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[WIP] "Fair Fight" combat re-balance mod.

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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 8:15:52 PM
Current version: 1.37 For ES 1.1.17 (Classic version). Updated September 22.

Download (Note: Start a new game to avoid savegame corruption)

Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/download/juojapm3gstrey1/FairFight137.zip

StrategyInformer : Not updated yet

To avoid savegame corruption, please remove old FF savegames from your savegame directory, preferably removing autosave as well. This mod is prone to corrupt savegames due to the massive changes most versions bring.

Note for those who like vanilla tech cost: I doubled cost from GameSpeedDescriptor.xml. To change tech cost to vanilla, look for TechnoCostBonus and set it to the same value the others are.


This mod started as a combat mod that improved the dynamic between all the modules found on ships to make combat more interesting. Combat cards and AI tweaks have been added later on and soon lots of other changes followed. The mod now covers most aspects of the game.

HOW TO INSTALL THIS MOD (or any other ES mod)

Assuming you downloaded a zip file containing the mod then do the following:

If it does not already exist create a new folder called Modding in "My Documents\Endless Space"

Unzip the file’s content to "My Documents\Endless Space\Modding"

Music: In order to have music (by default it's not included in the mod because it's too big to be zipped with it):

You need to copy your music folder (found in Steam\SteamApps\common\Endless Space\Public\Audio) into the FairFight directory.

For Mac:

Use "~\Library\Application Support\Endless Space\Modding" instead

WHAT DOES THIS MOD DO (List may not be complete)

-Rebalances ship modules

-Adds new Battlecards

-Rebalances Existing Battlecards

-Significantly improves AI (Ship designs, governors, colonization, battlecards choices, when to wage war, etc.)

-Rebalances system's and planet's improvements

-Changes planets and anomalies text color.

-Rebalances Heroes abilities

-Adds expansion limiting mechanics (Reworked expansion disaproval)

-Rebalances Pirates (Now more of a nuisance rather than an invasion force)

-Adds new Elite modules for ships (They are better/more powerful then their siblings but are more expensive/harder to get)

-Changes blockade mechanics (Research is no longer prevented, instead FIDS are reduced)

LOCALISATION SUPPORT (More will be added eventually)

English, French, German.


>Rheem's Player's color mod

>Luminality's Colored anomalies (Been changed/improved since inclusion)

The change logs:

v 1.37

>Changed Diplomatic traits tooltips to be all about percent changes rather than ratios

>A few tweaks to AI's reactivity to player's designs

>A few tweaks to traderoutes income

>Removed the extra 2 traderoutes for the homesystem

>Base invasion power now 75% of Military Power (until i can redo the techtree to make invasion modules to come sooner)

v 1.36

>Added extra requirements for Governors to build system defenses (min industry)

>Added extra requirements for Governors to build habitats (Almost max pop)

>Added minimum industry requirement for most improvements

>Removed all AI bonuses/maluses to weapons and defenses; Ships will perform the same regardless of difficulty

>Added Military power modifier for traits that improve ship's combat capabilities

>Added Invasion power modifier for traits that improve Empire's troops (read planet defense)

>Military now only provide half itself in invasion power; Effective invasion requires invasion modules

>Removed limitation of base stats skills; you can pick 3rd one regardless of class like in stock game now

>Further fleshed out the differences between all the diplomatic traits.

>Changed cost reduction and monopoly; Now 5% 10% 15% then 25%, and monopoly is set to 10.

v 1.35

>Updated the mod to game version 1.1.17

>Fixed anomaly reduction bug (improvement was missing)

>Fixed support module tooltips error

>Toned down trade bonuses

>Trade gives more Dust than research now

>Ressource abundance is set to 20 (4 in vanilla); you need a lot more to get substancial cost reduction

v 1.34

>Updated the mod to game version 1.1.4.

>Further tweaks to AI's battlecards choices.

>Buffed Radar link card to 25% (10% on block).

>Changed Short circuit to be -20% (-10 on block).

>Renamed Short Circuit to Tracking Disruption (More fitting for what it does).

>System Control recovery is now affected by population and realtive defense value; high defense takes more time to recover than low defense.

>System Control recovery and Invasion now have a minimum of 1% a turn and a max of 50%.

>Ships without repair modules heal 20% a turn in allied space, 5% a turn elsewhere (had changed it before, not sure why it was reseted).

>Rebalanced the races to make use of the trait cost changes made in 1.33.

>Changed Cloning trait; now decrease food consumption rather than make food on bad planets (this was an OP trait IMO that made Horatios difficult to beat).

>Changed Legendary Heroes traits: Now increase XP earned rather than a flat XP bonus. Removed upkeep bonus.

>Changed Stellar Guardian to increase detection range rather than influence (Too OP otherwise due to expansion mechanics).

>Added some missing german translations (Someone need to check them out though).

>Planet's approval is now averaged between colonies in system; less hassle to colonize large systems.

>Returned ship design names to default; i will find new names for them next version as i want them to be localized.

>Fixed tech tree bug (some missing improvements caused a crash).

v 1.33

>Set AI to have no more than 2 colonization fleets at once (like stock game).

>Lowered Disapproval penalty for new colonies.

>Set some parameters to help the AI pick appropriate planets to colonize.

>Fixed errors in StarSystemImprovement.xml.

>Added a parameter to forbid AI to build certain improvements if cashflow is too low.

>Set minimum turn before random events occur to 50 instead of 20 (that way we can set a few colonies before being hit by potentially bad random events).

v 1.32

>Reverted planet yield changes, now use Save the Sowers inspired ones (slightly changed).

>Planet population capacity altered a bit.

>Terraforming cost redone; now less expensive and less difference between tier (kept a slight difference between planet size).

>Reverted tech cost changes: Now changed the values set in GameSpeedDescriptor.xml instead (easier to change them from there). Set to X2.

>Did some changes to governors so they are less likely to build improvements not related to their promary function.

>Lowered outpost base defense to vanilla levels; should be easier to conquer outposts.

>Rebalanced traits effects and cost (closer to Save The Sowers but with some tweaks).

>Fixed Tolerant not getting it's disapproval discount.

v 1.31

>Changed research cost: First level is now 80, and each level after is about 2.5 times the cost of the previous level.

>Pilgrims AI won't build Fleet evacuation in system under their own Influence, only in outposts or systems under enemies influence (screw them less that way).

>Fixed some power modules giving insane amount of Military power (typo).

>Fixed missile evasion/interception values (they were not displaying second digit so they seemed to have the same power).

v 1.30

>Fixed Gas Giant colonization bug (should work now).

>Fixed Elite Defenders having no weapons (Bug was i removed low tier Elite weapons, they could not mount them).

>Harvester skill bug: Had set it so low it was bellow 1 dust per CP, so it was rounded to zero.

>Set Governors so they don't survey moon before system has at least 3 population.

v 1.29

>Fixed the Tundra terraforming bug.

>Fixed the INTERPLANETARY TRANSPORT NETWORK Arctic planet's bug (was misspelled Artic).

v 1.28

>Fixed AI not updating it's ships because of missing lines in ShipDesignTemplate.xml.

>Upped neutral system research and dust to 70% instead of 50%.

>Systems under enemy influence now 50% research and dust instead of 25%.

v 1.27

>Lowered Pilgrim's fleet cost to 600.

>Fixed Ocean World fids (had 2 less fids than other tier 1 planets).

>Fixed food refrigeration, it's now +20 and not +0.2 (a typo).

v 1.26

>Colony modules are no longer usable on Corvette and Destroyer Hulls (x3 Seed tonnage on them to forbid it).

>Missile Barrage card rebalanced: -15% interception evasion rather than +20% missile accuracy.

>Missile Evasion / Intrception are now % (ie 0.5, 0.6 etc).

>Increased maximum ship designs to 18. Should be enough smiley: stickouttongue. (the scroll function don't seem to work, can't increase it more).

>Removed a few low level elite modules to avoid end game module overlapping.

>Reworked AI's designs templates; should have more balanced fleets now.

v 1.25

-Increased Pilgrim's evacuation fleet cost to 1000.

-Evacuation ships now large (dread) sized, 1200 hp and cost 3 CP.

-CIS-OORT SATELLITES now only increase detection radius, not influence.

-2nd and 3rd scout modules now allow spying of enemy fleets.

-Small tweaks to AI personalities.

-Tweaks to starting ships (meant to fix the endless beginner ship spam).

-Planet food production no longer can be negative (was causing issues).

-Returned "Food Refrigeration" as a +20 food system wide.

-Fixed anomaly reduction bug (had restricted them to tiny planets by mistake).

-Added further restrictions to AI's war declarations.

v 1.24

-Added missing German translations (thanks to Vanavaramban).

-Added missing French translations (thanks to me :P).

-Fixed Pirates spawning without weapons.

-Added missing anomaly colorations.

-Tweaked planet's colorations.

-Made a few adjustments to system improvements.

-Increased pilgrim evacuation cost to 350; also added a restriction so the AI don't use it on their home system.

-Made a few tweaks to research priorities so AI upgrade it's weapons sooner.

-Fixed a mistake in colony values that made population move toward the biggest planet regardless of food support (now act like normal).

v 1.23

-Re-balanced Planet's yield and maximum population; Lower tiers have better FIDS at the cost of Population and Approval.

-Re-adjusted down terraforming cost (about half cost on average).

-Terraforming cost is now dependant on planet size (20% increase per size).

-Added a small effects from Stars.

-Made adjustements to traits effects (hopefully help balance the races).

-Lowered approval effects of planets by 20%.

-Readjusted effect of ownership; outposts now produce only 50% dust and research.

-Friendly influence reduce dust and research by 25%, enemy by 75%.

-Toned down a few system improvements.

-Sophon support module discount reduced at 25% (from 50%).

-Tolerant trait now also provide a reduction to planet's approval penalties.

-Endless War now disable trade completely (remove all trade routes and forbid any trade buildings).

*You can still make some treaties related to cease fire though.*

-Reworked AI's research priorities.

-Fine tuned each faction priorities.

v 1.22

-Improved Hero's skill weighting for the AI.

-Lots of adjustments to AI.

-Increased odds AI retrofit it's ships.

-Pirates no longer get dust and research from kills (they don't need it, may fix some issues).

-Pirates no longer can use Elite weapons.

-Fixed Advanced Amoeba Defender design ("ModuleWeaponShield" oddness).

-Camouflage card now called Flak: Now increase flak count by 50% instead of 40% effectiveness.

-Added new cards: Polarized Hull, Reactive Armor, Sensor Mirage, Anti-Ship Warhead, Radar Link.

-Added restrictions to cards so they don't show up on fleet that don't need them (no check for enemy fleet).

*Also less confusing when you have lots of cards to chose from*

-Shuffled a few technologies around to make room for the new cards.

v 1.21

-Halved approval traits (too powerful under new approval system).

-Fixed Crop Genetis 1.

-Removed % increase from armor (made armor too good).

-Did some AI tweaks.

-Changed many Hero's skills to be base attributes based (ie effects grow along base stats).

-Added a small dust and research income from destroyed ships as default for everyone (2 dust and 1 research).

-Reduced Armor bonus from Traits (now 15 and 30, like the negative ones).

-Buffed some food improvements to be in line with other buffed improvements.

-Buffed the likelyness AI will colonize in-system planets.

-Increased cost of armor.

-Did a few adjustments to system improvements

-Did a small fix to calculations of population production.

-Added a small default XP per turn for idling ships.

v 1.20

-Now most heroes skills are percent based (looking at you admin!), no more instant buff.

*This should finally make all classes equal: no more flat boost to industry or science, or anything else.*

-Corporate trade skills now also buff money generation in system (rational: Inter-colony trade).

*Help make all Corporate Skills desirable regardless of what or how we play.*

-Made another balance pass to heroes skills.

-Prevened certain Hero's skills combos from being picked (like Hyper-driven and Consultant, same thing, only one or other).

-Did another pass at Ai's weighting choices for improvements.

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:26:02 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
what do you mean by "same type of weapon take same space"?

Just that they don't increase in weight with level like in stock game. Did that because of the issue with missiles where spamming cheap missiles was more effective than using the high tech ones due to better flaks stopping the same amount of missiles than low tech ones but taking more space to do so. So to keep things balanced, i made the other weapons not change weight too.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:15:55 PM
Why can't I download it? can you upload it somewhere? maybe I don't have the privilege¬
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 1:47:35 PM
yorkgrass wrote:
Why can't I download it? can you upload it somewhere? maybe I don't have the privilege¬


Steph'nie wrote:
Try Chrome (Unless you are using it already D: !). Some users are having issues with Firefox when trying to download an attachment and being endlessly redirected to the login page.

Let us know if you managed to download it!
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 2:23:34 PM
Thanks for your reply, well I was using Chrome, and I couldn't download it, it redirect me to log in page, but I used IE to download it, it worked!
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 2:38:53 PM
Well, for those interested, i have a new version in the work. In the released one i had not changed the power modules nor checked the armor ones, the new version will have improved ones. In my current test game Kinetics are quite powerful, but i don't know if it's because i have a lead in tech or it's because the AI struggle to build proper ships (often face ships with no or little kinetic defenses). Maybe i will have to check the ship design too or raise the difficulty level a notch.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 5:44:22 PM
Thanks for making this mod, I will try to test it as best I can and give feedback when I have some time over the next few days.

But I am curious, is this intended primarily for SP or MP, or both? because if MP, i think you need a much more controlled test than just against the AI ships, which may or may not be equipped well.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 9:36:56 PM
Affinity wrote:
Thanks for making this mod, I will try to test it as best I can and give feedback when I have some time over the next few days.

But I am curious, is this intended primarily for SP or MP, or both? because if MP, i think you need a much more controlled test than just against the AI ships, which may or may not be equipped well.

Thanks for trying it smiley: smile. I want my re-balance to be both SP and MP, so for MP i would need players to try it smiley: smile. I haven't tried MP so i don't know much about it exept what i learned reading comments (MP is unstable, players tend to abuse missiles etc). Would be cool if i could try some MP at some point to see how it goes (but i'm still learning how to play the game against AI, i'm sure i'm not ready for MP yet).
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 2:18:52 AM
Uploaded version 1.02 of this mod. Made a few fix to the power modules so they follow the new mechanic for kinetics and improved the armor upgrades so they provide obvious upgrades (sometimes the latest version was not the right answer depending on the ship it was on). Enjoy!
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 4:50:13 AM
one thing you may consider that i did for my mod:

increase the length of phase 4, this way kinetics will be crucial when powers are even. in this case, unless enemy or yuy decide to flee before phase 4 or there is more likely to be a winner. and this case, kinetics only become powerful when missile/laser power can not give us a result.

so in detail:

i change phase 2 to 2 turn, because missiles are only one shot per phase anyway, (but invole many changes, firstly let missile reach target in 1 turn instead of 3, so they will still hit within this phase, thus you have to double the flak interceptionaccuracy by X2). phase3 remain the same, phase 4 increase to 6 turns. (I halve th laser power by give them 1 turn recharge. so it become less effective than kinetics, to compensate i increase the accuracy in phase 2, so it more like a all range weapon now, but just a bit weaker compare to other 2.)
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 5:33:55 AM
Alright, I haven't played for very long, but just looking at these changes here are my impressions:

For all weapon and defense modules, I will be referring to military tier 3 unless otherwise mentioned.

Missles and flak: Missile tonnage is 12, flak tonnage is 4. Compared to base game where defense mods are almost equal. I understand what you are trying to do here, I really do. But if you put 10 of those on a destroyer, (120*.8 = 96 tonnage) then I can counter that completely with only 40 tonnage of my own. Hell, If i only put 8 flak mods on I will kill almost all the missiles anyway, so that's 32 tonnage to nearly negate 96 tonnage, and that's with the destroyer -20% bonus. I know this is meant to kill the glass cannon missile boat strategy, but I'm pretty certain this is a few steps too far. Flak was already good, with this mod missiles are so easy to counter they're laughable smiley: stickouttongue

I think for missiles, if you still want to give a better defense for destroyer spam, perhaps make the missile to flak tonnage ratio 3:2 instead of 3:1. Even then I fear that missiles will be too easy to defend against.

Lasers and shields

Ohhhh boy. The tonnage here is more in line, laser to shield tonnage ratio 8:6. That's better, only a small change from the base game. But wait, 1 shield mod absorbs 30 damage while the weapon only does 15 average damage??? (and that's not taking accuracy into account, either) So i can completely counter 2 of your laser mods, 16 tonnage, with only one of my shield mods, 6 tonnage. The result is the same as the missiles, I can counter lasers super easy, since you need almost 3x the tonnage that i do, to do exactly no damage.

Kinetics and deflect

Well, you did it, you made kinetics viable. smiley: approval I think you did your job too well though. Without even looking at the kinetics/deflect stats I can tell you they are the best weapon in this mod by far. Here, 10 tonnage in weaponry is countered by 2 deflect modules, 12 tonnage. So kinetics you actually need a little more tonnage to completely negate the weapon mods. This is actually pretty similar to the ratios w/o mod. Increasing the number of projectiles per salvo as ships level, which *should* be the major focus of this mod, I'm still not sure about, and I'll have to try some more tests before I form an opinion. It is an interesting idea, though.

Other notes:

i like the +5% accuracy support mod, that would go great in the game.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 5:54:05 AM
yorkgrass wrote:
one thing you may consider that i did for my mod:

increase the length of phase 4, this way kinetics will be crucial when powers are even. in this case, unless enemy or yuy decide to flee before phase 4 or there is more likely to be a winner. and this case, kinetics only become powerful when missile/laser power can not give us a result.

so in detail:

i change phase 2 to 2 turn, because missiles are only one shot per phase anyway, (but invole many changes, firstly let missile reach target in 1 turn instead of 3, so they will still hit within this phase, thus you have to double the flak interceptionaccuracy by X2). phase3 remain the same, phase 4 increase to 6 turns. (I halve th laser power by give them 1 turn recharge. so it become less effective than kinetics, to compensate i increase the accuracy in phase 2, so it more like a all range weapon now, but just a bit weaker compare to other 2.)

ehhhhhh be careful altering the missile rounds. I see what you are trying to do there, but you are severely altering the way flak works. Taking away those 2 rounds does more than you think. Doubling the interception accuracy does not fix this.

If a flak shoots down a missile, then the next round it changes targets, meaning that a single flak module can potentially shoot down 2 or even 3 missiles in a phase. If your interception accuracy is high enough, your single flak mod can counter 3 of there missile mods.

Here is a thread that explains it:


Looking at this formula, taking away 2 of these rounds makes flak very very bad. In the round before the missile hits, flak has ~21% chance to take it down. in a normal game, the chance for flak to take down a missile is over 90%. Quite a difference.

Doubling the interception accuracy means

rand(0,26interceptionaccuracy)*1 > 10evasion: 0-10 miss, 11-26 kills missile. 16/27 = 59.2%

much less than the 90% for regular missiles

EDIT: After reading some old posts about how missiles interact with flak, I am no longer confident in the above calculations, nor any others that I have seen. I will try to confirm or disprove myself soon....i hope
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 1:40:41 PM
Affinity wrote:

EDIT: After reading some old posts about how missiles interact with flak, I am no longer confident in the above calculations, nor any others that I have seen. I will try to confirm or disprove myself soon....i hope

Please do so, a lot of my changes are based on this, and it really hard to test it when the change cannot be set to extreme! thx!
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 2:07:45 PM
Affinity wrote:

Missles and flak: Missile tonnage is 12, flak tonnage is 4. Compared to base game where defense mods are almost equal. I understand what you are trying to do here, I really do. But if you put 10 of those on a destroyer, (120*.8 = 96 tonnage) then I can counter that completely with only 40 tonnage of my own. Hell, If i only put 8 flak mods on I will kill almost all the missiles anyway, so that's 32 tonnage to nearly negate 96 tonnage, and that's with the destroyer -20% bonus. I know this is meant to kill the glass cannon missile boat strategy, but I'm pretty certain this is a few steps too far. Flak was already good, with this mod missiles are so easy to counter they're laughable smiley: stickouttongue

I think for missiles, if you still want to give a better defense for destroyer spam, perhaps make the missile to flak tonnage ratio 3:2 instead of 3:1. Even then I fear that missiles will be too easy to defend against.

You can have more than one ship firing missiles at one target, that's what i had in mind with the tonage. Flaks don't stop missiles of the same tier 100% of the time, they just get 3 tries (each try failed is likely to let one missile hit). Don't forget that with enough missiles, it doesn't matter what tier the flaks are, missiles will get through. They also have rather heavy damage, with high criticals, you don't need many missiles to get through to do crippling damage. Besides, did you notice the boost i gave to missile evasion for the Cruisers? That should help make some viable missile boats.

BTW, did you notice the changes i made to the destroyers?

Lasers and shields

Ohhhh boy. The tonnage here is more in line, laser to shield tonnage ratio 8:6. That's better, only a small change from the base game. But wait, 1 shield mod absorbs 30 damage while the weapon only does 15 average damage??? (and that's not taking accuracy into account, either) So i can completely counter 2 of your laser mods, 16 tonnage, with only one of my shield mods, 6 tonnage. The result is the same as the missiles, I can counter lasers super easy, since you need almost 3x the tonnage that i do, to do exactly no damage.

I did that to the lasers because all you need to do to make them work is increase damage; you can do it rather easily with power mods or using an Offensive focussed Hero. That's why i boosted the amount the shields could block relative to the guns (but they still do a bit more damage than the shields can soak with a high roll). Lasers are still the most polyvalent weapon due to their accuracy and how easy it is to manage.

Kinetics and deflect

Well, you did it, you made kinetics viable. smiley: approval I think you did your job too well though. Without even looking at the kinetics/deflect stats I can tell you they are the best weapon in this mod by far. Here, 10 tonnage in weaponry is countered by 2 deflect modules, 12 tonnage. So kinetics you actually need a little more tonnage to completely negate the weapon mods. This is actually pretty similar to the ratios w/o mod. Increasing the number of projectiles per salvo as ships level, which *should* be the major focus of this mod, I'm still not sure about, and I'll have to try some more tests before I form an opinion. It is an interesting idea, though.

My changes to kinetics do work well, but i guess i have to spend some time messing with the AI's designs as they really suck. I will work on this today, maybe that could give us a better idea on how well my balance changes work.

Other notes:

i like the +5% accuracy support mod, that would go great in the game.

Ships also get a small boost to accuracy as they level up, and i did include another small boost in Adaptative strategy. I am a bit reluctant to add too much accuracy by fear it would make range irrevalent. Still, Hisshos (sp) are rather deadly with their sniper trait; they are murderous with kinetics :P.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 10:48:38 PM
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 11:30:59 PM
iblise wrote:
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If you know to write that, you can also write the answer. Please try with a second browser, such as firefox if you use IE, etc. This is a forum bug which has remained unfixed for 1+ year.
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