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Multiplayer Names

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10 years ago
Apr 7, 2014, 4:16:16 PM
Hi All,

Had an idea and wondered if anybody knew how easy this would be to implement.

The problem I have with the game when playing a competitive game against friends is that you know upon meeting a race who they are. For AI this doesn't matter so much but when you meet your friends knowing who is who influences how you play the game. There are a number of times when I have met a highly skilled player and known that I should not take any outposts of theirs for fear of inflicting their wrath, or a less skilled player I might not have any defence prepared against because I knew the chances of them ever fielding a fleet worth worrying about was minimal. Whilst it helps me, I find it an unfair and unrealistic advantage.

So is there a way that rather than naming each race after the human player's Steam ID instead it names them after the race they are playing? I suppose that additionally this would require the colours to be applied after the start of the game so that you couldn't remember that 'Bob' was green, for example.

Any help or thoughts I would be interested to hear
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10 years ago
Apr 8, 2014, 5:49:27 PM
Really good idea for folks who play together often and know each persons strategies in and out. Too bad, I dont think there is an obvious way to do this.

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10 years ago
Apr 8, 2014, 5:54:12 PM
I actually like this as an option. If people want to play this way why not. Could make for some fun diplomacy.
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10 years ago
Apr 10, 2014, 11:37:37 AM
I have very little knowledge in these parts, does anybody know how big a mod that would be required to facilitate this?

Is there not a simple line of code that prints which could be replaced by

And then another part that enables random race colours?
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