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Can you get Vaulter ship designs and Craver diplomacy figure?

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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 1:53:12 AM
I started playing again (after 1.1.48 patch) and found I really like the Vaulter affinity and ships, but I kinda want the Craver pictures and diplomacy figure in game (for custom faction). I went inside the custom faction faction xml file and changed all the pictures to craver pictures, but the loading screen, ships and diplomacy is still Vaulter. So they look like Craver until game starts now. Any way to fix this? and if possible could I play online with this? (how would it affect what the other plays see as well?)

Me personally, I wouldn't call this cheating since I'm not gaining an advantage in the game in any way (cosmetic changes don't affect gameplay).

Also what do all these specific tags mean? Like:

Hidden="false" Not included in the code I posted below, but what does this mean if I put true? and are there hidden factions?

Name=" What can I put inside the " marks? and what does it do?

%AffinityMappingSwarmTitle yeah...I get what the %AffinityMappingSwarmTitle means but what exactly does this tag do to my faction in game?

AffinityVaulter I assume this is the custom factions affinity

AffinityMappingVaulter Then is this one the appearance in game?






I tried searching for an answer but couldn't find one.
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 4:22:52 AM
Bumping because I'd like to know this as well.

May as well answer some questions too, while I'm at it, with some extra information from my faction's file.

* = ones asked about

* Hidden="false" When you set this to true, from what I gather, it will hide it in the list. I haven't tested it, but I will tonight.

* Name=" This is the custom name you set the faction, I believe. It will appear encoded, though.

Standard="false" I don't know about this one. Maybe this will allow it to be listed with the other vanilla factions?

LocalizedName="___" This is the non-encoded version of Name.

LocalizaedDescription=" ... " I don't need to explain this one :3

The following stuff after this, I'm not very sure though =/

Will have to do more indepth testing.

Next bit will be edited as I test and observe, initial notes right now are crap.

%AffinityMappingTerranDescription = related to appearance

= related to appearance, obviously loading screen graphic. Apparently doesn't work?


Small="Gui/DynamicBitmaps/Factions/terranLeaderSmall" />

%AffinityMappingTerranTitle = Title for selected appearance?

0 = wouldn't have a clue, need to test

AffinityHarmony = Obvious

AffinityMappingTerran = Maybe appearance in game, as suggested? Must test

= Self explanatory

So yeah, I'm curious but don't have much information to help. Mainly posting to have somewhere to edit my findings, and to bump this in case someone else sees it and knows. Or in the off chance @Griffon has figured it out and never posted again to say so.
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 9:15:58 AM
"CustomFaction" wrote:

[Attribute("Name")] The name of the faction, or the faction this custom faction is based on.

[Attribute("Author")] Steam ID of player who created the faction.

[Attribute("Standard")] Custom factions are copies of standard factions. Only standard factions can be copied. Ex. 'Random' Faction

[Attribute("Hidden")] Should faction be visible to the player. Hidden factions are like Pirates faction.

[Attribute("LocalizedName")] Used by user entered custom faction name. Text is considered localized by the user who entered it.

[Attribute("LocalizedDescription")] Used by user entered custom faction description. Text is considered localized by the user who entered it.

[Element("Affinity")] Basically a super trait.

[Element("AffinityMapping")] Derived from 'Trait', handles appearance in game.

[Element("Traits")] Reference list to existing trait names.

[Element("Gui")] Nested instance of 'GuiInfo', Dont name the gui element here. GuiInfo does not need a name while nested.

Many elements use a nested GuiInfo. The properties here are only used in context if they are needed in game.

"GuiInfo" wrote:

[Attribute("Name")] Name of the gui element

[XmlElement("Title")] Used for tooltip titles.

[XmlElement("Description")] Text description.

[XmlElement("ColorCode")] Hexadecimal color code surrounded with hash marks ex. #71D557#

[XmlElement("CharCode")] Integer used to sort item in gui lists. Alternative to alphabetical sorting.

[XmlElement("Tags")] Still not sure about this one.

[XmlElement("Text")] The gui element text value.

[XmlElement("Icon")] Used by gui is various places. Contains asset paths.

[XmlElement("Tooltip")] Used in mouse over tooltips. Contains tooltip items.

Hope that helps explain the elements some.
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