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Help changing faction specific ship bonuses

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9 years ago
Jun 4, 2015, 9:10:02 AM

Using ES Gold, so with disharmony.

I'm trying to change the different ship bonuses, like -50% seed tonnage on most transports.

In public_xp1/simulation I found the file ShipDescriptor.xml which seems to be the correct file to change this. So I tested it with Sheredyn, changed the default bonuses into this. Click for google doc.



But in-game I got an error in the ship designer, which forced me to exit the game. I was able to see that the transport had no bonuses at all now, the colonization module took a full 110 tonnage.

So either I made a mistake somewhere, or there's more to it than just editing this file.

Edit: I was wondering perhaps I can only swap existing bonuses? I changed some of the values into previously unused values, like "SupportModulePowerWeightBonus" Value="-0.75"

Edit 2: Solved: I *think* the problem was having more than 2 bonuses on a single ship class. I've done some messing around and it seems to be working now - I've successfully changed the Sheredyn ship bonuses. I haven't tested beyond destroyers yet though, so I can't be 100% sure yet. Have also been able to use unused values like -0.35, so that's another theory out the window.

Edit: While asking questions, i'm ALSO wondering if it's possible to entirely remove the tech and by extent the ability that allows travel outside of the navigation lanes. Actually pretty sure it's possible, so just need to know how. I assume there would be no problems with AI with such a change.

Edit 3: Solved: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16237-disabling-specific-techs


I was also wondering if it would be possible to edit the different hull stats in hull.xml and if the AI will make use of these changes. Most specifically I am wondering if increasing tonnage on ships will still allow the AI to fill up their designs to the max tonnage available. Basically I would like to increase destroyers and battleships in size a bit, as well as their costs. And then change dreadnoughts into a true power house, massively increasing their tonnage, increasing CP costs and making them extremely expensive.
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9 years ago
Jun 9, 2015, 3:42:58 AM
I think your looking for the ai . These allow the faction ai to create specialized ship designs for a hull. These are different than the ship designs players can create and unlock in game.

Heres a little overview of ship things..

The binds the visual representation of the ship (Ship reference) and holds all the base gameplay stats.

A has prefab binding along with additional gameplay stats.

The contains a list of and a . This is where all the module and hull stats come together. There are also AIParamters properties, I think these are used by various ai to calculate strategic value and construction priority.

These are used by the ai to generate special named “Repartitions” of a specific ship design. It can use these repartitions to implement different strategies for the base design such as “High Defense and Repair”, “Colonizer with engine and one cheaper without”.

You may want to read this post. Ail has done a lot of work with ship templates so check out his other related threads too.

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