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Next Faction for Endless Civilizations mod ! (2)

Universe : Starcraft
Universe : Battlestar Galactica
Universe : Assassin's Creed
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10 years ago
Aug 19, 2014, 10:32:30 AM
I think a lore friendly civilization can be nicer than an civilization from an another univers...

Their is the harmonies which can't stand the dust, may be dust-being can be a good idea, and it will need only dust to survive.

May be their are a experiment of the endless to enhence dust, the overexploitation of the dust made them rise, or beings using dust to enhance them self made the dust alive, etc...

But I think it's a good idea.
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10 years ago
Aug 19, 2014, 10:44:45 AM
I agree with Ecervele. This is why I almost NEVER use mods. I don't like lore-breaking or universe-breaking modifications. I just can't do them!

So give us another option for EL or something smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Aug 19, 2014, 1:33:33 PM
In my opinion, in an "Endless Space", you can encounter Endless kinds of races and factions. I found fun to play as the Imperium and being able to recruit Chuck Norris or Darth Vader !

Basicly, this mod was only for me. But I saw that you enjoyed it and so I began the polls and combinated mods together (Endless Diversity+Endless Genetic+My mod) as you more or less asked me to.

I dont like lore breaking at all but... I dont like current lore at all, there is no campaign and no immersion, so what ? How can you break the lore which is non-existant or barely representated ?

By the way, I cant mod EL because all my work would be lost when the full game will be released ^^

And I will not waste my time anymore in suggestions on the EL forum, never, it disguted me. smiley: frown

But dont worry, I will work on as soon as it is released !
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10 years ago
Aug 27, 2014, 3:06:42 PM
Well, it looks like a draw ! But Mythology was the most asked last week so we have a winner smiley: smile

Any ideas for the new mythology faction ? smiley: smile
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