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Heavy Nova Mod Launched

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11 years ago
Jun 15, 2013, 7:33:12 AM
I just want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts.

This is the only mod I currently use and I'm really pleased with it.

I hope you continue improving it.
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11 years ago
Jun 6, 2013, 1:07:03 AM
I added the specs for the defense modules to the design document in the latest version. Let me know if you need anything else.
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11 years ago
Jun 8, 2013, 4:46:55 AM
Version 1.2

Raised the research priority for key technologies: heavy isotope refineries, lasers, shields, and magnetic field generators.

Updated the ship templates to allow the AI to pick the defenses (losing race specific ship designs).

Increased corvettes weight to 75 to solve a problem with weaponless ships.

Added the localization folder to the mod directory so ship names are displayed correctly.

Calculated the MP for modules (instead of estimating) so fleet strengths are more accurate.

Increased offensive retreat by 1 round so kinetic weapons have time to reach target.

Increased the weight of weapons to reduce lethality (favoring shorter range weapons) and spray from larger fleets.

Increased allied healing percent to reward returning to a friendly port for repairs.

Reduced weapon accuracies so the best weapon for the range stands out more.
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11 years ago
Jun 9, 2013, 6:17:29 PM
Version 1.3

Minimized the number of corvettes in enemy fleet composition because they are rendered obsolete by destroyers.

Reduced missile damage and increased kinetic weapon damage to balance the weapons out.

Normalized the missile interception accuracy and evasion to 2 and 9 per tech level. 3 tries at 2 equals 6 in 9. Halved by competing dice rolls results in 33% chance.
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11 years ago
Jun 11, 2013, 12:42:19 AM
Version 1.4

Doubled invasion module strength to make colony defense buildings more useful and necessary.

Gave missiles +33% MP and kinetics -33% MP to account for range impact on military power.

The cost of weapons and defenses now scale to twice as high so ships are not produced too quickly by late game economies.
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11 years ago
Jun 12, 2013, 10:49:05 PM
Version 1.5

Redesigned the AI for research and colony improvements using a new technique that makes the computer controlled factions more effective.

You can now use the balanced governor to develop your star systems using my strategy or with a bit of work change the priorities.

Added color coded planetary anomalies.

Improved normal pirate difficulty to provide a smooth progression.

Removed the resource requirements for hulls to encourage larger hulls in AI fleets.
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11 years ago
Jun 14, 2013, 12:50:16 AM
Version 1.6

The AI will only build habitat improvements when the star system population is almost full.

The AI will research planet colonization technologies sooner.

The AI will only build ship quality improvements when a star system has a minimum industry of 50, 100, 200, and 400.

The evil races will place a higher priority on fleets while the good races prioritize colony development.

The evil races tend to rush to war while the good races tend to prepare more first.

The evil races tend to be more paranoid while the good races tend to be more trusting.

The good races tend to value peaceful relations more than the evil ones.

All races will become more hostile to a faction that gets too far ahead.

Made lasers short range and kinetic weapons medium range because it fits better with the fire rate and projectile speed required to balance the range advantage.
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11 years ago
Jun 1, 2013, 3:16:48 PM
Heavy Nova rebalances fleet combat in Endless Space Classic

Here are some reasons you might want to try it:

1. The fleet battles look better and the visuals now accurately reflect the actual damage being done.

2. The other factions are more challenging with properly designed ships and improved AI.

3. You will get a smoother progression through the campaign because all items increase proportionally.

4. More strategies and choices are viable because costs and benefits are more closely balanced.

Heavy Nova is available on SkyDrive:

Design Document: no longer available

HeavyNova.zip: no longer available
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11 years ago
Jun 15, 2013, 2:16:48 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't think anyone was using the mod. I'm currently trying to get the AI to colonize more vigorously in the beginning of the game because that's why they lose in my games. I'll post 1.7 after I play test it.
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11 years ago
Jun 16, 2013, 5:35:41 AM
Version 1.7

Fixed several problems that prevented the AI controlled factions from performing well.

I used to steamroll over the other factions on serious difficulty. Now, at turn 80, I'm in second place, I just lost one of my fleets, and I'm not sure I'm going to win.
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11 years ago
Jun 18, 2013, 3:00:37 AM
Version 1.8

Tweaked the AI personalities for balance, variety, and effectiveness.

Minor adjustments to the AI research order based on play testing.

Improved the AI templates for destroyers based on play testing.

Increased the cost of corvette hulls to discourage the AI from building them.

Granted Sowers the entrepreneur trait because they tend to lag behind the other factions as a result of cash flow problems.
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11 years ago
Jun 21, 2013, 8:13:14 PM
Version 1.9

The AI for research and star system improvements is now balanced between following an optimal path and responding to changing conditions.

Improved AI ship design templates.

The AI/governors will not build approval buildings when the star system approval is already ecstatic.

The AI/governors will not colonize a planet unless the star system approval is content or above.

The AI/governors will only build defense improvements when the star system has enough money to cover the upkeep or it is blockaded.

The AI/governors will build Abundant Luxuries with the lowest priority.

Adjusted weapon accuracies to make lasers more useful.
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11 years ago
Jun 21, 2013, 10:01:40 PM
I'm quite proud of what I've been able to accomplish with the AI.

Here is an example of Endless Space with the Heavy Nova AI.

These are the settings for the game. 8 races in a spiral galaxy on serious difficulty. I'm using a custom faction with all the best traits.

Here is the score at 50 turns. I'm playing as LT411. Notice that I'm in 4th place. They never used to be able to outgrow me like that.

Here is the battle for the center at 50 turns. I was only able to grab two star systems. The Amoeba have 3, the Sophons 2, the Sowers 1, and the Automatons 1. All the factions are now competitive.

Next comes the fleet engagements. They have all three weapon types and defenses available by now. They have destroyers and will soon have cruisers. They have repair modules in all their ships. They have enough command points to group their ships into dangerous fleets. Most of the tricks used to get an advantage are gone. They should put up a great fight.

I can't beat the game on serious any more.
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11 years ago
Jun 24, 2013, 5:27:28 AM
Version 2.0

Redesigned the difficulty levels. See design document for details.

Redesigned the faction personalities. See design document for details.

Removed power and repair modules from corvette templates because the game always installs the largest which doesn’t leave enough space for weapons late in the game.
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