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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 2:56:32 PM
While testing my mod, i found out a major bug in vanilla. You see, all the time we see on planets that it's "per pop", in reality it isn't, it's not calculated at all (either they forgot or dropped it at some point). Anyway, i'm fixing it right now and see how it turns out.

Edit: Removed the mod link again, i'm patching it up right now.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 4:03:38 PM
Aureon wrote:
.. what? You mean basic planet yield or what?

I mean everything that says +X per pop just don't work, that mean planet, anomaly, improvements, ressources... The tooltips were all lies.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 4:58:43 PM
... mh, no.

They do work.

Quite easy to confirm (and i've just done so): Log in game, and scrap an improvement, public-private partnerships for example.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 5:25:59 PM
Aureon wrote:
... mh, no.

They do work.

Quite easy to confirm (and i've just done so): Log in game, and scrap an improvement, public-private partnerships for example.

Well, the planet base ones didn't. Anyway, did the fix i wanted and it seem to work, uploading now...

Edit: Note to self, refrain from modding very late at night and not getting enough sleep afterward.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 5:30:12 PM
Link is back, and this time it will stay. Sorry for the delays, i just wanted to ensure no bugs were left this time around.

So, Enjoy 1.21 smiley: draw.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 5:50:53 PM
Btw, anyone can explain to me how to "jail break" my savegames so i can look at what the AIs are doing? I really need that for further improvements to my AI.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 7:30:14 PM
Wow! Just finished a game by quitting... was playing Horatio against random (Horatio), Endless difficulty, normal galaxy size, fast. Was fine up to about turn 60, and he attacked... no problem, I thought... the AI was ahead in everything, but that's not unusual at that stage in Endless. I found the battles went about 50/50, playing the right cards, BUT, this time the AI seemed to have an endless supply of fleets! Quit when I had no fleets left, when the AI still had about 20 and all my decent systems were about to get taken.

Well done, an AI that can play well enough to win, I take my hat off to you! I'm definitely impressed. Going to update to current version now. Thank you for this mod, it's saved the game.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 7:55:33 PM
The_Quasar wrote:
Well done, an AI that can play well enough to win, I take my hat off to you! I'm definitely impressed. Going to update to current version now. Thank you for this mod, it's saved the game.

Thanks, it's nice to know i did it right (even if that version you used had a few issues). The 1.21 should be even more challenging, and for 1.22 i'm tweaking how AI pick skills for it's hero (still a few issues even if they no longer pick useless skills), and finally i will work on my new cards.

Keep me posted on your progress in your next game, i hope to see how well it turn out smiley: smile.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 8:04:56 PM
errm there is no problem with exploitations in vanilla. The way I see it one of 2 things happened:

1. you broke it without realising and have now fixed it again

2. Planet base does not refer to exploitations but insead to actual base FIDS values of planets, such as 4 industry on lava's. This means that there could be no calculations for it, but rather it's calculated and hard coded somewhere else. This would be the thing that prevents custom planets types. Your fix may just double the planets FIDS or be over-written.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 8:17:16 PM
Gameslayer989 wrote:
errm there is no problem with exploitations in vanilla. The way I see it one of 2 things happened:

1. you broke it without realising and have now fixed it again

2. Planet base does not refer to exploitations but insead to actual base FIDS values of planets, such as 4 industry on lava's. This means that there could be no calculations for it, but rather it's calculated and hard coded somewhere else. This would be the thing that prevents custom planets types. Your fix may just double the planets FIDS or be over-written.

Nah, the fix i did was just change priorities in the calculations; shouldn't have any adverse effects if it wasn't needed.
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 9:27:28 PM
From 'the tooltips were all lies' to 'i just changed priorities in the calculations'... get some sleep :P
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11 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 10:12:59 PM
Gameslayer989 wrote:
From 'the tooltips were all lies' to 'i just changed priorities in the calculations'... get some sleep :P

Lol, yeah, i need sleep. Will leave it alone until tomorrow, that way i'm sure i will be able to rest lol. I hope to see lots of good feedback when i get back on it smiley: biggrin.

I did some testing this afternoon and for the first time the AI was getting ahead of me expansion wise... On normal. I guess i did something right, can't believe i will have to nerf the AI now smiley: sarcastic.
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11 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 9:06:41 PM
Now i'm back to modding and it's going great. I had an issue with Pirates spawning without weapons, not sure if it's due to my Elite weapons or the Dust and Research for kills, but i will disable both for the Pirates just to be sure. I did further tweakings to basic AI parameters in Registry.xml and i think i found some good settings that should help further my AI turning into a "skynet" smiley: stickouttongue. Will implement my new cards today, now that i have experience doing them it shouldn't take long and those cards will provide something new.

Oh and i also found out the AI does switch it's heroes from System and Fleet duty according to needs so it's not a good idea to forbid them for aquiring both skill sets, though i can put some limiters so they remain better at one or the other job.
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11 years ago
Apr 9, 2013, 1:30:08 AM
Alright, I can see you have put a lot of effort into this :P so i may as well give some feedback.

There is a lot of stuff in this mod, and I don't have a ton of time, so this is incomplete but here goes

Heroes: admin has interesting changes, and it seems to balance it out a little early game. However, as it levels up and gets more labor, it becomes even better than it was originally, so i don't think this changes much. It certainly doesn't solve the problem of admin OP. I haven't had the chance to look at the other hero classes.

trade routes: holy trade routes batman. You get so many so quickly! Unless you're at peace with the whole galaxy, i don't think there's a chance of ever filling up all the trade routes. I guess this caters toward amoeba? not sure if this is good or not.

I like the science improvement changes, but i think the dust changes are a bit overboard. not only do they give you a lot more dust than before, but outposts only lost 10% of it instead of 50%. This results in tons of money, even if you aren't trying for it. This might be one reason the AI is performing better.

expansion disapproval: It is very weird. Early game, it certainly does prevent you from over expanding, so that's a plus. This encourages "tall" systems, or at least makes it more likely to occur. I am a bit concerned about later in the game. After everyone has claimed their 10-15 systems and the map is full, it seems to me that you will be super happy even though the approval structures (and optimistic) have been cut in half, and able to run 60%+ tax rate while fervent. Though this might be a disadvantage to sophons, so that might be a good thing.

As for combat modules...I'm glad you modified the values. They look plausible now, at least. There are some things that strike me as odd, but I haven't seen them in action.

The "elite" modules are a cute idea, they make strategic resources somewhat useful.

Also, wtf is up with terraforming? why does it take an absurd amount of industry that isn't feasible in any game? 3k industry for lava transformation? No thanks. 7.5k for arctic transformation? 7.5k is an obscene amount of industry, thats more than double the highest tech in any other tree. This effectively removes terraforming from the game. Under no circumstance is it worth that much industry.

Anyway....i might spend more time actually playing with the combat. There are a lot of good changes here. There are also a lot of iffy changes, and some that are just bad. I'll try to spend some more time on it if i get a chance.
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11 years ago
Apr 9, 2013, 1:52:30 AM
Affinity wrote:
Heroes: admin has interesting changes, and it seems to balance it out a little early game. However, as it levels up and gets more labor, it becomes even better than it was originally, so i don't think this changes much. It certainly doesn't solve the problem of admin OP. I haven't had the chance to look at the other hero classes.

Well, it's early game that they needed to be balanced the most. Late game, no matter how powerful they are, you don't really need them. Corporate has always been the late game must have (due to income).

trade routes: holy trade routes batman. You get so many so quickly! Unless you're at peace with the whole galaxy, i don't think there's a chance of ever filling up all the trade routes. I guess this caters toward amoeba? not sure if this is good or not.

Yeah, there are many, but keeping at peace with everyone will be a challenge under my AI.

I like the science improvement changes, but i think the dust changes are a bit overboard. not only do they give you a lot more dust than before, but outposts only lost 10% of it instead of 50%. This results in tons of money, even if you aren't trying for it. This might be one reason the AI is performing better.

The AI perform better with more dust, but that's not the only reason. I greatly improved it's willingness to colonize in-system planets, that make it grow a lot faster than before. Also, it seem other changes i made to the AI are paying off as they also send a lot more colonizers around. But don't forget new colonies also suffer ED now and that can hurt their dust production. Too many too fast and you won't see that money...

expansion disapproval: It is very weird. Early game, it certainly does prevent you from over expanding, so that's a plus. This encourages "tall" systems, or at least makes it more likely to occur. I am a bit concerned about later in the game. After everyone has claimed their 10-15 systems and the map is full, it seems to me that you will be super happy even though the approval structures (and optimistic) have been cut in half, and able to run 60%+ tax rate while fervent. Though this might be a disadvantage to sophons, so that might be a good thing.

Well, at least we can actually use those tax settings. I don't think it was possible to do so before. This is a buff to the UE as they get production bonuses with high taxes. Also, the larger you grow, especially when you start to conquer, the more difficult it will be to keep high taxes; this is a buff to the smaller players.

As for combat modules...I'm glad you modified the values. They look plausible now, at least. There are some things that strike me as odd, but I haven't seen them in action.

I hope i got it right, but only feedback will tell.

The "elite" modules are a cute idea, they make strategic resources somewhat useful.

That was the goal. Also it was stupid that only a few weapons needed the ressources and could benifit from the discounts. It was also crippling when the new weapon you just researched could not be built because you didn't have that said ressource.

Also, wtf is up with terraforming? why does it take an absurd amount of industry that isn't feasible in any game? 3k industry for lava transformation? No thanks. 7.5k for arctic transformation? 7.5k is an obscene amount of industry, thats more than double the highest tech in any other tree. This effectively removes terraforming from the game. Under no circumstance is it worth that much industry.

I meant it to be only viable on high industry systems. Late game it shouldn't be that expensive, especially when you have means to reduce the cost...

Anyway....i might spend more time actually playing with the combat. There are a lot of good changes here. There are also a lot of iffy changes, and some that are just bad. I'll try to spend some more time on it if i get a chance.

Well, tell me more once you have played a full game of it smiley: smile.
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11 years ago
Apr 9, 2013, 7:29:28 AM

Just started the game as the Horatio, and there seems to a lot of strange redundancy's....why would I pick the more expensive and resource costing alternative when the weight difference is only that small?
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