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A mod for peaceful conquest?

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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 10:55:42 AM
Hi guys,

I'm new here (I didn't even know ES had mods actually). I looked around the forum a bit but don't see anything about capturing systems with influence (like culture flipping in Civ).

Are there any mods out there that have this or that are working on this? I think it would make a great option to allow for peaceful conquest and/or cultural domination.

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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 6:52:32 AM
I don't want to say it isn't possible - I mean, nothing is impossible - but with the way the XMLs are right now, it would be beyond difficult to do. The core game isn't set up to allow for it.
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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 7:13:49 AM
Well.....as it stands you can do a 'hostile takeover' by having your influence push into a enemy at cold war's system, and moving your fleet in, as theirs can't move into your space, allowing you to "Peacefully" move in.

But sometimes the enemy gets mad and just declares war.

But as for modding culture flipping....I dunno, you might be able to apply a siege value to influence some how and have that take systems, but I feel you might always need a fleet to initiate the take over.

Currently, inside another influence it reduced the effect of population adding to system defence and how much money the system makes, so even if you don't take them, you do kinda pacify them.

The XML could do it, but the game engine might not even be set up to allow it, so who knows.
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10 years ago
Aug 5, 2014, 11:51:30 AM
I've been missing that feature myself, but I don't think there's any way to mod it in. It might be possible to slowly decay ownership of a system when under the influence of an enemy empire, but I don't think modding in an ownership change would be easy.

I really hope they'll add something like this for Endless Space 2, if it ever happens.
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