This mod attempts to re-balance combat to create clearer combat mechanics as well as greater distinction between weapon classes and defense modules while preserving the original theme of the weapon classes.

This mod will eventually be integrated into CACHE:

IMPORTANT: Industry Cost and Military Power of modules still need to be balanced. Feedback greatly appreciated.

- All weapons classes are divided into three specializations: Heavy (high damage, low accuracy), Light (balanced damage and accuracy), Tracking (low damage, high accuracy)

- Kinetic Weapons fire four times per phase with a high chance to score critical hits, but offer the lowest damage and critical multiplier of weapon types

- Laser Weapons fire two times per phase with balanced damage, critical hit chance, and critical multiplier

- Missile weapons fire once per phase with very high damage potential and rare but devastating critical hits, but can be stopped completely by Flak

- Deflectors (percentage weight) provide Defense against Kinetics, as well as against Lasers and Missiles if at least one of the respective defense modules is present

- Shields (flat weight) provide Armor hit points that recharge every turn

- Flak (flat weight) has a chance to intercept incoming Missiles

- All Hull types (except Transport hulls) receive a bonus shared across factions to further define their roles

- Evasion Orientation has been removed. To-hit chance should always be attacker's Accuracy - target's Evade, -0.1/+0.1 at long/short range

- Hull Weakness set to 100 for all hulls, so 1 point of Defense always grants +1% effective HP increase

The following elements have not yet been modified:

- All Support Modules (Armor, Power, Engine, Repair, Tonnage, Invasion)

- Fighters and Bombers

- Battle Cards

- Heroes

- Faction-specific bonuses across all hull types

- Invasion-related bonuses by weapon type are being considered

Known Issues:

- AI ship templates have not yet been reworked, so the AI may perform slightly worse than usual.

- For some reason, the AI freezes up at times. I am yet to determine if that's a problem with this mod, or with my game.

- Not all tooltips have been implemented. Some do not show up for still unknown reasons.

- Compatibility without access Vaulters currently unknown, but should not be a problem.