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Request - Population limit remove

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10 years ago
Nov 9, 2014, 1:22:13 PM

I have this idea. For harder game:

Population can go beyond the population limit (a] up to the max of a huge planet can have? 12? or b] max to 5 overpopulation per planet?), but it will costs you great penalty. FIDS drop, approval drop. 5% per 1 overpopulation? So, it will literally force you to move to another planet or even star system or... to remove improvements and let people die... harsh decisions in a harsh world. It will also make population limit technology more important.

Is it even possible to do?

For b] it could be combined with new technology on expansion tree, near the end, that would let you control the population, and stop the overpopulation. It should be expensive.

Thx for any replies!

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10 years ago
Nov 9, 2014, 5:57:30 PM
Another idea: If we are advanced enough to travel the universe, why can't we just have birth control?

Not being able to control your population and being forced to colonize is such a third space world thing.
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