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No Teraforming

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9 years ago
Sep 11, 2015, 12:41:31 AM
I tried to figure out how to remove techs from the tree but didn't have much luck, anyone out there that can help or throw together a mod that just removes all teraforming options from the game?
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9 years ago
Sep 11, 2015, 1:33:48 AM
Are you playing with the disharmony expansion? I'll assume you are. If not, the instructions should probably be the same but use the "Public" folder instead.

Step 1. Back up your Public_xp1 folder somewhere, for when you want to restore your game or if you screw up.

I'll give you two methods to do this.

Method 1: Fast and dirty

1. Go to "Endless Space\Public_xp1\Simulation\PlanetImprovement.xml"

2. Delete all the TerraFormation entries. Start at the very first "" tag and delete everything in between. Make sure you don't delete the anomaly reductions and wonder restorations that come afterwards.

3. Save the file and start the game. I'd recommend starting a new game instead of loading one. I've tried this method and tested it for five minutes and it worked fine. It may crash the game if you load a save file where somebody (you or AI) is in the middle of terraforming.

Method 2: Slower and less dirty

1. Go to TechnologyExpansion.xml

2. Find unlockable tags that mention terraformation and delete them (or comment them out). Basically you're locking for a line like "" and you'll remove that entire line. Do that for all lines like that but only for unlockable tag.

3. Start game

Method 3: Actually correct

There's a way to load mods so that instead of directly editing the game files you select mod files to be loaded or something. I only make mods for myself so I haven't bothered learning that. I'm sure you can find that information somewhere but you only really need it if you're interested in distributing your mod.

I dabble in modding and I'm not sure how much background knowledge you have about it. If you have any other questions or my instructions were unclear go ahead and ask.
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9 years ago
Sep 11, 2015, 6:24:48 AM
ok so method 2 didn't work for me, it appeared to do nothing by commenting those lines out, deleting them gave all sorts of errors

method 1 worked fine, terraforming techs are blank, will need to try a full game to be sure

I also used method 3, I play with a friend against AIs and want a better challenge than rushing for the best planets

question, will this also stop the AI?
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