


Fleet Traits


-1 Speed (Sower)

-2 Speed (Pirates)

-20% hullspace (Pilgrims)


+1 Speed (Sophon)

+40% HP (Terran)

+30% Space (Craver)

+15% Defense? (Amobea)

+1 Sensor (Sophon)

+2 Sensor (Pilgrims)


? (Craver)

Defense?? (Amobea)

Space Combat:




+15% Acc (Hissho)

+24% Dmg (Craver)

+36% Dmg (Hissho)


+15% Defense (Amobea)

??? ???




Wimpy Builders? (Sophon)

??? (Horatio)


??? (Sower)

??? (Craver)?

wpn cost? (Hissho)



??? (Hissho)


+50% Research (Sophon)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)

colonize (Sower)



Weak (Sophon)


+20Defense (Terran)

??? (Pilgrims)

Defense per Ally? (Amobea)



Bad Homeplanet? (Terran)


+30% Dust? (Terran)

??? (Amobea)

??? (Amobea)

??? (Pilgrims)



??? (Terran)


Epic Heroes (Pilgrims)

??? (Hissho)




??? (Pilgrims)

??? (Sower)




??? (Pilgrims)

??? (Pilgrims)







Wormhole Tele

Free Warp






















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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 7:33:10 PM
First of all, apologies for the necro.

I was doing some savegame editing to use certain heroes and while checking this list, I noticed that some of the newer heroes were not included. As such I went ahead and, through some trial and error, figured them out. I would update the Google Document myself, but the hero tab is locked (can't edit). So I'll just post the list here:

Hero61 - Skuoi Kyryi - Endless

Hero62 - Skuoi Kyryi - Endless

Hero63 - M'gual Tan-Erbo - Automaton

Hero64 - Jana Kryv - Pilgrim

Hero65 - Bosun Jennifer Rach - Pirate

Hero66 - Tephys - Shereydyn

Hero67 - Burra Techseeker - Plocynos

Hero68 - Keldron Bor - Unknown Race

Hero69 - Erram Zen Eerbee - Oros Gee

Hero70 - Mizn Ora-Yur - Automaton

Hero71 - Kyuind Neuil - Endless

Hero72 - Berege Cartter - Pirate

Hero73 - Ting Neuil - Deuyivan

Hero74 - Muni Dar-Omnis - Automaton

Hero75 - Lucrum Yoki - Dust Collective

Hero76 - CUSO4 Ponders - Harmony

Hero77 - Enil-Nex 8043 - Virus

Hero78 - Serena Tora - Pilgrim

Hero79 - Zolya Tulela - Vaulters

Hero80 - OPBOT D0t3H01 - Vaulters

Hero81 - A. Tenekech - Vaulters

Tested most of them, so they should be correct. Used http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Hero_List so thanks to those who contributed there for the reference.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 2:04:38 AM
Turns out you need cookies enabled for google.com to see it. Not something I expected. (I have cookies disabled by default in Firefox, only enabled in a list of exceptions).
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12 years ago
Sep 25, 2012, 1:55:41 AM
tanstaafl wrote:
The link to the documentation now requires you to login to AWMoore.com

This seems to have been resolved, I didn't have to log in.
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12 years ago
Sep 9, 2012, 3:48:18 AM
Not sure if anyone has posted these yet or not

Endless Space Anomaly/Luxury XML Identification:

Anomaly01 = Garden of Eden

Anomaly02 = Ancient Ruins

Anomaly03 = Ancient Artifacts

Anomaly04 = Dust Ruins

Anomaly05 = Coral Reefs

Anomaly06 = Cyber Flora

Anomaly07 = Friendly Locals

Anomaly08 = Strange Fossils

Anomaly09 = Rich Soil

Anomaly10 = Mineral Rich

Anomaly11 = Dust Lode

Anomaly12 = Hageopelagic Life

Anomaly13 = Microfactories

Anomaly14 = Antonov Rings

Anomaly15 = Huygens Rings

Anomaly16 = Hollow Planet

Anomaly17 = Mutated Flora

Anomaly18 = Low Gravity

Anomaly19 = Deserted Cities

Anomaly20 = Molten Springs

Anomaly21 = Rich Atmosphere

Anomaly22 = Ice 10

Anomaly23 = Shattered Crust

Luxury1 = Redsang

Luxury2 = Bluecap Mould

Luxury3 = Dustwater

Luxury4 = Hydromiel

Luxury5 = Mercurite

Luxury6 = Void Stone

Luxury7 = Jadonyx

Luxury8 = Ionic Crystals

Luxury9 = Eden Incense

Luxury10 = Meta Entactogen

Luxury11 = Transvine

Luxury12 = Proto Orchid

Luxury13 = Concrete Artifacts

Luxury14 = Virtual Artifacts

Luxury15 = Pre-Schism Artifacts

Luxury16 = Mundane Artifacts

Edit: The anomalies at least are not a complete list. In the save file I was looking at I saw anomaly41, 50, so if someone really wanted to (or hasn't done all this already) I'm sure they could create an exhaustive list. I got a little tired after a while. The luxuries seemed to end at 16 (i didn't check the wiki to see how many luxuries there actually were lol)
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 2:24:54 PM
not sure whether this yet there but population growth











oh and tell if one can anyway help you with this.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 2:13:40 PM
I'm stunned, I'm really stunned.

What an absolutely marvelous and beautiful idea, you guys are genious.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 11:11:34 AM
most comfortable way to edit saves for not so experienced modders:

-get Notepad++

- Install and run and go through the following menus -

- Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager

- Scroll down to near the bottom of the Plugin Manager, find XML Tools, tick it and click Install.

- Notepad++ will ask to restart, do it.

(thanks to SamsonUK, he posted about notepad++ usage and xml plugin in a different thread)

- get 7zip

- Install, run 7zip filemanager, go to Extras-> Options->Editor->chose the Notepad++ directory and select notepad++ as editor

- open your savefile with 7zip Filemanager (only open it, do not extract)

- in the new 7zip window, right click your save, Edit (shortcut is F4). Now notepad++ will open the unpacked save and you're ready to edit

- for a better layout in notepad++, go Plugins --> XML Tools --> chose "Pretty print (XML only - with line breaks)"

-Edit smiley: smile

-save and close Notepad++

-7zip will ask you to integrate the changes into your packed savefile, answer "yes"

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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 4:39:31 PM
wigidi there are a couple threads in this forum that discuss the basics of editing your saved game file (/#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16050-basic-planet-modding-guide) probably being one you may want to start with. In short the process is basically get a copy of 7zip (free) extract the file that is inside your game save .bin file (it's just an xml file) and edit to your hearts content with your text or xml file editor of choice, when done drag it back into 7zip to update it. Your game saves are stored in c:\users\YourUsername\documents\endless space\save (assuming you have a typical install).
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 12:16:20 PM
I have a very basic question, I never did any modding before but like to change somethings in the game. Where are the files to edit the things in this doc?

smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 6:05:11 AM
I added codes for moon temples and new more verbose names for the strategic resources. Resources sheet was locked so they are in a copy of that sheet.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 9:21:36 PM
Thanks Akeean, updated the doc you added your entries under the Empire Modifiers tab.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 10:33:45 AM
Azalrion, Berathor, Strand, and myself have put together this spreadsheet detailing all of the Anomaly, Research, Hero, Hero Abilities, Improvements, Resources and Global Event Codes. For the most part it is pretty complete, however there are some details missing in Global Events and Hero Abilities. If anyone can help fill them out, everyone who uses this spreadsheet as a resource would certainly be very appreciative!

The URL is: https://docs.google.com/a/awmoore.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkyTinwuyY2edE9LaFZST1NSUlk3ckJteUFQWlhaTWc

Feel free to help edit it, and if you do - add yourself to the Credits list.
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 8:31:32 PM
Very useful document!

Race traits are missing, though smiley: frown

Which one is the -20% space of Pilgrim?
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