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How do you customise Faction Portraits?

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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 4:23:16 AM
I want to make a Quarian Empire. I like the provided ships already but I want to change the race to Quarian or Turian from Mass Effect.
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2014, 12:26:29 PM
This involves making a mini mod. The steps are setting up a mod as described in the mod tutorial, creating a new xml element Ill provide below, and adding it to Faction.xml. For your factions images the Small, Large, and Wide refer to paths relative to your index.xml. So in the same folder as index.xml create a folder named 'Gui' and add your images there. I know the icons can be jpg files but I think png files will work as well. The small icon likes to be 32x32, the large likes, 128x128, and I think the wide can be as huge as you want. Do not include the file extension in the icon path. The wide icon is the image displayed on loading screens while you play that faction but Ive only been able to get it to show up by editing the asset files directly. smiley: frown

Now setup your images and add this xml block to Faction.xml smiley: cool



The Quarian race from Mass Effect.




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