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Big Galaxy Generation with Auriga and Wonders

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10 years ago
Feb 19, 2015, 4:06:12 AM
Can anyone tell me if Auriga and Wonders locations are assigned by GalaxyGeneratorPlugin.dll? I am trying to use Dagobert's version instead but can't see Auriga when I do. I saw some mention of the number of unique worlds being set by the registry.xml but believe that it is generated as part of the galaxy creation process.

1. Which files determine the number and locations of the Wonders?

2. Which files determine the number and locations of Unique Planets?

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10 years ago
Feb 19, 2015, 7:41:16 AM
Well for galaxy generation everything is handled by the .dll, it draws its info from a number of files but a quick test for auriga would be to simply take amoeba for testing purposes and look around, you can see all the wonders and what is or isnt showing up.

To my knowledge auriga always spawns 100% of the time, normally.

The Alternativ Galaxy Generator hasn't been updated in quite awhile, pretty sure last iteration was just after disharmony came out and while it might handle auriga( not sure about that), it most certainly does not handle npc vaulters at all.

So if it even works successfully it won't spawn vaulters as they were only unlocked for everyone without dungeon of the endless on patch 1.1.54

Anomalies are determined randomly based on settings in GalaxySettings.xml which is in the folder for the normal galaxy generator

Data on wonders doesnt seem to relate to the above file and is contained in /simulation/PlanetDescriptor.xml

Data on auriga is contained in /simulation/UniquePlanet.xml

Registry.xml only contains entries delineating the number or endless and natural wonders to generate based on galaxy size

I don't have a recent enough version of the AGG to have any data on updates to its files

To my knowledge absolutely nothing "determines" the locations of wonders that is randomly decided and Registry.xml only determines their numbers vs galaxy size
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2015, 4:26:43 AM
I have been running Amoeba for testing purposes and found that the vaulters spawn fine but never have Auriga spawn as I think it is in the .dll of the new galaxy generation. Also I don't think I have seen the new "Soil Summoner" wonder so I wander if the .dll selects which one comes out.

However I am wanting to know the location of the registry file as mine looks like this:

I am about to uninstall and reinstall as I want to know if Steam has some issues. Still on the new vanilla Auriga spawns without any mention I can see of unique planets in the registry.xml
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2015, 4:37:20 AM
There are two registry.xml in the base install.

One is in \SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Endless Space\Public_xp1 and that one contains next to nothing.

The other is in D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Endless Space\Public_xp1\Simulation and that one contains all the references to both quantities of wonders and quantities of unique planets(1 of course).

It does not in any way deliniate where they spawn that is a random process controlled by the dll for the galaxy generator.

Also keep in mind it is far more likely an issue with the generator than with steam as the last version of the AGG is quite old.
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10 years ago
Feb 20, 2015, 11:42:09 AM
It was in that file I found the error so I am now able to generate Auriga. They did not have unique planets defined for Gigantic and Enormous. I still think it may not be generating all the wonders though but with all the extra planets they are harder to findsmiley: sarcastic
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