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Remove Expansion Disapproval

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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 8:45:57 PM
For those who want a more traditional, grab as much land as you can and fight for more, experience. I'm not fully sure this will work, but in sharedassests17 (where else?) find this line (in notepad++): (-20% global difficulty) . Then, scroll down to the difficulty that you play on and edit the lines:
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 4:14:44 AM
Thank you so much for this! This will really spice things up with impossible AI game rushes, where the only thing that used to hold back rapid expansion was having to worry about tax rate management and approval tech research. smiley: smile Now everyone's pretty much happy (or more so ecstatic).

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11 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 3:17:56 PM
burton300 wrote:
For those who want a more traditional, grab as much land as you can and fight for more, experience. I'm not fully sure this will work, but in sharedassests17 (where else?) find this line (in notepad++): (-20% global difficulty) . Then, scroll down to the difficulty that you play on and edit the lines:

The over OverColonizationStarSystemCount define after how many systems the disapproval kick in... So the super duper way to get rid of ED is to set it higher than the maximum number of system you can get... Say 300.
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11 years ago
Apr 22, 2013, 6:50:06 PM
I suppose then you just ramp up the overpopulation disapproval to counterbalance it then?
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 6:50:00 PM
I think I understand what to do, but I don't see how to find the lines I need to edit, all I see is lines an lines of text that makes no sense to me. I think I may be using the wrong notepad++, could someone direct me to the one that they have made this work with?
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 6:59:13 AM

I would like to reduce the effects of overpopulation and expansion disapproval but are unsure how to do it.

So far i found this settings in this file: GameDifficultyDescriptor.xml (Steam\steamapps\COMMON\Endless Space\Public\Simulation)

"OverPopulation" Value="3" OperationType="Soustraction" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassStarSystem" TooltipVisibility="false"/>

OperationType="Multiplication" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassStarSystem"/>

"OverColonizationStarSystemCount" Value="2" OperationType="Soustraction" Path="ClassEmpire" TooltipVisibility="false"/>

"OverColonizationApproval" Value="4" OperationType="Multiplication" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassStarSystem"/>

Is this the right place to adjust this settings?

Can someone help me understand what this different settings does?

"OverPopulation" Value="3"

"OverPopulationApproval" Value="1

"OverColonizationStarSystemCount" Value="2"

"OverColonizationApproval" Value="4"

Thanks for any help smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 15, 2014, 8:30:33 AM
Could somebody post a download link for the modded version? I can't quite get mine to work. Thanks.
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 7:28:58 PM
Looking at the xml files can indeed be intimidating, so let me break these values down as I understand them.

"OverPopulation" lists the highest population value at which you do not suffer a penalty to Approval.

"OverPopulationApproval" lists the approval penalty per person above the limit.

"OverColonizationStarSystemCount" lists the highest number of owned star systems that will not cause a penalty.

"OverColonizationApproval" lists the approval penalty per star system above the limit.

As far as I understand, the game calculates these penalties as min([Population-OverPopulation]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval and min([ColonizedStarSystems-OverPopulation]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval and then subtracts them from System Approval. Or in more easily understood words: It subtracts the limit from the current value, though the result can not be less than zero, multiplies that by the penalty factor, and then subtracts that from the system's approval.

I may have used the wrong property in the formula for Expansion Disapproval, since I didn't go an check which of the three possible values the xml uses, but I hope I provided a general idea of how these values work, anyway.

I did also prepare a few mods that remove Expansion or Overpopulation disapproval for both Vanilla and Disharmony. I encourage you to take a look at the xml, anyway. I learned quite a bit the game never tells you that way.

No Approval Penalties (Vanilla).zip

No Expansion Disapproval (Vanilla).zip

No Overpopulation Disapproval (Vanilla).zip

No Approval Penalties (Disharmony).zip

No Expansion Disapproval (Disharmony).zip

No Overpopulation Disapproval (Disharmony).zip
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 2:46:59 PM
cat your formula is wrong

it should be Max([Population-OverPopulation]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval and Max([ColonizedStarSystems-OverPopulation]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval and not with the min formula to calculate the difference since you search for a difference where your population or number of star systems supercedes the numbers in the xml file properties before the negative multiplier is applied

otherwise with the min it should be:
Min([OverPopulation-Population]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval and Min([OverPopulation-ColonizedStarSystems]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 6:25:05 PM
Thanks for the catch. That's what I get for completely changing my post halfway through. I should start to write my posts up in a txt file again.

However, I see you're not immune to oversights, either, as OverPopulation does not relate to ColonizedStarSystems in any way.

So, once again, and this time (hopefully) without errors:

Max([Population-OverPopulation]; 0)*OverPopulationApproval for OVerpopulation disapproval, and and Max([ColonizedStarSystems-OverColonizationStarSystemCount]; 0)*OverColonizationApproval for Expansion Disapproval.
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