Logo Platform
logo amplifiers simplified


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9 years ago
Aug 9, 2015, 7:27:48 AM
This is a mod developed for use by us an our friends, now being released for the first time to the community.

Given its origin, this mod has changed a lot of things that we didn't like about the game, and a lot more

things where we looked at a mod (usually incompatible with the latest version of the game) and said "Oh, Cool!"

This is a complete overhaul of...

- Anomalies (much stolen from TiaxModv1.0.4)

- Heros (Inspired by Heroic Attributes)

- Faction Traits (heavily modified from Genetics Lab and Endless Genetics)

We have also changed...

- Game balance (mostly modified from "Enhanced")

- Orbital improvements and planet expansion (indirectly from Imperium Aeterna)

- Ported a LOT of code to be really hard to break by game updates

We're interested to see what the community has to say about this mod, especially if you see any bugs or imbalances.

Have fun smiley: smile


Known Bugs:

- Tooltips for Optimistic/Pessimistic are wrong. Gain/loss is 4 per level. How do I change the graphic?

- Hissho has too many points but is about properly balanced, suggesting some imbalance in point costs


- Revive dead upgrade category for starting ships

- Redesign basic ships

- Heros should have more differentiators

- Perhaps they could be a "Corrupt Administrator" or a "Brilliant Commander"?

- Unique buff/debuff on each hero?

- Hero descriptions should match their stats better

- Should Headhunter: Administrator/Commander both come default and free?

- Population gain from moons doesn't make sense as a system improvement. Move to planet upgrade dependent on moon exploration?

- Stages for anomalies 52, 53, and 54

- Playable pirates?

- In-Game menu ordering for system upgrades?

- Better AI use of anomalies

- Disharmony version?

- Port more code to be really hard to break with game updates

- Make alternative index.xml files for each major feature category

Version History:

v Changes

- Balance tweaks (mostly species pre-builds)

- Bug fixes (Black Thumb had a positive cost, etc)

v Changes

- Ported the base game races to use the new abilities (keeping original intent)

- Increased value of endless war and made it exclude all other diplomatic traits

v Changes

- Moved most of the rest of the traits (EG and GL) into the script

- Finished merging duplicate abilities with their base-game counterparts

- Balance Tweaks

v Changes

- Moved a bunch of traits in from Genetics Lab

- Added some basic defense of each type to all types of armor (1/4 ratio)

v Changes

- Moved 1/2 of EG into a script to increase information density

- Merged 1/2 duplicate traits from EG into their traits from the base game

- Disabled Corporate, Pilot, and Adventurer headhunting abilities

v Changes

- Made changes inspired by Arrataz's "Heroic Attributes" (ideas only, no code)

- Merged hero class Corporate into Administrator

- Merged hero class Pilot into Commander

- Split Adventurer traits into the remaining classes

- Increased hero level cap to 25, and made it much harder to get there

v Changes

- Re-balanced large chunks of traits from EG to not be mind-numbingly unbalanced

v Changes

- Most component mods rewritten to avoid incompatibility with future game updates

v Changes

- Integrate ZZGashi's "Endless Genetics" without anomaly related traits

- Changes From Uncle_Joe's "Enhanced" Mod

- Added "SystemRazedDuringTurn == 0" as a condition of death

- Auriga Ruins restoration

- Battle card descriptions

- BattleDescriptor.xml

- Colinization module cost reduction

- Take strategic and luxury resources into account for AI star system colonization priority

- Game speed balance changes

v Changes

- Integrate Tiax's "TiaxModv1.04" and ported to the modern game

- Add my own changes inspired by Klaus' "RealisticTerraforming"
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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2015, 12:04:41 AM
Tried it, but.... won't work.

Most options I look at are same - research tree, etc.

seems to try to do something with the Hero tables, but throws an error when you go into the Hero screen (something about array index out of range?)

Later in game, throws another 'array' error, but now can't command ships to move.

Can't test any further, so don't know if the Imperium Aeterna changes are same... especially in regards to being able to terraform planet sizes, etc.

Otherwise, sounds good. When might you be able to finish it for Disharmony?
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2015, 3:16:51 AM
Lots of views.

No replies.


As it seems Endless Space does not have a way to take Screenshots, and the normal 'Steam' method isn't working, and the 'Windows' method isn't working.... iunno how to take a screenshot of the error messages.

And it's a bear to get it from one screen and type it here.... But....

Upon entering Hero tab to select and hire a Hero

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array Index is out of range.


HeroCard.SetContent (.Hero hero, HeroCardMode mode, HeroAssignmentType assignmentType)


*** Shows 1 hero - (1) 3. Builder.v7, then 2... of something... (24) Sandor Clegane

Builder.v7 has only one attribute (Commander?), but the other two are blank.

Select 'Continue Playing', and it moves Builder.v7 up to Hire, and can assign - but doesn't seem to actually assign.

Any time you clear the error message by selecting 'Continue Playing', you can click on the hero selection boxes, and get the same error message again, and prompt to 'Exit Game', or 'Continue Playing' ***

After playing game a while - around Turn 15? (this time playing, not certain it's at same point every time)

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range


Hero.GetUnlockableAbilities (System.Collections.Generic.List`1& unlockables)

EducationMinister.GetBestAbilities (.HeroInfo heroInfo, Single abilityPoints)

EducationMinister+c_Iterator46.MoveNext ()

Coroutine.Run ()

Coroutine.RunFor (Single seconds)

AI+c_Iterator9.MoveNext ()

Coroutine.Run ()

LocalPlayerControllerUpdate ()

GameState_PostBeginTurn+c_Iterator95.MoveNext ()

Coroutine.Run ()

GameState_PostBeginTurn.Run ()

FiniteStateMachine.Update ()

** Same choices - but error message re-appears after advancing the game a turn. EVERY turn **
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9 years ago
Sep 30, 2015, 1:24:05 PM
Getting the same. Was really looking for a simple anomaly/terraforming/endless genetics mod.
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